266 research outputs found

    Oscillatory dynamics and non-markovian memory in dissipative quantum systems

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    The nonequilibrium dynamics of a small quantum system coupled to a dissipative environment is studied. We show that (1) the oscillatory dynamics close to a coherent-to-incoherent transition is surprisingly different from the one of the classical damped harmonic oscillator and that (2) non-markovian memory plays a prominent role in the time evolution after a quantum quench.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quench dynamics of correlated quantum dots

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    We study the relaxation dynamics of a quantum dot with local Coulomb correlations coupled to two noninteracting leads which are held in grandcanonical equilibrium. Only charge degrees of freedom are considered and the dot is described by a model which in the scaling limit becomes equivalent to the interacting resonant level model. The time evolution of the current and dot occupancy resulting out of changes of the dot-lead coupling, the dots onsite energy, or the charging energy are studied. Abrupt and smooth parameter changes as well as setups with and without driving bias voltage are considered. For biased dots we investigate the often studied response after turning on the dot-lead coupling but also the experimentally more relevant case in which the voltage is turned on. We identify and explain a variety of interesting many-body effects and clarify the role of initial correlations.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Manipulating the magnetic state of a carbon nanotube Josephson junction using the superconducting phase

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    The magnetic state of a quantum dot attached to superconducting leads is experimentally shown to be controlled by the superconducting phase difference across the dot. This is done by probing the relation between the Josephson current and the superconducting phase difference of a carbon nanotube junction whose Kondo energy and superconducting gap are of comparable size. It exhibits distinctively anharmonic behavior, revealing a phase mediated singlet to doublet transition. We obtain an excellent quantitative agreement with numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo calculations. This provides strong support that we indeed observed the finite temperature signatures of the phase controlled zero temperature level-crossing transition originating from strong local electronic correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + supp. material

    Nonuniversal spectral properties of the Luttinger model

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    The one electron spectral functions for the Luttinger model are discussed for large but finite systems. The methods presented allow a simple interpretation of the results. For finite range interactions interesting nonunivesal spectral features emerge for momenta which differ from the Fermi points by the order of the inverse interaction range or more. For a simplified model with interactions only within the branches of right and left moving electrons analytical expressions for the spectral function are presented which allows to perform the thermodynamic limit. As in the general spinless model and the model including spin for which we present mainly numerical results the spectral functions do not approach the noninteracting limit for large momenta. The implication of our results for recent high resolution photoemission measurements on quasi one-dimensional conductors are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, Revtex 2.0, 5 ps-figures, to be mailed on reques

    Tuning the Josephson current in carbon nanotubes with the Kondo effect

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    We investigate the Josephson current in a single wall carbon nanotube connected to superconducting electrodes. We focus on the parameter regime in which transport is dominated by Kondo physics. A sizeable supercurrent is observed for odd number of electrons on the nanotube when the Kondo temperature Tk is sufficiently large compared to the superconducting gap. On the other hand when, in the center of the Kondo ridge, Tk is slightly smaller than the superconducting gap, the supercurrent is found to be extremely sensitive to the gate voltage Vbg. Whereas it is largely suppressed at the center of the ridge, it shows a sharp increase at a finite value of Vbg. This increase can be attributed to a doublet-singlet transition of the spin state of the nanotube island leading to a pi shift in the current phase relation. This transition is very sensitive to the asymmetry of the contacts and is in good agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Photoemission view of electron fractionalization in quasi-one dimensional metal Li0.9_{0.9}Mo6_6O17_{17}

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    We report Luttinger liquid line shapes better revealed by new angle resolved photoemission data taken with a much improved angle resolution on a quasi-1-dimensional metal Li0.9_{0.9}Mo6_6O17_{17}. The new data indicate a larger spinon velocity than our previous lower resolution data indicated.Comment: submitted to SCES '0

    Anomalous scaling and spin-charge separation in coupled chains

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    We use a bosonization approach to show that the three dimensional Coulomb interaction in coupled metallic chains leads to a Luttinger liquid for vanishing inter-chain hopping t⊄t_{\bot}, and to a Fermi liquid for any finite t⊄t_{\bot}. However, for small t⊄≠0t_{\bot} \neq 0 the Greens-function satisfies a homogeneity relation with a non-trivial exponent Îłcb\gamma_{cb} in a large intermediate regime. Our results offer a simple explanation for the large values of Îłcb\gamma_{cb} inferred from recent photoemission data from quasi one-dimensional conductors and might have some relevance for the understanding of the unusual properties of the high-temperature superconductors.Comment: compressed and uuencoded ps-file, including the figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett

    Magnetic-Field Dependence of Tunnel Couplings in Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots

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    By means of sequential and cotunneling spectroscopy, we study the tunnel couplings between metallic leads and individual levels in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. The levels are ordered in shells consisting of two doublets with strong- and weak-tunnel couplings, leading to gate-dependent level renormalization. By comparison to a one- and two-shell model, this is shown to be a consequence of disorder-induced valley mixing in the nanotube. Moreover, a parallel magnetic field is shown to reduce this mixing and thus suppress the effects of tunnel renormalization.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; revised version as publishe

    Persistent currents in mesoscopic rings: A numerical and renormalization group study

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    The persistent current in a lattice model of a one-dimensional interacting electron system is systematically studied using a complex version of the density matrix renormalization group algorithm and the functional renormalization group method. We mainly focus on the situation where a single impurity is included in the ring penetrated by a magnetic flux. Due to the interplay of the electron-electron interaction and the impurity the persistent current in a system of N lattice sites vanishes faster then 1/N. Only for very large systems and large impurities our results are consistent with the bosonization prediction obtained for an effective field theory. The results from the density matrix renormalization group and the functional renormalization group agree well for interactions as large as the band width, even though as an approximation in the latter method the flow of the two-particle vertex is neglected. This confirms that the functional renormalization group method is a very powerful tool to investigate correlated electron systems. The method will become very useful for the theoretical description of the electronic properties of small conducting ring molecules.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures include

    How universal is the one-particle Green's function of a Luttinger liquid?

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    The one-particle Green's function of the Tomonaga-Luttinger model for one-dimensional interacting Fermions is discussed. Far away from the origin of the plane of space-time coordinates the function falls off like a power law. The exponent depends on the direction within the plane. For a certain form of the interaction potential or within an approximated cut-off procedure the different exponents only depend on the strength of the interaction at zero momentum and can be expressed in terms of the Luttinger liquid parameters KρK_{\rho} and KσK_{\sigma} of the model at hand. For a more general interaction and directions which are determined by the charge velocity vρv_{\rho} and spin velocity vσv_{\sigma} the exponents also depend on the smoothness of the interaction at zero momentum and the asymptotic behavior of the Green's function is not given by the Luttinger liquid parameters alone. This shows that the physics of large space-time distances in Luttinger liquids is less universal than is widely believed.Comment: 5 pages with 2 figure
