36 research outputs found

    Reef-wide evidence that the presence of sharks modifies behaviors of teleost mesopredators

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    The idea that the presence of sharks impacts the behavior of mesopredatory reef fishes is controversial and lacks clear evidence at reef-wide scales. We compared the abundance and behavior of these reef fishes in response to the presence of reef sharks using Baited Remote Underwater Video System (BRUVS) deployments in two adjacent reef systems where sharks have either been exclusively targeted by fishing or protected by a no-take marine reserve. For a subset of videos, we also compared the behavior of mesopredatory reef fishes immediately before and after the appearance of sharks in the video. On reefs where sharks were more abundant, mesopredatory fishes spent less time swimming in midwater (i.e., away from shelter) and guarding bait compared to reefs where sharks have been selectively removed. The same responses occurred after the appearance of sharks in the video. Reactions to sharks varied both in strength and type among species of mesopredator and were mediated by the availability of shelter on the reef and, for one species, by the levels of activity of the reef sharks. In contrast, we did not find that the presence of sharks influenced the abundance of mesopredators at either reef system across hour-long videos or immediately before and after a shark appeared in the video. Collectively, our findings show that the presence of sharks reduces the propensity of mesopredatory fish to engage in potentially risk-prone behaviors over large spatial scales and that these interactions are mediated by the behavioral characteristics of both predators and prey, and the environment in which they co-occur. Our results are consistent with the idea that sharks as predators or larger competitors initiate changes in the behavior of mesopredatory reef fishes likely to affect trophic structuring within coral reef ecosystems

    Synchronous biological feedbacks in parrotfishes associated with pantropical coral bleaching

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    Biological feedbacks generated through patterns of disturbance are vital for sustaining ecosystem states. Recent ocean warming and thermal anomalies have caused pantropical episodes of coral bleaching, which has led to widespread coral mortality and a range of subsequent effects on coral reef communities. Although the response of many reef‐associated fishes to major disturbance events on coral reefs is negative (e.g., reduced abundance and condition), parrotfishes show strong feedbacks after disturbance to living reef structure manifesting as increases in abundance. However, the mechanisms underlying this response are poorly understood. Using biochronological reconstructions of annual otolith (ear stone) growth from two ocean basins, we tested whether parrotfish growth was enhanced following bleaching‐related coral mortality, thus providing an organismal mechanism for demographic changes in populations. Both major feeding guilds of parrotfishes (scrapers and excavators) exhibited enhanced growth of individuals after bleaching that was decoupled from expected thermal performance, a pattern that was not evident in other reef fish taxa from the same environment. These results provide evidence for a more nuanced ecological feedback system—one where disturbance plays a key role in mediating parrotfish–benthos interactions. By influencing the biology of assemblages, disturbance can thereby stimulate change in parrotfish grazing intensity and ultimately reef geomorphology over time. This feedback cycle operated historically at within‐reef scales; however, our results demonstrate that the scale, magnitude, and severity of recent thermal events are entraining the biological responses of disparate communities to respond in synchrony. This may fundamentally alter feedbacks in the relationships between parrotfishes and reef systems

    Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology

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    Knowledge of the three-dimensional movement patterns of elasmobranchs is vital to understand their ecological roles and exposure to anthropogenic pressures. To date, comparative studies among species at global scales have mostly focused on horizontal movements. Our study addresses the knowledge gap of vertical movements by compiling the first global synthesis of vertical habitat use by elasmobranchs from data obtained by deployment of 989 biotelemetry tags on 38 elasmobranch species. Elasmobranchs displayed high intra- and interspecific variability in vertical movement patterns. Substantial vertical overlap was observed for many epipelagic elasmobranchs, indicating an increased likelihood to display spatial overlap, biologically interact, and share similar risk to anthropogenic threats that vary on a vertical gradient. We highlight the critical next steps toward incorporating vertical movement into global management and monitoring strategies for elasmobranchs, emphasizing the need to address geographic and taxonomic biases in deployments and to concurrently consider both horizontal and vertical movements

    Transmitter attachment and release methods for short-term shark and stingray tracking on coral reefs

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    This study details a simple and cost-effective means of attaching acoustic transmitters to coral reef sharks and stingrays, which potentially allows for retrieval and reuse on completion of tracks. Between 2008 and 2011, galvanised timed releases were trialled in both static field tests and on blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus, cowtail Pastinachus atrus, and porcupine Urogymnus asperrimus rays in Coral Bay (−23°08â€Č41″, 113°45â€Č53″), Western Australia. The timed releases remained attached to animals for the duration required for tracking and in four out of five deployments transmitters were recovered after release from the animals. The use of modified Rototags for sharks and stainless steel darts for stingrays allowed rapid and effective attachment to animals, with limited impact on their welfare in the short term. External attachment for short-term tracking of coral reef-associated elasmobranchs should be considered as a complementary option to internal placement of transmitters in animals either by surgery or by ingestion

    Growth of tropical dasyatid rays estimated using a multi-analytical approach

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    We studied the age and growth of four sympatric stingrays: reticulate whipray, Himanutra uarnak (n=19); blue mask, Neotrygon kuhlii (n=34); cowtail, Pastinachus atrus (n=32) and blue-spotted fantail, Taeniura lymma (n=40) rays at Ningaloo Reef, a fringing coral reef on the north-western coast of western Australia. Age estimates derived from band counts within sectioned vertebrae ranged between 1 and 27 years (H. uarnak, 1 - 25 yrs.; N. kuhlii, 1.5 - 13 yrs.; P. atrus, 1 - 27 yrs. and T. lymma, 1 -11 yrs.). Due to limitations of sample sizes, we combined several analytical methods for estimating growth parameters. First, we used nonlinear least squares (NLS) to identify the growth model that best fitted the data. We then used this model, prior information and the data within a Bayesian framework to approximate the posterior distribution of the growth parameters. For all species the two-parameter von Bertalanffy growth model provided the best fit to size-at-age datasets. Based on this model, the Bayesian approach allowed the estimation of median values of WD∞ (cm) and k (yr-1) for the four species (H. uarnak: 149 and 0.12; N. kuhlii: 42 and 0.38; P. atrus 156 and 0.16, and T. lymma 33 and 0.24, respectively). Our approach highlights the value of combining different analytical methods and prior knowledge for estimating growth parameters when data quality and quantity are limited

    Demography and age structures of coral reef damselfishes in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean

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    Few studies have examined spatial variation in the demography or age structures of coral reef fishes. We analysed sectioned sagittal otoliths to describe the age structures, growth and mortality of 5 species of Stegastes damselfishes. These were sampled at localities near the centre (Panamå) and at the northern (Baja California) and southern (Galåpagos) edges of the eastern Pacific tropical reef environment. Widespread damselfishes were sampled at Panamå and Baja (S. flavilatus) and at Panamå and the Galåpagos (S. acapulcoensis). The 3 remaining species were endemic to the Galåpagos Archipelago (S. arcifrons, S. leucorus beebei) and Baja California (S. rectifraenum). We found that populations of widespread species in the Galåpagos and Baja grew to larger adult sizes, had relatively long life spans and lower rates of mortality once asymptotic mean sizes were attained than populations of the same species in Panamå. These characteristics of long adult life spans and low mortality rates were shared by endemic species in the Galåpagos and Baja. Our analysis revealed strong year classes that corresponded to the timing of El Niño-Southern Oscillation events in the age structures of both a widespread and an endemic species in the Galåpagos Archipelago

    Vertical distributions of late stage larval fishes in the nearshore waters of the San Blas Archipelago, Carribean Panama

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    Light traps were used to describe the vertical distribution of late larval stages of reef fishes in the San Blas Archipelago during three successive new moon periods. Traps were deployed in the lagoon and at an exposed site on the outer reef edge. At each site, two traps were anchored at the surface and two traps just above the bottom. Most families of reef fishes that were abundant in catches displayed clear patterns of depth preference. The larvae of gerrids, pomacentrids and lutjanids were predominantly captured in shallow traps. while gobiids, labrids, apogonids and blenniids were usually collected in deep traps. Studies that used lights to aggregate and collect larval fishes display marked differences in the composition of catches between the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and the Caribbean. In order to determine whether such results were due to biases inherent in different sampling methods, or to locality-specific patterns of larval behaviour, we simultaneously deployed light traps and dip-netting around lights during three new moons in the San Blas Archipelago. We found that these sampling techniques collected differing components of the larval fish assemblage from the same water mass. However, there remains good evidence for the existence of locality-specific responses to light in older larval stages, suggesting that broad generalisations about patterns and causes of vertical distributions may be difficult to achieve

    Depth-dependent dive kinematics suggest cost-efficient foraging strategies by tiger sharks

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    Tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, are a keystone, top-order predator that are assumed to engage in cost-efficient movement and foraging patterns. To investigate the extent to which oscillatory diving by tiger sharks conform to these patterns, we used a biologging approach to model their cost of transport. High-resolution biologging tags with tri-axial sensors were deployed on 21 tiger sharks at Ningaloo Reef for durations of 5–48 h. Using overall dynamic body acceleration as a proxy for energy expenditure, we modelled the cost of transport of oscillatory movements of varying geometries in both horizontal and vertical planes for tiger sharks. The cost of horizontal transport was minimized by descending at the smallest possible angle and ascending at an angle of 5–14°, meaning that vertical oscillations conserved energy compared to swimming at a level depth. The reduction of vertical travel costs occurred at steeper angles. The absolute dive angles of tiger sharks increased between inshore and offshore zones, presumably to reduce the cost of transport while continuously hunting for prey in both benthic and surface habitats. Oscillatory movements of tiger sharks conform to strategies of cost-efficient foraging, and shallow inshore habitats appear to be an important habitat for both hunting prey and conserving energy while travelling

    Biologging tags reveal links between Fine-Scale Horizontal and Vertical Movement Behaviors in Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier)

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    An understanding of the role that large marine predators play in structuring trophic flow and nutrient cycling in marine ecosystems requires knowledge of their fine-scale (m-km) movement behaviors. In this study, biologging tags were used to reveal new insights into the three-dimensional fine-scale movement ecology of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Tags deployed on 21 sharks in April-May 2017 for durations of 5–48 h recorded both physical parameters such as depth and temperature, and, through the use of accelerometers, gyroscopes and compasses, in-situ measurements of animal trajectory and locomotion. Animal-borne-video enabled the validation of behavioral signatures, mapping of habitat, and recording of interactions with prey. Collectively, these data were used to examine the link between vertical (oscillations) and horizontal (tortuosity) movements, and link sensor data to prey interactions recorded by the video. This biologging approach revealed complex movements that would otherwise be invisible within the time-depth records provided by traditional tagging techniques. The rate of horizontal turning was not related to vertical oscillations, suggesting that vertical movements occur independently of searching behaviors in tiger sharks. These animals displayed tortuous movements possibly associated with prey searching for 27% of their tracks, and interactions with prey elicited varied responses including highly tortuous paths and burst movements. Accurate speed measurements and GPS anchor points will considerably enhance the value of magnetometer data in future studies by facilitating more accurate dead-reckoning and geo-referencing of area-restricted search behaviors