4 research outputs found


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    Good leadership in the lifelong learning of technical and vocational education exists when the leaders are able to perform either one or combination of transformational leadership characteristics, even though, less emphasis on these characteristics can affect job satisfaction of his or her subordinates. This study investigated transformational of Heads of Departments at the Polytechnics with regards to the job satisfaction of the lecturers. Respondents of this study are made up of 365 lecturers randomly selected from the polytechnics in Malaysia. Survey instrument had been used. Data obtained is analyzed using means and Pearson correlation methods. Results of the study show the elements of intellectual stimulation (mean = 3.18), increasing influence (mean = 3.17), providing reasoning as individuals (mean = 3.08) and inspirational motivation (mean = 3.04) are high; as well as a high job satisfaction level (mean = 3.16). The Pearson correlation analysis indicates that all four transformational leadership in the life long learning characteristics practiced by Heads of Departments at the Polytechnics have strong and significant correlations with the job satisfaction of the lecturers. As a conclusion, Heads of Departments at the Polytechnics is practicing transformational leadership in the life long learning characteristics in the administration of departments

    Tingkah laku pesakit histeria menurut perspektif perubatan Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah

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    Histeria merupakan gejala yang sukar ditentukan sama ada berpunca daripada gangguan psikologi atau rasukan jin. Justeru kajian ini bertujuan untuk membezakan antara tingkah laku pesakit histeria rasukan jin dengan tingkah laku pesakit histeria gangguan psikologi menurut perspektif perubatan Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah. Temu bual dan pemerhatian dilakukan terhadap pesakit dan perawat Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah di pusat perubatan tradisional Islam Darussyifa’ dan Darussalam yang bertempat di Bangi dan Gombak, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Kajian kes kualitatif telah dipilih sebagai reka bentuk kajian. Analisis tema dilakukan dengan menggunakan perisian Atlas ti. 7. Pengesahan pakar diperoleh melalui tahap bacaan Cohen Kappa pada setiap tema kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tingkah laku pesakit histeria seperti agresif dan bertutur bahasa asing terzahir sebagai reaksi semasa pesakit sedang menjalani perubatan Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah. Tingkah laku pesakit yang tidak agresif, tidak lagi berkomunikasi dengan bahasa pelik, bertenaga dan rajin dalam melakukan ibadat dan menjalani urusan harian merupakan kesan selepas pesakit menjalani perubatan tersebut. Purata bacaan Cohen Kappa adalah sebanyak 0.66 iaitu, mencapai tahap tinggi. Sebagai kesimpulan, perbezaan antara simptom daripada dua jenis histeria tersebut diperoleh melalui reaksi semasa perubatan Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah dan kesan selepas perubatan tersebut dijalankan ke atas pesakit

    Simptom mimpi histeria rasukan jin dalam perspektif pesakit, perawat dan hadis

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    This study aims at specifying nightmares symptom of hysteria under evil possession from the perspectives of patients, therapists and Islamic Tradition of the Prophet P.B.U.H. Cases studied is on the common hysteria incidents including type of hysteria like normal possession al-sar’ or al-mass, saka and withcraft hysteria. An interview survey and observation were carried out towards patients and therapists in gathering informations. The result of qualitative study is analysed thematically after a coding was done using Atlas ti. 7 Software. Experts agree to carry out on stated theme using Cohen Kappa’s calculation method. Content analysis also was done to evaluate nightmare symptom of evil possession on Islamic tradition perspective. Finding shows that there were specific forms of nightmare as an evil possession symptom. This characteristic of nightmares causes sense of pain at the whole body in the next morning. Patients having nightmares before ruqyah treatment. Beside that, patients’ nightmare lessens and disappears after receiveing ruqyah treatment. Symptom of behavior, physical and experience during treatment such as screaming, trembling, eyes shaking, and delusion also differentiate between hysteria evil possession from hysteria psychological disorder and evil temptation. This is due to the ruqyah treatment from al-Quran and prophet’s recitement affected towards evil. It is too difficult to differentiate nightmare simptom among normal evil possession, saka and witchcraft because the most of nightmare symptom were the same as hysterical evil possession symptom

    Tingkah laku pesakit histeria menurut perspektif perubatan ruqyah shar'iyyah

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    Hysteria has a blind factor view wheather it was because of psychological disturbance and demonic exorcism. This study aims to differentiate the behavior symptom between hysterical patient and psychological disorder patient based on the Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah medication perspective. Interview and observation was done on patient and Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah healer in traditional Islamic medication centre in Darussyifa’ and Darussalam which is located in Bangi and Gombak, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Quality case study was chosen as a study design. Thematic analysis was done using Atlas ti. 7 analysis software. Validity from experts was gained in the form of Cohen Kappa level in each theme of the study. Finding shows that behavior of hysterical patient of demonic exorcism such as aggressiveness and communicating in wierd language appears as a reaction during Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah treatment. Patients non aggressive, non-communicating in weird language appears as a reaction during Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah treatment. Patient’s non-aggressive, non-communicating in weird language behavior, and energetic through their worshipping and their daily life activities were the effect of the treatment. The cumulative rating of Cohen Kappa of 0.66 reaches ‘Substantial level’. As a result, differentiation between both symptoms was gained through the reaction during Ruqyah Shar‘iyyah treatment and the positive effect after the treatment