4,962 research outputs found

    A Multifunctional Processing Board for the Fast Track Trigger of the H1 Experiment

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    The electron-proton collider HERA is being upgraded to provide higher luminosity from the end of the year 2001. In order to enhance the selectivity on exclusive processes a Fast Track Trigger (FTT) with high momentum resolution is being built for the H1 Collaboration. The FTT will perform a 3-dimensional reconstruction of curved tracks in a magnetic field of 1.1 Tesla down to 100 MeV in transverse momentum. It is able to reconstruct up to 48 tracks within 23 mus in a high track multiplicity environment. The FTT consists of two hardware levels L1, L2 and a third software level. Analog signals of 450 wires are digitized at the first level stage followed by a quick lookup of valid track segment patterns. For the main processing tasks at the second level such as linking, fitting and deciding, a multifunctional processing board has been developed by the ETH Zurich in collaboration with Supercomputing Systems (Zurich). It integrates a high-density FPGA (Altera APEX 20K600E) and four floating point DSPs (Texas Instruments TMS320C6701). This presentation will mainly concentrate on second trigger level hardware aspects and on the implementation of the algorithms used for linking and fitting. Emphasis is especially put on the integrated CAM (content addressable memory) functionality of the FPGA, which is ideally suited for implementing fast search tasks like track segment linking.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to TN

    Not a drop to drink in the Aral Sea.

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    Evolution of a beam dynamics model for the transport lines in a proton therapy facility

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    Despite the fact that the first-order beam dynamics models allow an approximated evaluation of the beam properties, their contribution is essential during the conceptual design of an accelerator or beamline. However, during the commissioning some of their limitations appear in the comparison against measurements. The extension of the linear model to higher order effects is, therefore, demanded. In this paper, the effects of particle-matter interaction have been included in the model of the transport lines in the proton therapy facility at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland. To improve the performance of the facility, a more precise model was required and has been developed with the multi-particle open source beam dynamics code called OPAL (Object oriented Particle Accelerator Library). In OPAL, the Monte Carlo simulations of Coulomb scattering and energy loss are performed seamless with the particle tracking. Beside the linear optics, the influence of the passive elements (e.g. degrader, collimators, scattering foils and air gaps) on the beam emittance and energy spread can be analysed in the new model. This allows for a significantly improved precision in the prediction of beam transmission and beam properties. The accuracy of the OPAL model has been confirmed by numerous measurements.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figure

    Hysteretic clustering in granular gas

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    Granular material is vibro-fluidized in N=2 and N=3 connected compartments, respectively. For sufficiently strong shaking the granular gas is equi-partitioned, but if the shaking intensity is lowered, the gas clusters in one compartment. The phase transition towards the clustered state is of 2nd order for N=2 and of 1st order for N=3. In particular, the latter is hysteretic. The experimental findings are accounted for within a dynamical model that exactly has the above properties

    Kinetics of step bunching during growth: A minimal model

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    We study a minimal stochastic model of step bunching during growth on a one-dimensional vicinal surface. The formation of bunches is controlled by the preferential attachment of atoms to descending steps (inverse Ehrlich-Schwoebel effect) and the ratio dd of the attachment rate to the terrace diffusion coefficient. For generic parameters (d>0d > 0) the model exhibits a very slow crossover to a nontrivial asymptotic coarsening exponent ÎČ≃0.38\beta \simeq 0.38. In the limit of infinitely fast terrace diffusion (d=0d=0) linear coarsening (ÎČ\beta = 1) is observed instead. The different coarsening behaviors are related to the fact that bunches attain a finite speed in the limit of large size when d=0d=0, whereas the speed vanishes with increasing size when d>0d > 0. For d=0d=0 an analytic description of the speed and profile of stationary bunches is developed.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Potential impacts of genetic use restriction technologies (GURTs) on agrobiodiversity and agricultural production systems

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    Development and application of GURT as an appropriation mechanism may potentially have considerable impact on agriculture, the environment and the food security of rural areas in developing countries. Positive impacts may include increased investments in breeding as a result of increased intellectual property protection. Increased investments may contribute to higher yields and more advanced varieties, and thus to increased food production, a more sustainable production, and better consumer products. Potential negative impacts have been identified as well. These may require further discussion and close attention by regulatory authorities

    Poincar\'{e} cycle of a multibox Ehrenfest urn model with directed transport

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    We propose a generalized Ehrenfest urn model of many urns arranged periodically along a circle. The evolution of the urn model system is governed by a directed stochastic operation. Method for solving an NN-ball, MM-urn problem of this model is presented. The evolution of the system is studied in detail. We find that the average number of balls in a certain urn oscillates several times before it reaches a stationary value. This behavior seems to be a peculiar feature of this directed urn model. We also calculate the Poincar\'{e} cycle, i.e., the average time interval required for the system to return to its initial configuration. The result can be easily understood by counting the total number of all possible microstates of the system.Comment: 10 pages revtex file with 7 eps figure

    The partially asymmetric zero range process with quenched disorder

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    We consider the one-dimensional partially asymmetric zero range process where the hopping rates as well as the easy direction of hopping are random variables. For this type of disorder there is a condensation phenomena in the thermodynamic limit: the particles typically occupy one single site and the fraction of particles outside the condensate is vanishing. We use extreme value statistics and an asymptotically exact strong disorder renormalization group method to explore the properties of the steady state. In a finite system of LL sites the current vanishes as J∌L−zJ \sim L^{-z}, where the dynamical exponent, zz, is exactly calculated. For 0<z<10<z<1 the transport is realized by Na∌L1−zN_a \sim L^{1-z} active particles, which move with a constant velocity, whereas for z>1z>1 the transport is due to the anomalous diffusion of a single Brownian particle. Inactive particles are localized at a second special site and their number in rare realizations is macroscopic. The average density profile of inactive particles has a width of, Ο∌Ύ−2\xi \sim \delta^{-2}, in terms of the asymmetry parameter, ÎŽ\delta. In addition to this, we have investigated the approach to the steady state of the system through a coarsening process and found that the size of the condensate grows as nL∌t1/(1+z)n_L \sim t^{1/(1+z)} for large times. For the unbiased model zz is formally infinite and the coarsening is logarithmically slow.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
