8 research outputs found

    Digital Audio Mixer Behringer X Air XR18 sebagai Media Pembelajaran Audio di Fakultas Desain dan Industri Kreatif Universitas Dinamika

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    Penelitian ini berjudul: “Penggunaan Digital Audio Mixer Behringer X Air Xr18 Sebagai Pembelajaran Di Fakultas Desain Dan Industri Kreatif Universitas Dinamika”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pembelajaran tentang penggunaan mixer audio digital sehingga meningkatkan kualitas mahasiswa dalam membuat dan menciptakan komposisi musik, aransemen musik, dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi sebuah hubungan tiap variable satu dengan variable lainnya sehingga ditemukan materi dalam penelitian. Proses perancangan penelitian ini menggunakan mixer audio digital Behringer X Air Xr18 dan logic pro, software ini digunakan sebagai acuan dalam mengembangkan musik dan juga mempermudah Controlling Operational System (COS) yang dikeluarkan oleh suara dari audio pada speaker. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan pada analisis dan juga sampel data yang didapatkan dari data-data yang ada di Universitas Dinamika, menunjukkan bahwa secara menyeluruh penggunaan alat hingga hasil penciptaan karya mempunyai efektifitas dan pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perkembangan di Universitas Dinamika, serta dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam membuat musik, membuat aransemen musik, yang ada di Indonesia baik dalam rumpun akademisi maupun rumpun masyrakat umum yang juga bergerak dalam bidang seni khususnya seni musik. Nantinya musik dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu bagian dalam menghadapi era distrupsi saat ini

    Peran Anggaran dan Realisasi Anggaran Produksi Film Independen dalam Perspektif Akuntansi

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    The purpose of the study is to conduct an in-depth study of the stages of the production process starting from pre-production, production and post-production at independent production houses in recording, acknowledging, disclosing and presenting in an accounting perspective based on the budget and budget realization. The research method used qualitative methods based on literature studies / literature studies and interviews, while data analysis using interpretive discourse analysis techniques is used as a source of literature and informants with studies according to fields and science. The findings in this study reveal the budget management of independent film production houses which is closely related to making short-duration films where the realization of financial activities is carried out to finance all filmmaking activities from pre-production, production and post-production. Meanwhile, recording, presenting, and disclosing financial activities have not been fully carried out by production houses in managing their finances to be submitted to stakeholders. The contribution of this research elaborates and proves that financial activities in the field of cinema need to be a concern in managing, recording, disclosing and presenting their financial activities. The results of this study prove that recording, preparation and budget management are realized by obtaining funds from various sources and realization of expenditures through cash activities to meet the needs of pre-production, production to post-production of films

    Prototype Design of Monitoring Comrade Application (MONITOR KAWAN) during the Work From Home Period

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    The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic prompted the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to hold regional community celebration activities to emphasize the deaths of Indonesian citizens due to the Covid-19 virus. Restrictions on community activities require 50% of workers in the essential sector and 100% of non-essential workers to work from home (WFH). Many companies rely solely on daily worker reports sent via email. The place to work during WFH is important to anticipate the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. If employees work more in cafes or public working spaces, the risk of transmitting the Covid-19 virus is higher. This study aims to design an application prototype for WFH employees that can access the website and android called Monitor Kawan. The website-based application is designed for company administrators, while employees and company leaders will use the Android-based application. This application works using the location point of the employee's Android device, which will be stored as an employee travel history


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    The directing of the program Ludruk Banyolan Kartolo (LBK) is carried out and influenced by elements of production, and itsaesthetic is formed in such a way that the LBK program can be packaged and broadcast in a way that is appropriate and canalso be enjoyed by the television audience. The directing of LBK is influenced by production elements such as the synopsis,program director, floor director, production assistant, camera operator, sound engineer, lighting engineer, and artistic arranger.The directing of this program can also be viewed from two strategies, namely the visual strategy, which is influenced by thecharacterization, dramatic plot, and the way in which the dramatic plot is created, and the media strategy, which is influencedby the techniques used for taking pictures and editing. The result of the LBK program, which is analysed and studied from theperspective of AAM Djelantik’s aesthetics, and viewed from the point of view of its form, quality, and appearance, shows thatthe properties used are still inadequate since the situation and conditions of every segment are the same. In addition, theuniformity of materials, costumes, and properties must also be addressed in order to improve the packaging and result of theshow. Keywords: show, program, Ludruk Banyolan Kartol


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    This study is based on the curiosity of the author regarding of aspects of the characterizations contained in the program JTV Surabaya namedBanyolan Kartolo (Kartolo Jokes), especially the episode 273 with the title“Setoranâ€.The study focused on the art of dramaturgy and the division of roles on the player.This study uses a qualitative research especially the fenomenology approach.With this approach disclosed to any phenomenon that occurs in the production of Kartolo Jokes. Data were analyzed using an interactive model, namely data reduction,data presentation,and then draw conclusions.The results of this study indicate that the elements that exist in Ludruk characterization Kartolo Jokes.In the jokes only use three types of roles which the protagonist,antagonist and extras.Supporting element is the script,directors, steering studio, production assistants, camera person, lights man, sound engineers, and artistic director. Keywords:Ludruk,BanyolanKartolo,JTV Surabaya,and Dramaturg


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    TK Islam Mutiara berdiri diawali dari terbentuknya Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Jiwa Nala dikenal dengan Yayasan Jiwanala. TK Islam Mutiara adalah lembaga swasta yang berdiri sejak tahun 1990. Berdasarkan spreadsheet (data) yang ada, dapat dilihat penerimaan siswa baru selama 3 tahun terakhir di TK Islam Mutiara Surabaya mengalami penurunan. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh banyak hal, seperti: banyaknya taman kanak-kanak di setiap kecamatan, jarak taman kanak-kanak dengan tempat tinggal, besarnya biaya pendidikan, strategi promosi, dan faktor lain. Pada Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini, bahasannya akan difokuskan pada strategi promosi. Selama ini promosi yang dilakukan oleh TK Islam Mutiara Surabaya melalui penyebaran brosur, media sosial (Instagram), dan website. Namun website yang tersedia jarang diperbaharui isi berita tentang sekolahnya. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini, mengatasi kesulitan yang berkenaan dengan kegiatan promosi TK Islam Mutiara Surabaya khususnya promosi pada media sosial instagram, dimana dengan menggunakan media sosial ini sekolah dapat menampilkan video tentang profil sekolah. Pembuatan video profil sekolah ini, ditunjang dengan guru pengajar yang memiliki telepon genggam, sehingga dapat membantu proses pembuatan video profil sekolah, yang pada akhirnya dapat membantu mempromosikan TK Islam Mutiara Surabaya. Hasil yang didapat antara lain: naskah tentang profil sekolah TK, pengetahuan tentang proses produksi video profil sekolah menggunakan telepon genggam dengan aplikasi Viva Video. Hasil jadi video profil sekolah dapat digunakan sebagai media promosi. Dengan terselesaikannya Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini, para peserta pelatihan menghendaki pelatihan lanjutan untuk mengembangkan diri di bidang pengembangan video pembelajaran