11 research outputs found

    Embodied science and mixed reality: How gesture and motion capture affect physics education

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    Abstract A mixed design was created using text and game-like multimedia to instruct in the content of physics. The study assessed which variables predicted learning gains after a 1-h lesson on the electric field. The three manipulated variables were: (1) level of embodiment; (2) level of active generativity; and (3) presence of story narrative. Two types of tests were administered: (1) a traditional text-based physics test answered with a keyboard; and (2) a more embodied, transfer test using the Wacom large tablet where learners could use gestures (long swipes) to create vectors and answers. The 166 participants were randomly assigned to four conditions: (1) symbols and text; (2) low embodied; (3) high embodied/active; or (4) high embodied/active with narrative. The last two conditions were active because the on-screen content could be manipulated with gross body gestures gathered via the Kinect sensor. Results demonstrated that the three groups that included embodiment learned significantly more than the symbols and text group on the traditional keyboard post-test. When knowledge was assessed with the Wacom tablet format that facilitated gestures, the two active gesture-based groups scored significantly higher. In addition, engagement scores were significantly higher for the two active embodied groups. The Wacom results suggest test sensitivity issues; the more embodied test revealed greater gains in learning for the more embodied conditions. We recommend that as more embodied learning comes to the fore, more sensitive tests that incorporate gesture be used to accurately assess learning. The predicted differences in engagement and learning for the condition with the graphically rich story narrative were not supported. We hypothesize that a narrative effect for motivation and learning may be difficult to uncover in a lab experiment where participants are primarily motivated by course credit. Several design principles for mediated and embodied science education are proposed

    If the gear fits, spin it!: Embodied education and in-game assessments

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    Item does not contain fulltextTwo embodied gears games were created. Better learners should use fewer gear switches to reflect their knowledge. Twenty–three 7th graders, playing as dyads, used gestures to manipulate virtual gears. The Kinect sensor tracked arm-spinning movements and switched gear diameters. Knowledge tests were administered. Statistically significant knowledge gains were seen. For Game 1 (gear spun one direction), switching significantly predicted only pretest knowledge. For Game 2 (gear spun two directions) switching was also negatively correlated with both tests. For game 2, those who used fewer switches during gameplay understood the construct better scoring higher on both tests. Dyadic analyses revealed the winner used significantly fewer switches. In-process data can provide a window onto knowledge as it is being encoded. However, games should stay within the learner's ZPD, because if the game is too easy (Game 1), meaningful data may be difficult to gather. The use of in ludo data from games with high sensitivity may attenuate the need for repetitive traditional, post-intervention tests.26 p

    Semi-virtual Embodied Learning-Real World STEM Assessment

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    Embodied Games, Next Gen Interfaces, and Assessment of High School Physics

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    Item does not contain fulltextIn this worked example we present ongoing research in the realization and evaluation of a new mixed-reality learning environment called SMALLab. Within SMALLab, students interact in real time with each other and with dynamic visual, textual, physical, and sonic media through full-body 3D movements and gestures. The environment fosters embodied and multimodal learning in a manner that brings together contemporary research in the learning sciences and human-computer interaction. The need for new approaches to science education and a recent study of SMALLab learning in a high school physics classroom are presented. We describe a game-based scenario for learning about constant velocity. We present an assessment framework that integrates a variety of measures to provide a broad view of SMALLab-facilitated learning in a formal school context. The primary focus of this study is to explore the impact of SMALLab learning on representational fluency. Results suggest that embodied activity in SMALLab scenarios with multiple representations (i.e., representing physics constructs graphically, algebraically, verbally, etc.) is strongly related to better performance on more traditional measures of representational fluency. The current study is one component of a longitudinal examination of the efficacy of embodied SMALLab learning

    Teaching and Learning in the Mixed-Reality Science Classroom

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    Item does not contain fulltextAs emerging technologies become increasingly inexpensive and robust, there is an exciting opportunity to move beyond general purpose computing platforms to realize a new generation of K-12 technology-based learning environments. Mixed-reality technologies integrate real world components with interactive digital media to offer new potential to combine best practices in traditional science learning with the powerful affordances of audio/visual simulations. This paper introduces the realization of a learning environment called SMALLab, the Situated Multimedia Arts Learning Laboratory. We present a recent teaching experiment for high school chemistry students. A mix of qualitative and quantitative research documents the efficacy of this approach for students and teachers. We conclude that mixed-reality learning is viable in mainstream high school classrooms and that students can achieve significant learning gains when this technology is co-designed with educators