72 research outputs found

    Limestone calcination under calcium-looping conditions for CO2 capture and thermochemical energy storage in the presence of H2O: An in situ XRD analysis

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    This work reports an in situ XRD analysis of whether the calcination/carbonation behavior of natural limestone (CaCO3) is affected by the addition of H2O to the calciner at a very low concentration under relevant Calcium-Looping (CaL) conditions for CO2 capture in coal fired power plants (CFPP) and Thermochemical Energy Storage (TCES) in Concentrated Solar Power plants (CSP). Previous studies have demonstrated that the presence of steam in the calciner at a high concentration yields a significant increase in the reaction rate. However, a further undesired consequence is the serious deterioration of the CaO mechanical strength, which would lead to particle attrition and mass loss in any CaL process based on the use of circulating fluidized beds. The results presented in this manuscript on the time evolution of the wt% and crystallite size of the phases involved in the calcination/carbonation reactions indicate that the calcination rate is still notably increased by the presence of H2O at very low concentrations whereas the reactivity toward carbonation and crystal structure of the formed CaO are not essentially affected, which suggests that the CaO mechanical strength is not impaired. Thus, the benefit of using steam for calcination in the CaL process could be still retained while at the same time particle attrition would not be promoted.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad CTQ2014-52763-C2-2-

    Infinite charge mobility in muscovite at 300K

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    Evidence is presented for infinite charge mobility in natural crystals of muscovite mica at room temperature. Muscovite has a basic layered structure containing a flat monatomic sheet of potassium sandwiched between mirror silicate layers. It is an excellent electrical insulator. Studies of defects in muscovite crystals indicated that positive charge could propagate over great distances along atomic chains in the potassium sheets in absence of an applied electric potential. The charge moved in association with anharmonic lattice excitations that moved at about sonic speed and created by nuclear recoil of the radioactive isotope K40. This was verified by measuring currents passing through crystals when irradiated with energetic alpha particles at room temperature. The charge propagated more than 1000 times the range of the alpha particles of average energy and 250 times the range of channelling particles of maximum energy. The range is limited only by size of the crystal.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Localized waves in silicates. What do we know from experiments?

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    Since the latest review about solitary localized waves in muscovite, called quodons, (F.M. Russell in Quodons in Mica. Springer, Cham, pp. 475–559, 2015a [1], F.M. Russell in Quodons in Mica. Springer, Cham, pp. 3–33, 2015b [2]) there have been many developments, specially from the point of view of experiments, published in several journals. The breakthrough hypothesis that was advanced in that review that dark tracks were produced by positive electrical charge moving in a localized wave, either transported by swift particles or by nonlinear localized waves, has been confirmed by experiments in muscovite and other silicates. In this paper we review the experimental results, some already published and some new, specially the phenomenon of charge transport without an electric field, called hyperconductivity. We also consider alternative explanations as phase transitions for other tracks. We also attempt to describe numerical simulations that have confirmed the order of magnitude of quodons energy and calculations underway to determine more properties of electron and hole transport by quodons.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MICINN PID2019-109175GB-C22Junta de Andalucía PAIDI 2019/FQM-280Universidad de Sevilla VIPPITUS 2020Universiad de Sevilla VIPPITUS 201

    Digital resources and teaching approaches in preservice training of history teachers

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    Esta investigación ha sido posible gracias al proyecto de I+D de «Generación de conocimiento» PGC2018-094491-B-C33 financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y cofinanciado con fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea, gracias al proyecto 20638/JLI/18 financiado por la Fundación Séneca, gracias al proyecto “HistoryLab for European Civic Engagement: open e-Toolkit to train History Teachers on Digital Teaching and Learning”, subvencionado por el SEPIE en la convocatoria ERASMUS + KA226 [2020-1-ES01-KA226-HE-095430], y gracias al proyecto de investigación PID2020- 113453RB-I00, subvencionado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España (AEI/10.13039/501100011033)El presente trabajo se aborda teniendo en cuenta los estudios que demuestran la vinculación que realizan los docentes en formación con la función lúdica o motivacional concedida a las TIC y a los recursos digitales, así como a partir de las investigaciones que exponen la asociación existente entre el enfoque de enseñanza centrado en el docente (ITTF) con un aprendizaje superficial y el enfoque centrado en el alumnado (CCSF) con un aprendizaje profundo. Sobre este enunciado, se plantea como objetivo general analizar los enfoques de enseñanza del futuro profesorado de historia en España y su relación con sus opiniones sobre el uso de recursos digitales en un aula. Para ello, se utilizó un diseño cuantitativo no experimental, con una escala Likert, en el que participaron 646 estudiantes del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de la especialidad de Geografía e Historia de 22 universidades nacionales diferentes, es decir, el 70% de los centros de Educación Superior que ofertan dicha titulación en España. Como conclusión general, el análisis estadístico realizado con los datos correspondientes a los enfoques del futuro profesorado de historia en España y su relación con sus opiniones sobre el uso de recursos digitales en un aula permite inferir que la validación y la fiabilidad de la herramienta aplicada es muy positiva; que existe una débil vinculación de los recursos digitales con los procesos educativos y; por último, que se destaca una relación significativa entre la aplicación de un enfoque de enseñanza concreto y una visión particular acerca del uso de los recursos tecnológicos.The present research is approached taking into account the studies that demonstrate the connection that teachers in training make with the playful or motivational role granted to ICT and digital resources, as well as from the research shown by the association between a teacher-centred teaching approach (ITTF) with superficial learning and a student-centred approach (CCSF) with deep learning. Thus, the general objective of this research is to analyze the teaching approaches of future history teachers in Spain and their relationship with their opinions on the use of digital resources in a classroom. For this purpose, a non-experimental quantitative design with a Likert scale was used, in which 646 students of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training in the specialty of Geography and History from 22 different national universities participated, that is, 70% of the universities offering this degree in Spain. As a general conclusion, the statistical analysis carried out with the data corresponding to the approaches of future history teachers in Spain and their relationship with their opinions on the use of digital resources in a classroom allows us to infer that the validation and reliability of the applied tool is very positive; that there is a weak link between digital resources and educational processes and; finally, a significant relationship between the application of a particular teaching approach and a particular view about the use of technological resources is highlighted.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónFEDERFundación SénecaSEPIEAgencia Estatal de Investigación de Españ

    In-depth two-year study of phenolic profile variability among olive oils from autochthonous and Mediterranean varieties in Morocco, as revealed by a LC-MS chemometric profiling approach

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    Olive oil phenolic fraction considerably contributes to the sensory quality and nutritional value of this foodstuff. Herein, the phenolic fraction of 203 olive oil samples extracted from fruits of 4 autochthonous Moroccan cultivars ("Picholine Marocaine", "Dahbia", "Haouzia" and "Menara"), and 9 Mediterranean varieties recently introduced in Morocco ("Arbequina", "Arbosana", "Cornicabra", "Frantoio", "Hojiblanca", "Koroneiki", "Manzanilla", "Picholine de Languedoc" and "Picual"), were explored over two consecutive crop seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014) by using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. A total of 32 phenolic compounds (and quinic acid), belonging to five chemical classes (secoiridoids, simple phenols, flavonoids, lignans and phenolic acids) were identified and quantified. Phenolic profiling revealed that the determined phenolic compounds showed variety-dependent levels, being, at the same time, significantly affected by the crop season. Moreover, based on the obtained phenolic composition and chemometric linear discriminant analysis, statistical models were obtained allowing a very satisfactory classification and prediction of the varietal origin of the studied oils.Fil: Bajoub, Aadil. Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Química Analítica ; España. Faculty of Science and Technology. Laboratory of Bioprocess and Bio-Interfaces ; MarruecosFil: Medina Rodríguez, Santiago. Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Química Analítica; EspañaFil: Olmo García, Lucía. Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Química Analítica; EspañaFil: El Amine, Ajal. Provincial Department Of Agriculture Of Azilal; MarruecosFil: Monasterio, Romina Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Hanine, Hafida. Faculty of Science and Technology. Laboratory of Bioprocess and Bio-Interfaces ; MarruecosFil: Fernández Gutiérrez, Alfredo. Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Química Analítica ; EspañaFil: Carrasco Pancorbo, Aegría. Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Química Analítica ; Españ

    Integración de proyectos universitarios al desarrollo local: Caso de estudio Municipio Camajuaní.

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    La finalidad del trabajo que se presenta fue estudiar, con enfoque de Estudio de Redes del Conocimiento, la integración entre un grupo de proyectos de la Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas (UCLV) y el Centro Universitario Municipal (CUM) Camajuaní, a las acciones de desarrollo local en el municipio.Se aplicaron métodos y técnicas de los niveles teórico y empírico. El plan de acciones se elaboró a partir de referentes teóricos y resultados obtenidos en investigaciones y  trabajo de campo por estudiantes del CUM y la UCLV y conocimientos de los proyectos universitarios

    Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by natural, synthetic and modified clays

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of major scientific concern owing to their widespread presence in environmental compartments and their potential toxicological effects on humans and biota. In this study, the adsorption capacity of natural (montmorillonite (Mt)), synthetic (Na-Mica-4), and modified (with octadecylamine and octadecyltrimethylamine (ODA-Mt, ODA-Mica-4, and ODTMA-Mt and ODTMA-Mica-4)) clays were assessed and compared for the removal of 16 PAHs. Materials were synthesized and characterized by X-Ray diffraction, Zeta potential, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The results showed its correct preparation and the incorporation of PAHs in the structure of the clays after the adsorption tests. The proposed materials were effective PAH adsorbents, with adsorption percentages close to 100%, in particular those using Mt. Mt and Na-Mica-4 presented a better adsorption capacity than their organofunctionalized derivatives, indicating that the adsorption of PAHs may occur both in the surface part and in the interlayer. The proposed adsorbents take the advantage of being a low cost and highly effective. They can be an interesting alternative for wastewater treatment and soil remediation to prevent PAH contamination.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness CTM2017-82778-

    Reporte de Caso: Perforación Intestinal por Ingesta de Imanes

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    A frequent pathology on pediatric patients is determined by ingesting foreign objects which are expelled in the feces in most of cases, so intestinal perforation is not very common. But, an early and appropriate diagnosis is required to surgical resolution and to avoid endangering the lives of pediatric patients. Objective: To describe a case of perforation of intestinal loops by foreign bodies (magnets), to make a timely diagnosis for adequate surgical treatment. Methods and Materials: Descriptive, retrospective study, presentation and analysis of a clinical case with prior informed consent of the parents. Results: A case of timely surgical management for perforation of loops of the small intestine by foreign bodies (magnets) is described. This is a 6-year-old pediatric patient with no significant clinical or surgical history, no allergies described, presenting with abdominal pain of 2 days duration in the epigastrium and later generalized throughout the abdomen, accompanied by vomiting of food content by several occasions. On physical examination, the abdomen was tense with signs of peritoneal irritation and with the ultrasound report of free fluid in the cavity, it was decided to perform a diagnostic laparoscopy, which was converted to an exploratory laparotomy and intestinal raffia due to the finding with a favorable post-surgical evolution. Make a proper diagnosis and timely management of the patient in an acute abdomen results in successful surgery.La ingesta de cuerpos extraños es una causa frecuente en niños, los mismos que en la mayoría de las ocasiones son expulsados con las heces, es poco frecuente la perforación intestinal en pacientes pediátricos, la perforación es una complicación poco frecuente pero que requiere un diagnóstico precoz y oportuno para la resolución quirúrgica adecuada de la misma y evitar complicaciones mayores posteriores ya que pueden poner en peligro la vida estos pacientes. Objetivo: Describir un caso de perforación de asas intestinales por cuerpos extraños (imanes), realizar diagnóstico oportuno para un tratamiento quirúrgico adecuado. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, presentación y análisis de caso clínico previo consentimiento informado de los padres. Resultados: Se describe un caso de un manejo quirúrgico oportuno por perforación de asas de intestino delgado por cuerpos extraños (imanes). Se trata de un paciente pediátrico de 6 años sin antecedentes clínicos ni quirúrgicos de importancia, no describe alergias, acude por presentar dolor abdominal de 2 días de evolución en epigastrio y posteriormente se generaliza en todo el abdomen, se acompaña de vómito de contenido alimentario por varias ocasiones. A la exploración física se encuentra el abdomen tenso con signos de irritación peritoneal y con el reporte ecográfico de líquido libre en cavidad se decide realizar laparoscopia diagnóstica misma que se realiza conversión a laparotomía exploratoria y rafia intestinal por lo hallazgos con una evolución posquirúrgica mediata favorable. Realizar un diagnóstico adecuado y un manejo oportuno en un paciente con abdomen agudo da como resulta una cirugía exitosa

    Autoaprendizaje experimental de contenidos científico-técnicos avanzados a partir de material didáctico elemental

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    Se describe la programación de actividades de autoaprendizaje experimental sobre contenidos cientí- fico-técnicos avanzados, a partir de un material didáctico elemental. Dichas actividades se han referido a la asignatura Química del Estado Sólido, correspondiente a la titulación Ingeniería de Materiales, de segundo ciclo, la cual se imparte por primera vez en la Universidad de Sevilla durante el curso 2005-06. La programación se ha aplicado por sus autores, miembros del Grupo de Investigación FQM 212 del PAI, de carácter multidisciplinar, en un contexto caracterizado por la diversidad de los estudios realizados previamente por los alumnos. Ello ha permitido llevar a cabo su evaluación y presentar los resultados obtenidos.The programmed activities for the experimental selflearnig of advanced scientific and technological contents are proposed. These activities fit into the subject Solid State Chemistry of the Materials Engineering (University of Seville) which has started the academic year 2005-06. The proposed activities have already been tested by the authors, which belong to the Andaluzian Research Group FQM 212, in a multidisciplinary group of students. This experimental trial has allowed the evaluation of the results