7 research outputs found

    Renormalization-group analysis of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with a single impurity

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    We analyze the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with a single static impurity by using a computational technique based on the functional renormalization group. This extends previous work for spinless fermions to spin-1/2 fermions. The underlying approximations are devised for weak interactions and arbitrary impurity strengths, and have been checked by comparing with density-matrix renormalization-group data. We present results for the density of states, the density profile and the linear conductance. Two-particle backscattering leads to striking effects, which are not captured if the bulk system is approximated by its low-energy fixed point, the Luttinger model. In particular, the expected decrease of spectral weight near the impurity and of the conductance at low energy scales is often preceded by a pronounced increase, and the asymptotic power laws are modified by logarithmic corrections.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures, revised version as publishe

    Functional renormalization group approach to zero-dimensional interacting systems

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    We apply the functional renormalization group method to the calculation of dynamical properties of zero-dimensional interacting quantum systems. As case studies we discuss the anharmonic oscillator and the single impurity Anderson model. We truncate the hierarchy of flow equations such that the results are at least correct up to second order perturbation theory in the coupling. For the anharmonic oscillator energies and spectra obtained within two different functional renormalization group schemes are compared to numerically exact results, perturbation theory, and the mean field approximation. Even at large coupling the results obtained using the functional renormalization group agree quite well with the numerical exact solution. The better of the two schemes is used to calculate spectra of the single impurity Anderson model, which then are compared to the results of perturbation theory and the numerical renormalization group. For small to intermediate couplings the functional renormalization group gives results which are close to the ones obtained using the very accurate numerical renormalization group method. In particulare the low-energy scale (Kondo temperature) extracted from the functional renormalization group results shows the expected behavior.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures include

    Functional renormalization group for Luttinger liquids with impurities

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    We improve the recently developed functional renormalization group (fRG) for impurities and boundaries in Luttinger liquids by including renormalization of the two-particle interaction, in addition to renormalization of the impurity potential. Explicit flow-equations are derived for spinless lattice fermions with nearest neighbor interaction at zero temperature, and a fast algorithm for solving these equations for very large systems is presented. We compute spectral properties of single-particle excitations, and the oscillations in the density profile induced by impurities or boundaries for chains with up to 1000000 lattice sites. The expected asymptotic power-laws at low energy or long distance are fully captured by the fRG. Results on the relevant energy scales and crossover phenomena at intermediate scales are also obtained. A comparison with numerical density matrix renormalization results for systems with up to 1000 sites shows that the fRG with the inclusion of vertex renormalization is remarkably accurate even for intermediate interaction strengths.Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures, revised version as publishe