3 research outputs found

    Improving academic advisor and student engagement via development of an integrated mentoring system / Muhammad Afiq Mohd Azmin ...[et al.]

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a web-based information system for managing interaction between an Academic Advisor (Mentor) and students (Mentees) in the context of Malaysian higher education institutions. A preliminary study was conducted at the Faculty of Information Management, University Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Kelantan. The prototype of the system is developed based on Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology. This study addressed three problems; (1) lack of platform to manage interaction between lecturer and students, (2) lack of tools to effectively measure the level of student’s satisfaction and welfare, and (3) lack of tools to effectively measure the level of Academic Advisor engagement with their mentees. To solve the research problems, a study was conducted in three phases; (1) review of previous literature, (2) prototype development of iMAMS, and (3) empirical study to measure user satisfaction towards iMAMS. As a result, this study introduces novel ideas of CPS Score, SWi Score, and STCC Code. The prototype of iMAMS is protected under Copyright Act 1987 and can be commercialized as a software product and mobile application. Potential clients are universities, schools, NGOs, and government agencies. The prototype of iMAMS can be downloaded from Google PlayStore and also accessible via http://imams.uitmapps.com/v201

    IM-Vative sandbox: fun learning in mastering hypertext markup language (HTML) / Izzatil Husna Arshad ...[et al.]

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    Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is one of the most popular languages for website development. Since its inception, many academic institutions have integrated the knowledge of HTML within their syllabus. However, previous research shows that many students are having difficulties to be proficient in HTML language. Several problems are identified; (1) lack of effective online content, (2) lack of supporting tool to code HTML, (3) portability issue of authoring software. Therefore, IM-Vative Sandbox was developed based on PHP Programming Language (PHP), MySQL Database, and jQuery. The sandbox provides real-time generation of HTML source codes; compared to the conventional method of using Notepad, Sublime, or any other authoring tools. In terms of commercialization, the application can be accessed through mobile and desktop and suitable for beginners who want to learn the basics of HTM

    Penambahbaikan penyediaan Laporan Latihan Industri melalui Sistem Repositori Laporan dan Kit Latihan Industri (enhancing the preparation of Industrial Training Report through Report Repository System and Industrial Training Kit) / Salliza Md Radzi … [et al.]

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    Kursus Latihan Industri (IMC690) merupakan kursus wajib yang harus diambil oleh pelajar semester 7 bagi program Pengurusan Sistem Maklumat (IM245). Kursus ini membawa pemberat jam kredit yang tinggi iaitu 12 jam kredit. Terdapat empat (4) bahagian yang dinilai dan penyumbang markah sebanyak 40% adalah pada laporan akhir latihan industri. Masalah berlaku apabila pelajar tidak dapat menyiapkan laporan mengikut tempoh yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak Fakulti. Natijahnya, laporan lewat dihantar, laporan lewat disemak dan markah laporan rendah telah memberi kesan terhadap pelajar dan pensyarah. Objektif kajian adalah bertujuan untuk mengurangkan peratus kelewatan penghantaran laporan latihan industri. Kajian ini mengenengahkan dua (2) projek inovasi kreatif iaitu pembangunan Sistem Repositori Laporan Latihan Industri (ITR2) dan penghasilan Kit Latihan Industri (IT Kit) sebagai kaedah penyelesaian masalah. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian, peratusan kelewatan penyediaan laporan akhir IMC690 telah berjaya diturunkan daripada 60% kepada 0% dan secara tidak langsung telah mendorong kepada peningkatan peratusan markah laporan akhir melebihi paras 30%. Hasil kedua-dua inovasi ini telah terbukti sebagai sumber rujukan komprehensif yang telah berjaya membantu pelajar dalam menghasilkanlaporan yang berkualiti dan mengikut piawaian