5 research outputs found
Inclusion of GBS cases (DK, FI, FR, NL, NO, SE, UK), influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 immunization period (influenza A(H1N1)vac), and percentage of flu positive cases among all tested per country (Flu pos. DK, …, Flu pos. UK; Source: ECDC 2011) over total study period.
<p>Inclusion of GBS cases (DK, FI, FR, NL, NO, SE, UK), influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 immunization period (influenza A(H1N1)vac), and percentage of flu positive cases among all tested per country (Flu pos. DK, …, Flu pos. UK; Source: ECDC 2011) over total study period.</p
Guillain-Barré syndrome occurrence during follow-up and during the 6-week (42 days) risk periods following influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccination and infection.
<p>Guillain-Barré syndrome occurrence during follow-up and during the 6-week (42 days) risk periods following influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccination and infection.</p
Inclusion of vaccinated cases (% of population) over study period.
<p>Inclusion of vaccinated cases (% of population) over study period.</p
Sources of cases, exposure and covariate information per country.
<p>Sources of cases, exposure and covariate information per country.</p