223 research outputs found

    Charging of a quantum dot coupled to Luttinger liquid leads

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    Luttinger liquid behavior of one-dimensional correlated electron systems is characterized by power-law scaling of a variety of physical observables with exponents determined by a single interaction dependent parameter K. We suggest a setup to study Luttinger liquid behavior in quantum wires which allows to determine K from two independent measurements: resonant transport through a quantum dot embedded in the wire and the charge on the dot. Consistency of the two measured values of K for a single probe would provide strong experimental evidence for the Luttinger liquid paradigm.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures included, version accepted for publication in PR

    Damping of zero sound in Luttinger liquids

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    We calculate the damping gamma_q of collective density oscillations (zero sound) in a one-dimensional Fermi gas with dimensionless forward scattering interaction F and quadratic energy dispersion k^2 / 2 m at zero temperature. For wave-vectors | q| /k_F small compared with F we find to leading order gamma_q = v_F^{-1} m^{-2} Y (F) | q |^3, where v_F is the Fermi velocity, k_F is the Fermi wave-vector, and Y (F) is proportional to F^3 for small F. We also show that zero-sound damping leads to a finite maximum proportional to |k - k_F |^{-2 + 2 eta} of the charge peak in the single-particle spectral function, where eta is the anomalous dimension. Our prediction agrees with photoemission data for the blue bronze K_{0.3}MoO_3.Comment: final version as published; with more technical details; we have added a discussion of recent work which appeared after our initial cond-mat posting; 13 pages, 5 figure

    Comment on "Canonical and Mircocanonical Calculations for Fermi Systems"

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    In the context of nuclear physics Pratt recently investigated noninteracting Fermi systems described by the microcanonical and canonical ensemble. As will be shown his discussion of the model of equally spaced levels contains a flaw and a statement which is at least confusing.Comment: Comment on S. Pratt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4255 (2000) and nucl-th/990505

    Indirect forces between impurities in one-dimensional quantum liquids

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    We investigate the indirect interaction between two isolated impurities in a Luttinger liquid described by a microscopic lattice model. To treat the electron-electron interaction U the functional renormalization group method is used. For comparison we also study the U=0 case. We find that for a wide range of impurity parameters the impurity interaction V_{12} as a function of their separation r oscillates with decaying amplitude between being attractive and repulsive. For half-filling of the band and in a crossover regime between weak and strong impurities the interaction becomes purely attractive. For U=0 and independent of the impurity strength the amplitude of the interaction energy falls off as 1/r. For U>0 the decay for small separations and weak to intermediate impurities is governed by a U dependent exponent larger than -1, which crosses over to -1 for large r. The crossover scale depends on the impurity strength and U. We present simple pictures which explain our results in the limits of weak and strong impurities. We finally also consider attractive interactions U<0.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures include

    Persistent currents in mesoscopic rings: A numerical and renormalization group study

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    The persistent current in a lattice model of a one-dimensional interacting electron system is systematically studied using a complex version of the density matrix renormalization group algorithm and the functional renormalization group method. We mainly focus on the situation where a single impurity is included in the ring penetrated by a magnetic flux. Due to the interplay of the electron-electron interaction and the impurity the persistent current in a system of N lattice sites vanishes faster then 1/N. Only for very large systems and large impurities our results are consistent with the bosonization prediction obtained for an effective field theory. The results from the density matrix renormalization group and the functional renormalization group agree well for interactions as large as the band width, even though as an approximation in the latter method the flow of the two-particle vertex is neglected. This confirms that the functional renormalization group method is a very powerful tool to investigate correlated electron systems. The method will become very useful for the theoretical description of the electronic properties of small conducting ring molecules.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures include

    Anomalous scaling and spin-charge separation in coupled chains

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    We use a bosonization approach to show that the three dimensional Coulomb interaction in coupled metallic chains leads to a Luttinger liquid for vanishing inter-chain hopping t⊥t_{\bot}, and to a Fermi liquid for any finite t⊥t_{\bot}. However, for small t⊥≠0t_{\bot} \neq 0 the Greens-function satisfies a homogeneity relation with a non-trivial exponent γcb\gamma_{cb} in a large intermediate regime. Our results offer a simple explanation for the large values of γcb\gamma_{cb} inferred from recent photoemission data from quasi one-dimensional conductors and might have some relevance for the understanding of the unusual properties of the high-temperature superconductors.Comment: compressed and uuencoded ps-file, including the figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett

    Scaling behavior of impurities in mesoscopic Luttinger liquids

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    Using a functional renormalization group we compute the flow of the renormalized impurity potential for a single impurity in a Luttinger liquid over the entire energy range - from the microscopic scale of a lattice-fermion model down to the low-energy limit. The non-perturbative method provides a complete real-space picture of the effective impurity potential. We confirm the universality of the open chain fixed point, but it turns out that very large systems (10^4-10^5 sites) are required to reach the fixed point for realistic choices of the impurity and interaction parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures include

    Residual conductance of correlated one-dimensional nanosystems: A numerical approach

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    We study a method to determine the residual conductance of a correlated system by means of the ground-state properties of a large ring composed of the system itself and a long non-interacting lead. The transmission probability through the interacting region and thus its residual conductance is deduced from the persistent current induced by a flux threading the ring. Density Matrix Renormalization Group techniques are employed to obtain numerical results for one-dimensional systems of interacting spinless fermions. As the flux dependence of the persistent current for such a system demonstrates, the interacting system coupled to an infinite non-interacting lead behaves as a non-interacting scatterer, but with an interaction dependent elastic transmission coefficient. The scaling to large lead sizes is discussed in detail as it constitutes a crucial step in determining the conductance. Furthermore, the method, which so far had been used at half filling, is extended to arbitrary filling and also applied to disordered interacting systems, where it is found that repulsive interaction can favor transport.Comment: 14 pages, 10 EPS figure

    Quasi-Particles in Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model: Splitting of Spectral Weight

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    It is shown that the energy (ε)(\varepsilon) and momentum (k)(k) dependences of the electron self-energy function Σ(k,ε+i0)≡ΣR(k,ε) \Sigma (k, \varepsilon + i0) \equiv \Sigma^{R}(k, \varepsilon) are, ImΣR(k,ε)=−aε2∣ε−ξk∣−γ(k) {\rm Im} \Sigma^{R} (k, \varepsilon) = -a\varepsilon^{2}|\varepsilon - \xi_{k}|^{- \gamma (k)} where aa is some constant, ξk=ε(k)−μ,ε(k)\xi_{k} = \varepsilon(k)-\mu, \varepsilon(k) being the band energy, and the critical exponent γ(k) \gamma(k) , which depends on the curvature of the Fermi surface at k k , satisfies, 0≤γ(k)≤1 0 \leq \gamma(k) \leq 1 . This leads to a new type of electron liquid, which is the Fermi liquid in the limit of ε,ξk→0 \varepsilon, \xi_{k} \rightarrow 0 but for ξk≠0 \xi_{k} \neq 0 has a split one-particle spectra as in the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid.Comment: 8 pages (LaTeX) 4 figures available upon request will be sent by air mail. KomabaCM-preprint-O

    Josephson current through a single Anderson impurity coupled to BCS leads

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    We investigate the Josephson current J(\phi) through a quantum dot embedded between two superconductors showing a phase difference \phi. The system is modeled as a single Anderson impurity coupled to BCS leads, and the functional and the numerical renormalization group frameworks are employed to treat the local Coulomb interaction U. We reestablish the picture of a quantum phase transition occurring if the ratio between the Kondo temperature T_K and the superconducting energy gap \Delta or, at appropriate T_K/\Delta, the phase difference \phi or the impurity energy is varied. We present accurate zero- as well as finite-temperature T data for the current itself, thereby settling a dispute raised about its magnitude. For small to intermediate U and at T=0 the truncated functional renormalization group is demonstrated to produce reliable results without the need to implement demanding numerics. It thus provides a tool to extract characteristics from experimental current-voltage measurements.Comment: version accepted for publication in PR
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