33 research outputs found

    Influence of disorder on the structural phase transition and magnetic interactions in Ba3−x_{3-x}Srx_xCr2_2O8_8

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    The spin dimer system Ba3−xSrxCr2O8\mathrm{Ba}_{3-x}\mathrm{Sr}_x\mathrm{Cr_2O_8} is a solid solution of the triplon Bose-Einstein condensation candidates Ba3Cr2O8\mathrm{Ba_3Cr_2O_8} and Sr3Cr2O8\mathrm{Sr_3Cr_2O_8}. The magnetic intradimer interaction constant J0J_0 in this spin system can be tuned by varying the Sr content xx. Very interestingly, this variation of J0J_0 with xx is highly nonlinear. In the present study, we show that this peculiar behavior of J0J_0 can be only partly explained by the changes in the average crystal structure alone. We report on neutron powder diffraction experiments to probe the corresponding structural details. Performing extended H\"{u}ckel tight binding calculations based on those structural details obtained at liquid helium temperatures, we found that the change of the magnetic interaction constant can be well reproduced by taking into account the presence of a structural transition due to the Jahn-Teller active Cr5+^{5+}-ions. This transition, lifting the orbital degeneracy and thereby the magnetic frustration in the system, is heavily influenced by disorder in the system arising from partially exchanging Ba with Sr

    Design of magnetic spirals in layered perovskites: extending the stability range far beyond room temperature

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    In insulating materials with ordered magnetic spiral phases, ferroelectricity can emerge due to the breaking of inversion symmetry. This property is of both fundamental and practical interest, in particular with a view to exploiting it in low-power electronic devices. Advances towards technological applications have been hindered, however, by the relatively low ordering temperatures TspiralT_\mathrm{spiral} of most magnetic spiral phases, which rarely exceed 100 K. We have recently established that the ordering temperature of a magnetic spiral can be increased up to 310 K by the introduction of chemical disorder. Here we explore the design space opened up by this novel mechanism by combining it with a targeted lattice control of some magnetic interactions. In Cu-Fe layered perovskites we obtain TspiralT_\mathrm{spiral} values close to 400 K, comfortably far from room temperature and almost 100 K higher than using chemical disorder alone. Moreover, we reveal a linear, universal relationship between the spiral's wave vector and the onset temperature of the spiral phase. This linear law ends at a paramagnetic-collinear-spiral triple point, which defines the highest spiral ordering temperature that can be achieved in this class of materials. Based on these findings, we propose a general set of rules for designing magnetic spirals in layered perovskites using external pressure, chemical substitutions and/or epitaxial strain, which should guide future efforts to engineer magnetic spiral phases with ordering temperatures suitable for technological applications.Comment: 5 figures, 35 pages, to be appeared on Science Advanc

    Pushing the limits of magnetic anisotropy in trigonal bipyramidal Ni(II)

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    Monometallic complexes based on 3d transition metal ions in certain axial coordination environments can exhibit appreciably enhanced magnetic anisotropy, important for memory applications, due to stabilisation of an unquenched orbital moment. For high-spin trigonal bipyramidal Ni(II), if competing structural distortions can be minimised, this may result in an axial anisotropy that is at least an order of magnitude stronger than found for orbitally non-degenerate octahedral complexes. Broadband, high-field EPR studies of [Ni(MDABCO)2Cl3]ClO4 (1) confirm an unprecedented axial magnetic anisotropy, which pushes the limits of the familiar spin-only description. Crucially, compared to complexes with multidentate ligands that encapsulate the metal ion, we see only a very small degree of axial symmetry breaking. 1 displays field-induced slow magnetic relaxation, which is rare for monometallic Ni(II) complexes due to efficient spin–lattice and quantum tunnelling relaxation pathways

    RENiO3 Single Crystals (RE = Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Y, Ho, Er, Lu) Grown from Molten Salts under 2000 bar of Oxygen Gas Pressure

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    The electronic properties of transition-metal oxides with highly correlated electrons are of central importance in modern condensed-matter physics and chemistry, both for their fundamental scientific interest and for their potential for advanced electronic applications. However, the design of materials with tailored properties has been restricted by the limited understanding of their structure−property relationships, which are particularly complex in the proximity of the regime where localized electrons become gradually mobile. RENiO3 perovskites, characterized by the presence of spontaneous metal to insulator transitions, are some of the most widely used model materials for the investigation of this region in theoretical studies. However, crucial experimental information needed to validate theoretical predictions is still lacking due to their challenging high-pressure synthesis, which has prevented to date the growth of sizable bulk single crystals with RE ≠ La, Pr, and Nd. Here we report the first successful growth of single crystals with RE = Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Y, Ho, Er, and Lu in sizes up to ∼75 μm, grown from molten salts in a temperature gradient under 2000 bar of oxygen gas pressure. The crystals display regular prismatic shapes with flat facets, and their crystal structures and metal−insulator and antiferromagnetic order transition temperatures are in excellent agreement with previously reported values obtained from polycrystalline samples. The availability of such crystals opens access to measurements that have hitherto been impossible to conduct. This should contribute to a better understanding of the fascinating properties of materials with highly correlated electrons and guide future efforts to engineer transition-metal oxides with tailored functional properties

    YBa1−x_{1-x}Srx_{x}CuFeO5_{5} layered perovskites: exploring the magnetic order beyond the paramagnetic-collinear-spiral triple point

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    Layered perovskites of general formula AA'CuFeO5_5 are one of the few examples of cycloidal spiral magnets where the ordering temperatures TspiralT_{spiral} can be tuned far beyond room temperature by introducing modest amounts of Cu/Fe chemical disorder in the crystal structure. This rare property makes these materials prominent candidates to host multiferroicity and magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature. Moreover, it has been proposed that the highest TspiralT_{spiral} value that can be reached in this structural family (∼\sim 400 K) corresponds to a paramagnetic-collinear-spiral triple point with potential to show exotic physics. Since generating high amounts of Cu/Fe disorder is experimentally difficult, the phase diagram region beyond the triple point has been barely explored. To fill this gap we investigate here the YBa1−x_{1-x}Srx_{x}CuFeO5_{5} solid solutions (0≤x≤10 \leq x \leq 1), where we replace Ba with Sr with the aim of enhancing the impact of the experimentally available Cu/Fe disorder. Using a combination of bulk magnetization, synchrotron X-ray and neutron powder diffraction we show that the spiral state is destabilized beyond a critical degree of Cu/Fe disorder, being replaced by a non-frustrated, fully antiferromagnetic state with propagation vector kc2_{c2} = (12,12,0)(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2}, 0) and ordering temperature Tcoll2T_{coll2} ≥\geq TspiralT_{spiral}, which is progressively stabilized beyond the triple point. Interestingly, TspiralT_{spiral} and Tcoll2T_{coll2} increase with xx at the same rate. This suggests a common, disorder-driven origin, consistent with theoretical predictions

    Influence of the Fermi Surface Morphology on the Magnetic Field-Driven Vortex Lattice Structure Transitions in YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7−δ:δ=_{7-\delta}:\delta=0, 0.15

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    We report small-angle neutron scattering measurements of the vortex lattice (VL) structure in single crystals of the lightly underdoped cuprate superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.85. At 2 K, and for fields of up to 16 T applied parallel to the crystal c-axis, we observe a sequence of field-driven and first-order transitions between different VL structures. By rotating the field away from the c-axis, we observe each structure transition to shift to either higher or lower field dependent on whether the field is rotated towards the [100] or [010] direction. We use this latter observation to argue that the Fermi surface morphology must play a key role in the mechanisms that drive the VL structure transitions. Furthermore, we show this interpretation is compatible with analogous results obtained previously on lightly overdoped YBa2Cu3O7. In that material, it has long-been suggested that the high field VL structure transition is driven by the nodal gap anisotropy. In contrast, the results and discussion presented here bring into question the role, if any, of a nodal gap anisotropy on the VL structure transitions in both YBa2Cu3O6.85 and YBa2Cu3O7

    Triple-sinusoid hedgehog lattice in a centrosymmetric Kondo metal

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    Superposed symmetry-equivalent magnetic ordering wave vectors can lead to topologically non-trivial spin textures, such as magnetic skyrmions and hedgehogs, and give rise to novel quantum phenomena due to fictitious magnetic fields associated with a non-zero Berry curvature of these spin textures. To date, all known spin textures are constructed through the superposition of multiple spiral orders, where spins vary in directions with constant amplitude. Recent theoretical studies have suggested that multiple sinusoidal orders, where collinear spins vary in amplitude, can construct distinct topological spin textures regarding chirality properties. However, such textures have yet to be experimentally realised. In this work, we report the observation of a zero-field magnetic hedgehog lattice from a superposition of triple sinusoidal wave vectors in the magnetically frustrated Kondo lattice CePtAl4Ge2. Notably, we also observe the emergence of anomalous electrical and thermodynamic behaviours near the field-induced transition from the zero-field topological hedgehog lattice to a non-topological sinusoidal state. These observations highlight the role of Kondo coupling in stabilising the zero-field hedgehog state in the Kondo lattice and warrant an expedited search for other topological magnetic structures coupled with Kondo coupling

    Structural Evolution and Onset of the Density Wave Transition in the CDW Superconductor LaPt2_2Si2_2 Clarified with Synchrotron XRD

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    The quasi-2D Pt-based rare earth intermetallic material LaPt2_2Si2_2 has attracted attention as it exhibits strong interplay between charge density wave (CDW) and and superconductivity (SC). However, the most of the results reported on this material come from theoretical calculations, preliminary bulk investigations and powder samples, which makes it difficult to uniquely determine the temperature evolution of its crystal structure and, consequently, of its CDW transition. Therefore, the published literature around LaPt2_2Si2_2 is often controversial. In this paper, we clarify the complex evolution of the crystal structure, and the temperature dependence of the development of density wave transitions, in good quality LaPt2_2Si2_2 single crystals, with high resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction data. According to our findings, on cooling from room temperature LaPt2_2Si2_2 undergoes a series of subtle structural transitions which can be summarised as follows: second order commensurate tetragonal (P4/nmmP4/nmm)-to-incommensurate structure followed by a first order incommensurate-to-commensurate orthorhombic (PmmnPmmn) transition and then a first order commensurate orthorhombic (PmmnPmmn)-to-commensurate tetragonal (P4/nmmP4/nmm). The structural transitions are accompanied by both incommensurate and commensurate superstructural distortions of the lattice. The observed behavior is compatible with discommensuration of the CDW in this material