32 research outputs found

    Quasilocal conservation laws from semicyclic irreducible representations of Uq(sl2)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2) in XXZXXZ spin-1/21/2 chains

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    We construct quasilocal conserved charges in the gapless (âˆŁÎ”âˆŁâ‰€1|\Delta| \le 1) regime of the Heisenberg XXZXXZ spin-1/21/2 chain, using semicyclic irreducible representations of Uq(sl2)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2). These representations are characterized by a periodic action of ladder operators, which act as generators of the aforementioned algebra. Unlike previously constructed conserved charges, the new ones do not preserve magnetization, i.e. they do not possess the U(1)U(1) symmetry of the Hamiltonian. The possibility of application in relaxation dynamics resulting from U(1)U(1)-breaking quantum quenches is discussed

    Quasilocal conserved operators in isotropic Heisenberg spin 1/2 chain

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    Composing higher auxiliary-spin transfer matrices and their derivatives, we construct a family of quasilocal conserved operators of isotropic Heisenberg spin 1/2 chain and rigorously establish their linear independence from the well-known set of local conserved charges.Comment: 5 + 6 pages in RevTex; v2: slightly revised version as accepted by PR

    Operator Entanglement in Interacting Integrable Quantum Systems: the Case of the Rule 54 Chain

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    In a many-body quantum system, local operators in Heisenberg picture O(t)=eiHtOe−iHtO(t) = e^{i H t} O e^{-i H t} spread as time increases. Recent studies have attempted to find features of that spreading which could distinguish between chaotic and integrable dynamics. The operator entanglement - the entanglement entropy in operator space - is a natural candidate to provide such a distinction. Indeed, while it is believed that the operator entanglement grows linearly with time tt in chaotic systems, numerics suggests that it grows only logarithmically in integrable systems. That logarithmic growth has already been established for non-interacting fermions, however progress on interacting integrable systems has proved very difficult. Here, for the first time, a logarithmic upper bound is established rigorously for all local operators in such a system: the `Rule 54' qubit chain, a model of cellular automaton introduced in the 1990s [Bobenko et al., CMP 158, 127 (1993)], recently advertised as the simplest representative of interacting integrable systems. Physically, the logarithmic bound originates from the fact that the dynamics of the models is mapped onto the one of stable quasiparticles that scatter elastically; the possibility of generalizing this scenario to other interacting integrable systems is briefly discussed.Comment: 4+16 pages, 2+6 figures. Substantial rewriting of the presentation. As published in PR

    The isolated Heisenberg magnet as a quantum time crystal

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    We demonstrate analytically and numerically that the paradigmatic model of quantum magnetism, the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain, does not relax to stationarity and hence constitutes a genuine time crystal that does not rely on external driving or coupling to an environment. We trace this phenomenon to the existence of extensive dynamical symmetries and find their frequency to be a no-where continuous (fractal) function of the anisotropy parameter of the chain. We discuss how the ensuing persistent oscillations that violate one of the most fundamental laws of physics could be observed experimentally and identify potential metrological applications.Comment: Main text: 5 pages, 2 figures; Supplementary: 4 pages, 1 figure. New version contains study of stability to integrability breakin

    Quasilocal charges in integrable lattice systems

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    We review recent progress in understanding the notion of locality in integrable quantum lattice systems. The central concept are the so-called quasilocal conserved quantities, which go beyond the standard perception of locality. Two systematic procedures to rigorously construct families of quasilocal conserved operators based on quantum transfer matrices are outlined, specializing on anisotropic Heisenberg XXZ spin-1/2 chain. Quasilocal conserved operators stem from two distinct classes of representations of the auxiliary space algebra, comprised of unitary (compact) representations, which can be naturally linked to the fusion algebra and quasiparticle content of the model, and non-unitary (non-compact) representations giving rise to charges, manifestly orthogonal to the unitary ones. Various condensed matter applications in which quasilocal conservation laws play an essential role are presented, with special emphasis on their implications for anomalous transport properties (finite Drude weight) and relaxation to non-thermal steady states in the quantum quench scenario.Comment: 51 pages, 3 figures; review article for special issue of JSTAT on non-equilibrium dynamics in integrable systems; revised version to appear in JSTA

    Super-diffusion in one-dimensional quantum lattice models

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    We identify a class of one-dimensional spin and fermionic lattice models which display diverging spin and charge diffusion constants, including several paradigmatic models of exactly solvable strongly correlated many-body dynamics such as the isotropic Heisenberg spin chains, the Fermi-Hubbard model, and the t-J model at the integrable point. Using the hydrodynamic transport theory, we derive an analytic lower bound on the spin and charge diffusion constants by calculating the curvature of the corresponding Drude weights at half filling, and demonstrate that for certain lattice models with isotropic interactions some of the Noether charges exhibit super-diffusive transport at finite temperature and half filling.Comment: 4 pages + appendices, v2 as publishe

    Rigorous bounds on dynamical response functions and time-translation symmetry breaking

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    Dynamical response functions are standard tools for probing local physics near the equilibrium. They provide information about relaxation properties after the equilibrium state is weakly perturbed. In this paper we focus on systems which break the assumption of thermalization by exhibiting persistent temporal oscillations. We provide rigorous bounds on the Fourier components of dynamical response functions in terms of extensive or local dynamical symmetries, i.e. extensive or local operators with periodic time dependence. Additionally, we discuss the effects of spatially inhomogeneous dynamical symmetries. The bounds are explicitly implemented on the example of an interacting Floquet system, specifically in the integrable Trotterization of the Heisenberg XXZ model.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, slightly revised version with new reference

    TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed conformal field theories out of equilibrium

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    We consider the out-of-equilibrium transport in TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed (1+1)-dimension conformal field theories (CFTs). The theories admit two disparate approaches, integrability and holography, which we make full use of in order to compute the transport quantities, such as the the exact non-equilibrium steady state currents. We find perfect agreements between the results obtained from these two methods, which serve as the first checks of the TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed holographic correspondence from the dynamical standpoint. It turns out that integrability also allows us to compute the momentum diffusion, which is given by a universal formula. We also remark on an intriguing connection between the TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed CFTs and reversible cellular automata.Comment: v1: 6 pages, 1 figure. v2: typos corrected, v3: Fig. 1 corrected, published versio

    Diffusion from Convection

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    We introduce non-trivial contributions to diffusion constant in generic many-body systems arising from quadratic fluctuations of ballistically propagating, i.e. convective, modes. Our result is obtained by expanding the current operator in the vicinity of equilibrium states in terms of powers of local and quasi-local conserved quantities. We show that only the second-order terms in this expansion carry a finite contribution to diffusive spreading. Our formalism implies that whenever there are at least two coupled modes with degenerate group velocities, the system behaves super-diffusively, in accordance with the non-linear fluctuating hydrodynamics theory. Finally, we show that our expression saturates the exact diffusion constants in quantum and classical interacting integrable systems, providing a general framework to derive these expressions.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Thermal transport in TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed conformal field theories: from integrability to holography

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    In this paper we consider the energy and momentum transport in (1+1)-dimension conformal field theories (CFTs) that are deformed by an irrelevant operator TTˉT\bar{T}, using the integrability based generalized hydrodynamics, and holography. The two complementary methods allow us to study the energy and momentum transport after the in-homogeneous quench, derive the exact non-equilibrium steady states (NESS) and calculate the Drude weights and the diffusion constants. Our analysis reveals that all of these quantities satisfy universal formulae regardless of the underlying CFT, thereby generalizing the universal formulae for these quantities in pure CFTs. As a sanity check, we also confirm that the exact momentum diffusion constant agrees with the conformal perturbation. These fundamental physical insights have important consequences for our understanding of the TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed CFTs. First of all, they provide the first check of the TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed AdS3\mathrm{AdS}_3/CFT2\mathrm{CFT}_2 correspondence from the dynamical standpoint. And secondly, we are able to identify a remarkable connection between the TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed CFTs and reversible cellular automata.Comment: v1: 18 pages, 3 figures. v2: 20 pages, 3 figures, substantially improved results including a general derivation of the momentum diffusion constant. v3: Fig. 1 corrected, explanations improved. Published versio