5 research outputs found

    D-Ribose-L-Cysteine-rich supplement attenuates doxorubicin-induced impaired Spermatogenesis, testicular steroidogenesis and redox status in sprague-dawley rats

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    Reproductive function is often impaired during chemotherapy and currently there is no universally approved drug/supplement that can effectively protect the testis from cellular assault due to chemotherapeutic agent such as doxorubicin (dox). This study was designed to investigate the efficacy of D-Ribose-L-Cysteine rich supplement, Cellgevity™ (cgt), in ameliorating some doxorubicin-induced testicular damage in Sprague-Dawley rats. At the end of the study, biochemical assays and sperm epididymal parameters analysis were done. Our results show that simultaneous administration of cgt and doxorubicin has ameliorative effect on the testis when compared to pre-treatment or post-treatment with cgt. Significant increase in testosterone, sperm concentration, progressive motility and significant decrease in immotility were observed in the cellgevity treated group. Also, simultaneous administration of cgt with dox reduced lipid peroxidation and boosted only glutathione level in testicular tissues. Nevertheless, pre-treatment or post-treatment with cgt did not play a significant role in modulating sperm parameters, hormones and tissue oxidative stress level. This result reveals that cellgevity has testiculo-protective effect against doxorubicin administration.Keywords: Cellgevity™; doxorubicin; antioxidant; testosterone, sperm parametersAfr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 22 (May, 2019); 179- 18

    Evaluation of an accelerated Ponseti protocol for the treatment of talipesequinovarus in Nigeria

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    Background: The commonest congenital musculoskeletal deformity worldwide is talipes equino varus (CTEV). Of the various treatment methods available, the most acceptable treatment currently for CTEV worldwide is serial manipulation and casting using the Ponseti technique. The Ponseti technique consists of weekly manipulation and casting for an average of six to eight weeks followed by bracing of the feet till school age. Some studies have shown evidence that more frequent casts may have similar outcomes with weekly casts using the Ponseti method. This study compared the efficacy of management of idiopathic CTEV using an accelerated protocol of twice weekly casts, with the standard weekly Ponseti protocol.Methods: The study was a randomized case control study with a group of patients undergoing an accelerated casting protocol involving twice weekly casts compared with another group who went through the normal weekly Ponseti protocol.Results: A total of 45 feet in 28 patients were studied. The study showed a significantly shorter treatment period in the accelerated protocol (39 days) compared with the standard protocol (52 days); with no significant increase in the number of casts needed for treatment.Conclusions: A twice weekly Ponseti casting protocol enables completion of the casting period earlier than the standard Ponseti method.Keywords: Talipes equinovarus; Ponseti treatment; Accelerated Ponseti Protocol; Serial Castin

    Zinc mitigates hormonal disturbance associated with acetaminophen-induced testicular dysfunction in rat

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    Background: Acetaminophen (ACP) is one of the most commonly used over-the-counter analgesic drug; and thus frequently subject to misuse and abuse. Several studies have reported various deleterious effects of acetaminophen overdose or long term administration.Objective: This study was designed to determine if zinc (Zn) will protect against or mitigate acetaminopheninduced impairment of testicular function.Methods: Twenty five Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups (n=5/group): Group I (control) received 1mL of normal saline; Group II received 1000mg/Kg BW of ACP only; Group III received 10mg/Kg BW of Zn only, Group IV were co-administered with ACP (1000mg/Kg) and Zn (10mg/Kg) and Group V were posttreated with Zn (10mg/Kg) after ACP (1000mg/Kg) administration. Following 14 days of consecutive administration, except in group V that were post-treated for additional 14 days, rats were euthanized by cervical dislocation to obtain blood sample through cardiac puncture for hormonal assays. Testes and epididymides were quickly recovered for daily sperm production (DSP) and semen analysis.Results: There was no significant difference in DSP in all treated groups compared with control. Sperm concentration and progressive motility were significantly reduced in ACP group compared with control and groups treated with Zn. Significant increase in head, neck and tail defects was observed in ACP compared with control and groups treated with Zn. There were no significant differences in the concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) between control and any of the treated groups. However, testosterone (T), estradiol (E2) and Zn levels were significantly lower in acetaminophen-treated rats which were reversed with Zn administration.Conclusion: The deleterious effect of ACP appears not to be mediated through gonadotropin suppression but rather by either decreased sensitivity or suppressed steroidogenesis secondary to Zn depletion. However, treatment with Zn protects the testis against acetaminophen-induced testicular dysfunction.Keywords: Acetaminophen, Zinc, Sperm Morphology, Sperm Motility, hormon

    Evaluation of testicular function in paradoxical sleep-deprived sprague-dawley rats treated with zinc and D-ribose -L- cysteine

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    Background: The prevalence of male infertility is currently on the increase and, to an extent, has drawn significant attention globally. The decline is most evident in reduced sperm quality and quantity which has been linked, among other things, to lifestyle such as poor night sleeping patterns This study was, therefore, designed to evaluate the effect of D-ribose- L-cysteine (RibCys) and Zinc (Zn) on testicular steroidogenesis and sperm quality in paradoxical sleep-deprived (PSD) rats.Material and Method: Twenty five (25) adult male rats were randomly assigned to 5 groups of 5 rats each. The PSD group was subjected to sleep deprivation only; while PSD+RibCys, PSD+Zn, and PSD+RibCys+Zn groups received 100 mg of RibCys, 10 mg of Zinc and combination of RibCys plus Zn (normalized for Kg body weight of rat) respectively in addition to subjection to PSD. The last group served as the Control. PSD lasted for 20 hours per day for 14 days, using the modified multiple platform method. After 14 days, the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testicular testosterone (TT), and sperm quality and quantity were evaluated and compared within the five groups.Results: Analyses of our data reveal that PSD significantly disrupts reproductive hormonal balance and impairs the quantity and quality of sperm production. However, there were no significant differences observed in the levels of FSH and TT in the PSD groups treated with RibCys and/or Zn compared with the control group. A significant reduction was observed in the progressive sperm motility of all the groups compared with the control. Compared with the control group, there was no significant difference in the sperm concentration between the control and PSD+RibCys+Zn group.Conclusion: This study provides evidence that indicates that treatment with RibCys and/or Zinc is effective in ameliorating the damaging capacity of sleep deprivation on testicular biology. Keywords: Paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD), Steroidogenesis, Sperm, Zinc, D-ribose-L-cysteine

    Vitamin C, Vitamin E, L-Arginine, Low dose, HbSS, Free radicals, Antioxidants.

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    Backgroumd: Sexual disorders have been extensively studied in diabetic men while possible changes in the sexual function of diabetic women have only recently received attention. Mammals other than primates do not menstruate, thus their sexual cycle is termed “Estrous cycle”. The period of ‘heat’ (estrus), is the time of ovulation and corresponds to the only time which the sexual interest of the female mammal is aroused. The goal of this study was to assess the effects of alloxan-induced diabetes and insulin-resistant on hormonal pattern in diabetic female rats Methods: Virgin female Sprague-Dawley rats aged 6 weeks, weighing 90 – 100 g were randomly divided into 3 groups. Group 1 = Control group; fed on normal rat chow. Group 2 = Alloxan-diabetic group; at the 4th week received a single dose IV injection of alloxan monohydrate 40 mg/kg BW into the lateral tail vein. Group 3 = Insulin resistant group; fed ad libitum on a special diet containing 25% fructose mixed with 75% normal rat chow (w/w). Cervical dislocation was carried out on the animals in the three groups on the morning of specific phases of the estrous cycle and the LH, FSH, Estradiol, and Progesterone levels were determined using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods. On the morning of estrus phase, the oviducts were excised, viewed under the microscope and any ova found was counted. Results: The results of this study showed that both Alloxan-diabetes and insulin resistant diabetes distort the estrous cycle pattern, reduce significantly the “fertile period” and the ova released by acting on the pituitary-ovarian axis reducing the gonadotropins and the ovarian hormones. Conclusion: These data open a new field to study hormonal profile in diabetic female rats during each phase of the estrous cycle and also to investigate the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis in insulin-resistant diabetic female rats.in light of recent preferences for the use of natural medicines