5 research outputs found

    Experimental infection parameters in Galea spixii (Rodentia: Caviidae) with Leishmania infantum chagasi

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    In order to better understand the epidemiological transmission network of leishmaniasis, an endemic disease in Northeast Brazil, we investigated the susceptibility of Spix yellow-toothed cavies (Galea spixii) to the Leishmania infantum chagasi parasite. Nine cavies were experimentally infected, separated into three groups and monitored at 30, 90 and 180 days, respectively. Amastigotes were identified in the spleen slides of two cavies killed 180 days after infection. Antibodies against the L. i. chagasi were identified in one of the cavies. This demonstrates that G. spixii is in fact capable of maintaining a stable infection by L. i. chagasi without alterations in biochemical and hematological parameters of the host and without perceivable micro and macroscopic lesions

    On Leishmania enriettii and Other Enigmatic Leishmania Species of the Neotropics

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    There are 20 named species of the genus Leishmania at present recognized in the New World, of which 14 are known to infect man. The present paper discusses the biological, biochemical and ecological features, where known, of six species which have not till now been found to cause human leishmaniasis; namely, Leishmania (Leishmania) enriettii, L. (L.) hertigi, L. (L.) deanei, L. (L.) aristidesi, L. (L.) forattinii and L. (Viannia) equatorensis. A protocol is suggested for attempts to discover the natural mammalian host(s) and sandfly vector of L. (L.) enriettii. Doubt is cast on the validity of the species L. herreri, described in Costa Rican sloths. Following the concensus of opinion that modern trypanosomatids derive from monogenetic intestinal flagellates of arthropods, phlebotomine sandflies are best regarded as the primary hosts of Leishmania species, with mammals acting as secondary hosts providing a source of parasites for these insects. There are probably natural barriers limiting the life-cycle of most leishmanial parasites to specific sandfly vector

    Anthropological Perspectives on the Social Biology of Alcohol: An Introduction to the Literature

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    Sex differences in neuroadaptation to alcohol and withdrawal neurotoxicity

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