119 research outputs found

    Redistributive Effects of Fiscal Policy across the Income Groups in the Urban-Rural Areas of Pakistan

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    There exist a large number of studies related to the estimates of government budgetary redistributive effects and its related problems with regard to different countries of the world.1 Studies of the impacts of government expenditures and taxes in Pakistan have been conducted within the framework of either incidence of taxes or the impact of expenditures across the income groups. The studies carried out by Azfar (1972); Jeetun (1978); Alauddin and Raza (1981) Malik and Saqib (1985, 1989) cover different aspects of taxation—tax incidence, progressivity or regressivity of the tax system across the income groups/individuals and regions. These studies did not discuss the expenditure side of the budget. Shirazi (1996) analysed the impact of government transfer programmes (Zakat and Ushr) across the income deciles. Ghaus (1989) studied the incidence of provincial and municipal government service-related expenditure benefits in Karachi metropolitan and therefore, the scope of her study was limited to one city only. Despite the existence of a rich bibliography on the subject of government redistrbutive budgetary effects and its related problems, no study is available which covers the overall redistributive impacts of government budgetary policy in Pakistan. This study explores the impacts of government expenditures and taxes on the distribution of income across various income groups along with net fiscal impacts in the urban-rural areas of Pakistan. The rest of our study is organised as follows. In the following section, Part II, we describe the methodology and data set. In Part III, the results of the study are presented. The Part IV concludes the paper

    Nosocomial infections and their control strategies

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    Nosocomial infections are also known as hospital-acquired/associated infections. National Healthcare Safety Network along with Centers for Disease Control for surveillance has classified nosocomial infection sites into 13 types with 50 infection sites, which are specific on the basis of biological and clinical criteria. The agents that are usually involved in hospital-acquired infections include Streptococcus spp., Acinetobacter spp., enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Legionella and Enterobacteriaceae family members, namely, Proteus mirablis, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens. Nosocomial pathogens can be transmitted through person to person, environment or contaminated water and food, infected individuals, contaminated healthcare personnel's skin or contact via shared items and surfaces. Mainly, multi-drug-resistant nosocomial organisms include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumonia, whereas Clostridium difficile shows natural resistance. Excessive and improper use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, especially in healthcare settings, is elevating nosocomial infections, which not only becomes a big health care problem but also causes great economic and production loss in the community. Nosocomial infections can be controlled by measuring and comparing the infection rates within healthcare settings and sticking to the best healthcare practices. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides the methodology for surveillance of nosocomial infections along with investigation of major outbreaks. By means of this surveillance, hospitals can devise a strategy comprising of infection control practices


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    A 40-year-old premenopausal female presented with foul-smelling per vaginal discharge for 3 months. Diagnostic work revealed a locally advanced primary malignant melanoma of uterine cervix. The patient declined pelvic surgery and was treated with Dacarbazine. Malignant melanoma is a rare tumour of skin and has been ranked in the top ve cancers of Australia and Sweden. It is a tumour of melanocytes which forms melanin pigment in the skin. In men, the most common site is trunk while in females common site is limbs. However, melanoma can arise from mucosal surfaces where the melanocytes are present. Most common mucosal sites are head and neck followed by female genital tract. Key words: Cervix, dacarbazine, malignant melanoma

    Identifying the problems, solutions, and challenges in referral writing: A Scoping Review

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    Abstract Background Both primary care physicians and other specialists are not satisfied with the quality and content of written communication between colleagues(1).  There is need of identifying the factors that lead to this dissatisfaction. Many of these are discussed in literature such as communication skills, teaching and assessment of referral writings to undergraduates, and lack of validated tool for evaluation of referral(2). This article is scoping review of literature for finding the problems, solutions, and challenges in referral writing. Methods The databases utilized for finding various referral systems are PubMed, ERIC, Pakmedinet and Google scholar. The article included in the study was 12 which were identified through PRISMA. These 12 articles were reviewed by two authors. (FA and TA) The first step was the application of Qualsyst criteria and then the two authors analyzed the final 12 articles for thematic analysis independently. Results The problems, solutions and challenges in referral writing were found after the thematic analysis by two authors. The multiple challenges regarding referral writing include the fact that details about the inadequate data written in referral letters, lack of teaching and learning strategies and lack of proper communication between physicians. There are many solutions like teaching and assessing the referral writing skills, introducing reflection and feedback to improve the skill among young doctors. Moreover, teaching the art of referral writing should include in the medical curriculum. Conclusion Referral writing is an important part of medical communication. A good quality referral will save time in management of patients. It will also enhance the outcome of patient management. There is need of teachings about communication skills in undergraduates and postgraduates students

    Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing River Indus Sand and Recyclable Concrete Aggregate

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    In Pakistan construction Industry, concrete construction is cheaper than the other construction methods with respect to that construction materials demand rises. The 75% volume of total concrete fill with aggregate which contributes to decrease the natural aggregate resources day by day. The best solution for this problem is to utilize River Indus sand and recyclable concrete aggregate as fine and coarse aggregate respectively. In this research the River Indus sand and recyclable coarse aggregate were fully replaced with normal aggregates. The aim of this study was to examine the flexural and tensile performance of concrete containing the River Indus sand and recyclable concrete aggregate. The physical properties were also examined which include the sieve analysis and chemical composition of River Indus sand. The M15, M20 and M25 grade were analyzed at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days water curing. The results define that, flexural strength was reduced from 5% to 15% compared to normal aggregate whereas tensile was decreased from 1% to 1.8% at 28 days water curing

    Assessment of Hearing Loss by Audiometry - Our Experience at Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Objective: To analyze the results of pure tone audiometry in the terms of age, sex, and type of hearing loss attending the hospital with the complaint of hearing loss. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, patients attending Benazir Bhutto hospital with complaints of hearing loss were included. The data analysis was done under the terms of age, sex and unilateral/bilateral, and type of loss after pure tone audiometry of every case. The type of hearing loss was determined as conductive, SNHL, and mixed hearing loss. Results: There were 47 patients. Males were 34 (72.34%) outnumbering13females 13(27.66). Adults were44 (93.61%) and children were 3(6.34%). Mixed hearing loss was28 (59.57%)% compared to conductive hearing loss 15 (31.91) and SNHL4 (8.51%). Conclusion: Hearing loss is more common in adults and more prevalent in males. It is mostly bilateral. Mixed hearing loss is more common as compared to conductive and SNHL respectively. Sociacusis is to be taken seriously. &nbsp
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