12 research outputs found

    Visceral fat area and cardiometabolic risk: The Kardiovize study

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    BACKGROUND: Visceral fat is associated with adiposity-based complications. Bioimpedance measurement allows estimation of visceral fat area (VFA) in an easy manner. However, a validated cut-off value for VFA by bioimpedance associated with cardiometabolic risk is lacking in European population. AIM: To determine cut-off values of VFA measured via bioimpedance associated with cardiometabolic risk. METHODS: Random cross-sectional Czech population-based sample of 25-64 years old subjects. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were used and the area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity were calculated. The Cardiometabolic Disease Staging System (CMDS) was used to classify cardiometabolic risk: Stage 1 - 1 or 2 metabolic syndrome (MetS) components, without impaired fasting glucose (IFG); Stage 2 - MetS or IFG; Stage 3 - MetS with IFG; Stage 4 - type 2 diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease. RESULTS: 2052 participants (54.5% females, median age 49 years) were included. Median VFA (inter-quartile range) were 82.2 cm2 (54.8) in men and 89.8 cm2 (55.6) in women. The best VFA cut-offs associated with Stage 1 in men and women were 71 cm2 (sensitivity = 0.654; specificity = 0.427) and 83 cm2 (sensitivity = 0.705; specificity = 0.556) ; Stage 2: 84 cm2 (sensitivity = 0.673; specificity = 0.551) and 98 cm2 (sensitivity = 0.702; specificity = 0.628) ; Stage 3: 90 cm2 (sensitivity = 0.886; specificity = 0.605) and 109 cm2 (sensitivity = 0.755; specificity = 0.704); Stage 4: 91 cm2 (sensitivity = 0.625; specificity = 0.611) and 81 cm2 (sensitivity = 0.695; specificity = 0.448), respectively. CONCLUSION: A cut-off value of VFA of 71 cm2 in men and 83 cm2 in women exhibited the earliest stage of cardiometabolic risk, and 90 cm2 in men and 109 cm2 in women showed the best performance to detect risk

    Dysglycemia and Abnormal Adiposity Drivers of Cardiometabolic-Based Chronic Disease in the Czech Population: Biological, Behavioral, and Cultural/Social Determinants of Health

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    In contrast to the decreasing burden related to cardiovascular disease (CVD), the burden related to dysglycemia and adiposity complications is increasing in Czechia, and local drivers must be identified. A comprehensive literature review was performed to evaluate biological, behavioral, and environmental drivers of dysglycemia and abnormal adiposity in Czechia. Additionally, the structure of the Czech healthcare system was described. The prevalence of obesity in men and diabetes in both sexes has been increasing over the past 30 years. Possible reasons include the Eastern European eating pattern, high prevalence of physical inactivity and health illiteracy, education, and income-related health inequalities. Despite the advanced healthcare system based on the compulsory insurance model with free-for-service healthcare and a wide range of health-promoting initiatives, more effective strategies to tackle the adiposity/dysglycemia are needed. In conclusion, the disease burden related to dysglycemia and adiposity in Czechia remains high but is not translated into greater CVD. This discordant relationship likely depends more on other factors, such as improvements in dyslipidemia and hypertension control. A reconceptualization of abnormal adiposity and dysglycemia into a more actionable cardiometabolic-based chronic disease model is needed to improve the approach to these conditions. This review can serve as a platform to investigate causal mechanisms and secure effective management of cardiometabolic-based chronic disease

    Hispanic health in the USA: a scoping review of the literature

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    Hispanics are the largest minority group in the USA. They contribute to the economy, cultural diversity, and health of the nation. Assessing their health status and health needs is key to inform health policy formulation and program implementation. To this end, we conducted a scoping review of the literature and national statistics on Hispanic health in the USA using a modified social-ecological framework that includes social determinants of health, health disparities, risk factors, and health services, as they shape the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. These social, environmental, and biological forces have modified the epidemiologic profile of Hispanics in the USA, with cancer being the leading cause of mortality, followed by cardiovascular diseases and unintentional injuries. Implementation of the Affordable Care Act has resulted in improved access to health services for Hispanics, but challenges remain due to limited cultural sensitivity, health literacy, and a shortage of Hispanic health care providers. Acculturation barriers and underinsured or uninsured status remain as major obstacles to health care access. Advantageous health outcomes from the “Hispanic Mortality Paradox” and the “Latina Birth Outcomes Paradox” persist, but health gains may be offset in the future by increasing rates of obesity and diabetes. Recommendations focus on the adoption of the Health in All Policies framework, expanding access to health care, developing cultural sensitivity in the health care workforce, and generating and disseminating research findings on Hispanic health