41 research outputs found

    Evaluation of flow schemes for near-neutral pH electrolytes in solar-fuel generators

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    The electrochemical performance of three different types of membrane-containing electrolyte-flow schemes for solar-driven water splitting has been studied quantitatively using 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional multi-physics models. The three schemes include a recirculation scheme with a well-mixed bulk electrolyte, a recirculation scheme with laminar flow fields, and a fresh-feed scheme with laminar flow fields. The Nernstian potential loss associated with pH gradients at the electrode surfaces, the resistive loss between the cathode and anode, the product-gas crossovers, and the required pumping energy in all three schemes have been evaluated as a function of the operational current density, the flow rates for the electrolyte, and the physical dimensions of the devices. The trade-offs in the voltage loss, safety considerations, and energy inputs from the balance-of-systems required to produce a practical device have been evaluated and compared to membrane-free devices as well as to devices that operate at extreme pH values

    An Experimental- and Simulation-Based Evaluation on the CO_2 Utilization Efficiency in Aqueous-based Electrochemical CO_2 Reduction Reactors with Ion-Selective Membranes

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    The CO_2 utilization efficiency of three types of electrochemical CO2 reduction (CO_2R) reactors using different ion-selective membranes, including anion exchange membrane (AEM), cation exchange membrane (CEM), and bipolar membrane (BPM), was studied quantitively via both experimental and simulation methods. The operating current density of the CO_2R reactors was chosen to be between 10 – 50 mA cm^(-2) to be relevant for solar-fuel devices with relatively low photon flux from sunlight. In the AEM based CO_2R reactor with a 6-electron per carbon CO_2R at the cathode surface, an upper limit of 14.4% for the CO_2 utilization efficiency was revealed by modeling and validated by experimental measurements in CO_2 saturated aqueous electrolytes without any buffer electrolyte. Improvements in CO_2 utilization efficiency were observed when additional buffer electrolyte was added into the aqueous solution, especially in solutions with low bicarbonate concentrations. The effects of the feed rate of the input CO_2 stream, the Faradaic Efficiency (FE) and the participating electron numbers of the cathode reaction on the CO_2 utilization efficiency was also studied in the AEM based CO_2R reactor. The CEM based CO_2R reactor exhibited low CO_2 utilization efficiency with re-circulation between the catholyte and the anolyte, and was unsustainable due to the cation depletion from the anolyte without any re-circulation. The BPM based CO_2R reactor operated continuously without a significant increase in the cell voltage and exhibited significantly higher CO_2 utilization efficiency, up to 61.4%, as compared to the AEM based CO_2R reactors. Diffusive CO_2 loss across the BPM resulted in relatively low CO_2 utilization efficiency at low operating current densities. Modeling and simulation also provided target BPM properties for higher CO_2 utilization efficiency and efficient cell operation

    An electrochemical engineering assessment of the operational conditions and constraints for solar-driven water-splitting systems at near-neutral pH

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    The solution transport losses in a one-dimensional solar-driven water-splitting cell that operates in either concentrated acid, dilute acid, or buffered near-neutral pH electrolytes have been evaluated using a mathematical model that accounts for diffusion, migration and convective transport, as well as for bulk electrochemical reactions in the electrolyte. The Ohmic resistance loss, the Nernstian potential loss associated with pH gradients at the surface of the electrode, and electrodialysis in different electrolytes were assessed quantitatively in a stagnant cell as well as in a bubble-convected cell, in which convective mixing occurred due to product-gas evolution. In a stagnant cell that did not have convective mixing, small limiting current densities (<3 mA cm^(−2)) and significant polarization losses derived from pH gradients were present in dilute acid as well as in near-neutral pH buffered electrolytes. In contrast, bubble-convected cells exhibited a significant increase in the limiting current density, and a significant reduction of the concentration overpotentials. In a bubble-convected cell, minimal solution transport losses were present in membrane-free cells, in either buffered electrolytes or in unbuffered solutions with pH ≤ 1. However, membrane-free cells lack a mechanism for product-gas separation, presenting significant practical and engineering impediments to the deployment of such systems. To produce an intrinsically safe cell, an ion-exchange membrane was incorporated into the cell. The accompanying solution losses, especially the pH gradients at the electrode surfaces, were modeled and simulated for such a system. Hence this work describes the general conditions under which intrinsically safe, efficient solar-driven water-splitting cells can be operated

    An experimental and modeling/simulation-based evaluation of the efficiency and operational performance characteristics of an integrated, membrane-free, neutral pH solar-driven water-splitting system

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    The efficiency limits, gas-crossover behavior, formation of local pH gradients near the electrode surfaces, and safety characteristics have been evaluated experimentally as well as by use of multi-physics modeling and simulation methods for an integrated solar-driven water-splitting system that operates with bulk electrolyte solutions buffered at near-neutral pH. The integrated membrane-free system utilized a triple-junction amorphous hydrogenated Si (a-Si:H) cell as the light absorber, Pt and cobalt phosphate (Co–Pi) as electrocatalysts for the hydrogen-evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen-evolution reaction (OER), respectively, and a bulk aqueous solution buffered at pH = 9.2 by 1.0 M of boric acid/borate as an electrolyte. Although the solar-to-electrical efficiency of the stand-alone triple-junction a-Si:H photovoltaic cell was 7.7%, the solar-to-hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency for the integrated membrane-free water-splitting system was limited under steady-state operation to 3.2%, and the formation of pH gradients near the electrode surfaces accounted for the largest voltage loss. The membrane-free system exhibited negligible product-recombination loss while operating at current densities near 3.0 mA cm^(−2), but exhibited significant crossover of products (up to 40% H_2 in the O_2 chamber), indicating that the system was not intrinsically safe. A system that contained a membrane to minimize the gas crossover, but which was otherwise identical to the membrane-free system, yielded very low energy-conversion efficiencies at steady state, due to low transference numbers for protons across the membranes resulting in electrodialysis of the solution and the consequent formation of large concentration gradients of both protons and buffer counterions near the electrode surfaces. The modeling and simulation results showed that despite the addition of 1.0 M of buffering agent to the bulk of the solution, during operation significant pH gradients developed near the surfaces of the electrodes. Hence, although the bulk electrolyte was buffered to near-neutral pH, the electrode surfaces and electrocatalysts experienced local environments under steady-state operation that were either highly acidic or highly alkaline in nature, changing the chemical form of the electrocatalysts and exposing the electrodes to potentially corrosive local pH conditions. In addition to significant pH gradients, the STH conversion efficiency of both types of systems was limited by the mass transport of ionic species to the electrode surfaces. Even at operating current densities of <3 mA cm^(−2), the voltage drops due to these pH gradients exceeded the combined electrocatalyst overpotentials for the hydrogen- and oxygen-evolution reactions at current densities of 10 mA cm^(−2). Hence, such near-neutral pH solar-driven water-splitting systems were both fundamentally limited in efficiency and/or co-evolved explosive mixtures of H_2(g) and O_2(g) in the presence of active catalysts for the recombination of H_2(g) and O_2(g)

    Determination of spinal tracer dispersion after intrathecal injection in a deformable CNS model

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    Background: Traditionally, there is a widely held belief that drug dispersion after intrathecal (IT) delivery is confined locally near the injection site. We posit that high-volume infusions can overcome this perceived limitation of IT administration.Methods: To test our hypothesis, subject-specific deformable phantom models of the human central nervous system were manufactured so that tracer infusion could be realistically replicated in vitro over the entire physiological range of pulsating cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) amplitudes and frequencies. The distribution of IT injected tracers was studied systematically with high-speed optical methods to determine its dependence on injection parameters (infusion volume, flow rate, and catheter configurations) and natural CSF oscillations in a deformable model of the central nervous system (CNS).Results: Optical imaging analysis of high-volume infusion experiments showed that tracers spread quickly throughout the spinal subarachnoid space, reaching the cervical region in less than 10 min. The experimentally observed biodispersion is much slower than suggested by the Taylor–Aris dispersion theory. Our experiments indicate that micro-mixing patterns induced by oscillatory CSF flow around microanatomical features such as nerve roots significantly accelerate solute transport. Strong micro-mixing effects due to anatomical features in the spinal subarachnoid space were found to be active in intrathecal drug administration but were not considered in prior dispersion theories. Their omission explains why prior models developed in the engineering community are poor predictors for IT delivery.Conclusion: Our experiments support the feasibility of targeting large sections of the neuroaxis or brain utilizing high-volume IT injection protocols. The experimental tracer dispersion profiles acquired with an anatomically accurate, deformable, and closed in vitro human CNS analog informed a new predictive model of tracer dispersion as a function of physiological CSF pulsations and adjustable infusion parameters. The ability to predict spatiotemporal dispersion patterns is an essential prerequisite for exploring new indications of IT drug delivery that targets specific regions in the CNS or the brain

    Modeling, Simulation, and Implementation of Solar-Driven Water-Splitting Devices

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    An integrated cell for the solar-driven splitting of water consists of multiple functional components and couples various photoelectrochemical (PEC) processes at different length and time scales. The overall solar-to-hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency of such a system depends on the performance and materials properties of the individual components as well as on the component integration, overall device architecture, and system operating conditions. This Review focuses on the modeling- and simulation-guided development and implementation of solar-driven water-splitting prototypes from a holistic viewpoint that explores the various interplays between the components. The underlying physics and interactions at the cell level is are reviewed and discussed, followed by an overview of the use of the cell model to provide target properties of materials and guide the design of a range of traditional and unique device architectures

    Towards the control of crystal shape and morphology distributions in crystallizers

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    Crystal morphology is a critical determinant of the physical properties of crystalline materials. The synthesis of crystals with desired morphologies requires a framework to guide the selection of environmental conditions. The framework developed here utilizes combinatorics to generate a graph of different morphologies connected by edges describing morphology transformations. These edges collectively form a polyhedral cone containing domains of different morphologies in a crystal-state space. The face-specific growth rates of crystals allow the identification of accessible regions within the polyhedral cone using a generalized single-crystal model. Here we introduce Morphology Domain as a fundamental property of crystals which can be used to screen crystallization conditions for the controlled synthesis of desired crystal morphologies that is both facile and readily usable. A user-friendly tool, MorphologyDomain, is presented that facilitates diverse applications. The evolution of morphology distributions due to crystal growth inside the Morphology Domain is described by a Morphological-Population Balance Model (M-PBM) which readily submits to solution by the Method of Characteristics. The methodology, illustrated in controlling crystal morphologies of Potassium Acid Phthalate using additives, paves the way for model-based control of shape control of crystallization processes. The modeling framework is extended to account for nuclei shape distribution and growth rate dispersion due to local fluctuations in supersaturation. A stochastic model is derived from the framework of density and temperature fluctuations. The resulting dispersions in size and shape of nuclei are obtained by multi-dimensional maximization of Gibbs free energy in Morphology Domain of Potassium Acid Phthalate. The model predictions are validated with the experimental measurements of growth rate dispersions in Potassium Acid Phthalate crystals. The stochastic model provides the first rational and quantitative basis for observed dispersions in crystallization processes. A new technique is developed for measurement of 3D crystal morphology and identification of its polymorph using tomographic images. Confocal Microscopy is used for the first time to obtain tomographic images of crystals that are coated with a suitable fluorescent dye. The image-analysis program developed here is also suitable for repeated measurements to produce morphology distributions. This work has also produced a method to experimentally determine polar plots of growth rates and dissolution rates from the dynamic images of crystals obtained from hot-stage microscopy. The method relies on the solution of the characteristics for crystal dissolution. The methodology is demonstrated to obtain polar plots of Succinic acid at different sub-saturations