7 research outputs found

    Pembangunan dan keberkesanan persekitaran e-pembelajaran kaedah sokratik

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    Nowadays, online technology is the most used learning medium. The integration of technology with a pedagogical learning is a combination that is considered to have a great potential in improving the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of students. HOTS in Physics subject in Malaysia is still at a dismal level based on the Trends in International Mathematic and Science Study (TIMSS) and Programme International Student Assessment (PISA) test results. Previous studies found a learning method, Socratic Method can improve the cognitive thinking of the students. However, this method only focuses on mastery of critical thinking and rather than focusing on creative thinking, whereas HOTS requires both skills. Therefore, this study examined the extent of students' understanding of HOTS when they are exposed to an e-learning approach based on a Specific Socratic Method for the study of Physics. This was done by developing a system of e-learning environment of this method using Moodle application besides studying its effectiveness. The e-learning system was based on the ADDIE Model aimed for the suitability of target users. This study identified learning features of the Socratic Method and type of online interaction dominant during learning. A quasi-experimental design was adopted using experimental and control groups. A group of 30 students had undergone treatment as compared to the other group who attended conventional classes. Pre and post tests were given to both groups to determine the effectiveness of the developed e-learning environment. Respondents filled the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) and Creative Thinking - Problem Solving (CT-PS) questionnaires to measure their critical and creative thinking. These were analysed using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney. Quantitative data were also analysed using SPSS with t-test. The characteristics of the Socratic Method and type of interaction that were dominant can be identified through the logs on the use of the e-learning system. Log data were taken from each student and were studied for frequency of application of features and interactions. Qualitative data from interviews triangulated quantitative data. The findings showed that e-learning is an effective method for students to improve their critical and creative thinking skills and will have an overall improvement in the academic achievement, especially in the solution of questions that have HOTS elements in Physics. Finally, an e-learning framework of the Socratic Method for the achievement of HOTS was generated based on the processed data mining using WEKA 3.8.0 application

    Penguasaan pelajar dalam kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dengan pembelajaran kaedah sokratik

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    Pencapaian pelajar di Malaysia dalam penilaian Trends in International Mathematic and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 dan Programme International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012, menunjukkan kedudukan pencapaian dibawah purata antarabangsa jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negar asia yang lain. Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, bidang pendidikan memerlukan penambahbaikan untuk membolehkan penguasaan pelajar dalam pembelajaran agar keputusan penilaian TIMSS dan PISA dapat ditingkatkan selepas ini. Terdapat kajian sebelum ini mengatakan bahawa cara yang berkesan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan pemikiran kritis pelajar adalah melalui kaedah pembelajaran sokratik. Kelebihan kaedah pembelajaran sokratik ini adalah berpusatkan pelajar selain dapat meningkatkan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi pelajar khususnya pemikiran kreatif dan kritis. Terdapat satu elemen yang boleh diintegrasikan bersama pembelajaran sokratik antaranya ialah penggunaan teknologi. Penggunaan teknologi boleh menjadikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran lebih menarik disamping dapat melibatkan pelajar secara optimum. Kepentingan penggunaan teknologi dalam era teknologi maklumat yang pesat ini adalah bagi membolehkan pelajar sentiasa mendapat maklumat yang terkini. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan sorotan kajian tentang pembelajaran sokratik dalam teknologi pembelajaran maya

    The socratic method online to improve critical and high order thinking among students

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    Since the existance of social sites is more widespread nowadays; adolescents ages 13 to 17 are often engaged in it more than studying. These things happen because they are exposed to the use of technology since birth. This can be avoided since technology can be put to good use in daily or everyday life. Various parties, especially parents and teacher should monitor their children’s addiction to technology can be deflected to thing that can be beneficial. For example, the use of online learning is an ideal medium for students who often use the computer while studying. The use of online technology for learning can help student to share ideas with other students and socialize at the same time (Liao et al., 2014). Apart from that, there are also studies that state the online learning can stimulate the student’s use of critical thinking as they challenged each other to express their views (Kalelioglu dan Gülbahar, 2014). To futher improve the online discussion, the use of socratic method which is a method that can make students always think. This due to the fact that this method uses questioning techniques to encourage students to think for acquiry answers, thus construct their own concept of the answers given and received from their peers in the forum (Yang et al., 2005)

    Enhancing student's higher order thinking skills (HOTS) through the socratic method approach with technology

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    Technologies have a potential to make learning more dynamic and capable of going beyond traditional learning boundaries. With the use of online technologies for example, students can interact with teachers and other students, regardless of time and distance. The learning process can also occur in synchronize or asynchronies. Meaningful interaction is needed in the Socratic method of learning because this is the concept of learning through question after question to build knowledge. The dialogue interaction, questions are either verbal or non-verbal. So this is where online technology comes into allows students to always dialogue with certain individuals to construct new knowledge. Next, by using the Socratic method of learning the high level of HOTS can be increased which is emphasized in the field of education in Malaysia nowadays. This paper will discuss previous studies about the potential of technology in engineering methods to improve student’s HOTS

    Encourage student to enhance creative thinking through socratic method with technology approach

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    Students whom wish to master high - level thinking skills, creative thinking is one aspect that should be prioritized. Creative thinking in particula r is intended to diversify the solution of a problem to suit the current situation. If a student is unable to find an alternative solution, it shows that they have not been able to achieve the higher - order thinking. Creative thinking can be encouraged thro ugh the use of Socratic learning methods with technology approach. The process of questioning by provoking; the Socratic methods can improve students' creative thinking. This paper will describe how creative thinking can be enhanced through the Socratic me thod of learning with technology approach based on analysis of previous studies. Based on the findings of the analysis of these studies; a specific models to enhance creative thinking by using Socratic methods through technology will be produced

    Gamification's role as an assessment and learning tool in education

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    Gemificaticn is a new and upcoming trend that is predicted by many to further enhance the field of educational technology in the new millennium. The use of gamification has fared well in the coorperate world and is gradually transcending into the educational arena, The usage of game elements such as points. badges and leaderboard can assist in keeping the students not only motivated but also engaged to the leaching and learning process in the school, As learning and assessment come hand in hand as a knowledge acquiring process in a classroom, therefore it should be identified whether gamification can be truly utulized is via the form of an assessment and learning tool in the teaching and learning process. This paper will discuss about the repercussions of using gamefication as an assessment and learning tool based on the review of severel studies