197 research outputs found

    Prader-Willi syndrome: are there population differences?

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    A 15 1/2-year-old black female with features consistent with the Prader-Willi syndrome is reported. This is the second case report of a black individual and the first case of a black female with the Prader-Willi syndrome. There is an apparent paucity of blacks reported with this condition. Whether this difference is a true difference or represents under-reporting is not known. We urge reporting of individuals representing other racial groups with this disorder and suggest population studies to determine the incidence as well as the true population difference in the Prader-Willi syndrome

    Flexibility of in vitro cortical circuits influences resilience from microtrauma

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    BackgroundSmall clusters comprising hundreds to thousands of neurons are an important level of brain architecture that correlates single neuronal properties to fulfill brain function, but the specific mechanisms through which this scaling occurs are not well understood. In this study, we developed an in vitro experimental platform of small neuronal circuits (islands) to probe the importance of structural properties for their development, physiology, and response to microtrauma.MethodsPrimary cortical neurons were plated on a substrate patterned to promote attachment in clusters of hundreds of cells (islands), transduced with GCaMP6f, allowed to mature until 10–13 days in vitro (DIV), and monitored with Ca2+ as a non-invasive proxy for electrical activity. We adjusted two structural factors–island size and cellular density–to evaluate their role in guiding spontaneous activity and network formation in neuronal islands.ResultsWe found cellular density, but not island size, regulates of circuit activity and network function in this system. Low cellular density islands can achieve many states of activity, while high cellular density biases islands towards a limited regime characterized by low rates of activity and high synchronization, a property we summarized as “flexibility.” The injury severity required for an island to lose activity in 50% of its population was significantly higher in low-density, high flexibility islands.ConclusionTogether, these studies demonstrate flexible living cortical circuits are more resilient to microtrauma, providing the first evidence that initial circuit state may be a key factor to consider when evaluating the consequences of trauma to the cortex

    Metacarpophalangeal pattern profile analysis in diastrophic dysplasia

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    We analyzed the metacarpophalangeal pattern profile (MCPP) on 16 individuals with diastrophic dysplasia and calculated a mean syndrome profile. Correlation studies confirm clinical homogeneity of the hand profile in diastrophic dysplasia. Discriminant analysis of individuals with diastrophic dysplasia compared with a sample of normal individuals produced a function of 3 MCPP variables plus age that appears to be a useful diagnostic tool

    Metacarpophalangeal Pattern Profile Analysis in Sotos Syndrome: A Follow-up Report on 34 Subjects

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    Metacarpophalangeal pattern profile (MCPP) was determined on 34 Sotos syndrome individuals and compared with previous MCPP studies. The mean hand profile contained a major peak in the proximal phalangeal area and a smaller peak in the metacarpal area, while the distal hand bones were relatively short. There appear to be three recognized hand profiles in Sotos syndrome, which suggests heterogeneity of the syndrome, although correlation studies indicate clinical homogeneity of individuals in the younger age groups. Discriminant analysis of Sotos syndrome versus control subjects produced a function of two MCPP variables, plus age, which may be applied as another diagnostic tool

    Computational Investigation of the Changing Patterns of Subtype Specific NMDA Receptor Activation during Physiological Glutamatergic Neurotransmission

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    NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are the major mediator of the postsynaptic response during synaptic neurotransmission. The diversity of roles for NMDARs in influencing synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival is often linked to selective activation of multiple NMDAR subtypes (NR1/NR2A-NMDARs, NR1/NR2B-NMDARs, and triheteromeric NR1/NR2A/NR2B-NMDARs). However, the lack of available pharmacological tools to block specific NMDAR populations leads to debates on the potential role for each NMDAR subtype in physiological signaling, including different models of synaptic plasticity. Here, we developed a computational model of glutamatergic signaling at a prototypical dendritic spine to examine the patterns of NMDAR subtype activation at temporal and spatial resolutions that are difficult to obtain experimentally. We demonstrate that NMDAR subtypes have different dynamic ranges of activation, with NR1/NR2A-NMDAR activation sensitive at univesicular glutamate release conditions, and NR2B containing NMDARs contributing at conditions of multivesicular release. We further show that NR1/NR2A-NMDAR signaling dominates in conditions simulating long-term depression (LTD), while the contribution of NR2B containing NMDAR significantly increases for stimulation frequencies that approximate long-term potentiation (LTP). Finally, we show that NR1/NR2A-NMDAR content significantly enhances response magnitude and fidelity at single synapses during chemical LTP and spike timed dependent plasticity induction, pointing out an important developmental switch in synaptic maturation. Together, our model suggests that NMDAR subtypes are differentially activated during different types of physiological glutamatergic signaling, enhancing the ability for individual spines to produce unique responses to these different inputs

    Metacarpophalangeal pattern profile analysis in Robinow syndrome

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    We analyzed the metacarpophalangeal pattern profile (MCPP) on 15 individuals with Robinow syndrome and calculated a mean Robinow syndrome profile. Correlation studies confirm clinical homogeneity of the hand profile in the Robinow syndrome. Discriminant analysis of individuals with Robinow syndrome compared with a sample of normal individuals produces a function of 6 MCPP variable that may provide a useful tool for diagnosis

    A Multiscale Approach to Blast Neurotrauma Modeling: Part I – Development of Novel Test Devices for in vivo and in vitro Blast Injury Models

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    The loading conditions used in some current in vivo and in vitro blast-induced neurotrauma models may not be representative of real-world blast conditions. To address these limitations, we developed a compressed-gas driven shock tube with different driven lengths that can generate Friedlander-type blasts. The shock tube can generate overpressures up to 650 kPa with durations between 0.3 and 1.1 ms using compressed helium driver gas, and peak overpressures up to 450 kPa with durations between 0.6 and 3 ms using compressed nitrogen. This device is used for short-duration blast overpressure loading for small animal in vivo injury models, and contrasts the more frequently used long duration/high impulse blast overpressures in the literature. We also developed a new apparatus that is used with the shock tube to recreate the in vivo intracranial overpressure response for loading in vitro culture preparations. The receiver device surrounds the culture with materials of similar impedance to facilitate the propagation of a single overpressure pulse through the tissue. This method prevents pressure waves reflecting off the tissue that can cause unrealistic deformation and injury. The receiver performance was characterized using the longest helium-driven shock tube, and produced in-fluid overpressures up to 1500 kPa at the location where a culture would be placed. This response was well correlated with the overpressure conditions from the shock tube (R2 = 0.97). Finite element models of the shock tube and receiver were developed and validated to better elucidate the mechanics of this methodology. A demonstration exposing a culture to the loading conditions created by this system suggest tissue strains less than 5% for all pressure levels simulated, which was well below functional deficit thresholds for strain rates less than 50 s−1. This novel system is not limited to a specific type of culture model and can be modified to reproduce more complex pressure pulses

    Mechanical disruption of the blood-brain barrier following experimental concussion

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    Although concussion is now recognized as a major health issue, its non-lethal nature has limited characterization of the underlying pathophysiology. In particular, potential neuropathological changes have typically been inferred from non-invasive techniques or post-mortem examinations of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Here, we used a swine model of head rotational acceleration based on human concussion to examine blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity after injury in association with diffuse axonal injury and glial responses. We then determined the potential clinical relevance of the swine concussion findings through comparisons with pathological changes in human severe TBI, where post-mortem examinations are possible. At 6–72 h post-injury in swine, we observed multifocal disruption of the BBB, demonstrated by extravasation of serum proteins, fibrinogen and immunoglobulin-G, in the absence of hemorrhage or other focal pathology. BBB disruption was observed in a stereotyped distribution consistent with biomechanical insult. Specifically, extravasated serum proteins were frequently observed at interfaces between regions of tissue with differing material properties, including the gray–white boundary, periventricular and subpial regions. In addition, there was substantial overlap of BBB disruption with regions of axonal pathology in the white matter. Acute perivascular cellular uptake of blood-borne proteins was observed to be prominent in astrocytes (GFAP-positive) and neurons (MAP-2-positive), but not microglia (IBA1-positive). Parallel examination of human severe TBI revealed similar patterns of serum extravasation and glial uptake of serum proteins, but to a much greater extent than in the swine model, attributed to the higher injury severity. These data suggest that BBB disruption represents a new and important pathological feature of concussion

    A Multiscale Approach to Blast Neurotrauma Modeling: Part II: Methodology for Inducing Blast Injury to in vitro Models

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    Due to the prominent role of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in wounding patterns of U.S. war-fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan, blast injury has risen to a new level of importance and is recognized to be a major cause of injuries to the brain. However, an injury risk-function for microscopic, macroscopic, behavioral, and neurological deficits has yet to be defined. While operational blast injuries can be very complex and thus difficult to analyze, a simplified blast injury model would facilitate studies correlating biological outcomes with blast biomechanics to define tolerance criteria. Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) results from the translation of a shock wave in-air, such as that produced by an IED, into a pressure wave within the skull–brain complex. Our blast injury methodology recapitulates this phenomenon in vitro, allowing for control of the injury biomechanics via a compressed-gas shock tube used in conjunction with a custom-designed, fluid-filled receiver that contains the living culture. The receiver converts the air shock wave into a fast-rising pressure transient with minimal reflections, mimicking the intracranial pressure history in blast. We have developed an organotypic hippocampal slice culture model that exhibits cell death when exposed to a 530 ± 17.7-kPa peak overpressure with a 1.026 ± 0.017-ms duration and 190 ± 10.7 kPa-ms impulse in-air. We have also injured a simplified in vitro model of the blood–brain barrier, which exhibits disrupted integrity immediately following exposure to 581 ± 10.0 kPa peak overpressure with a 1.067 ± 0.006-ms duration and 222 ± 6.9 kPa-ms impulse in-air. To better prevent and treat bTBI, both the initiating biomechanics and the ensuing pathobiology must be understood in greater detail. A well-characterized, in vitro model of bTBI, in conjunction with animal models, will be a powerful tool for developing strategies to mitigate the risks of bTBI

    Calpain mediates proteolysis of the voltage-gated sodium channel alpha-subunit

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    Alterations in the expression, molecular composition, and localization of voltage-gated sodium channels play major roles in a broad range of neurological disorders. Recent evidence identifies sodium channel proteolysis as a key early event after ischemia and traumatic brain injury, further expanding the role of the sodium channel in neurological diseases. In this study, we investigate the protease responsible for proteolytic cleavage of voltage-gated sodium channels (NaChs). NaCh proteolysis occurs after protease activation in rat brain homogenates, pharmacological disruption of ionic homeostasis in cortical cultures, and mechanical injury using an in vitro model of traumatic brain injury. Proteolysis requires Ca2+ and calpain activation but is not influenced by caspase-3 or cathepsin inhibition. Proteolysis results in loss of the full-length {alpha}-subunits, and the creation of fragments comprising all domains of the channel that retain interaction even after proteolysis. Cell surface biotinylation after mechanical injury indicates that proteolyzed NaChs remain in the membrane before noticeable evidence of neuronal death, providing a mechanism for altered action potential initiation, propagation, and downstream signaling events after Ca2+ elevation