12 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the university women athletes and sedentary women students in respect of simple choice visual reaction time (SCVRT) of hands. Method: 40 university women students were randomly selected as subject and each group consisted of 20 students, and age ranged between 17 to 25 years. SCVRT of the subjects were tested of both the hands using the subject’s index figure. Reaction Time (RT) was measured five times of both the hands of the subjects and the first two digits of milliseconds of average of five trials were considered as the experimented RT data for the study. Audio-Visual Reaction (AVR) Timer machine was used to collect RT data. Result: Paired sample t-test of strong and weak hands of athletes and sedentary women university students together shows that strong hand mean = 18.28 ms, SD = 1.71 ms, and weak hand mean = 21.08 ms and SD = 2.17 ms, t(0.05)(39) = -8.84 and p = 0.00. Further, an independent sample t-test of both the hands between athletes and sedentary women students show that in the strong hand athletes mean = 17.95 ms and SD = 1.96 ms, and sedentary mean = 18.60 ms and SD = 1.39 ms, t(0.05)(38)= -1.21 and p = 0.23. Whereas, in the weak hand athletes mean = 20.70 ms and SD = 2.56 ms, and sedentary mean = 21.45 ms and SD = 1.67 ms; t(0.05)(38)= -1.10 and p = 0.28. Conclusion: It is concluded that among the university athletes and sedentary women students’ strong hand is faster than that of their weak hand in terms of simple choice visual reaction time, and athletes and sedentary women students’ strong and weak hand quickness is almost the same in the population. However, women athletes maintain little superiority over sedentary women students based on SCVRT quickness in both cases of strong and weak hand in the sample.  Article visualizations

    Enhancing droplet deposition through in-situ precipitation

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    Retention of agricultural sprays on plant surfaces is an important challenge. Bouncing of sprayed pesticide droplets from leaves is a major source of soil and groundwater pollution and pesticide overuse. Here we report a method to increase droplet deposition through in-situ formation of hydrophilic surface defects that can arrest droplets during impact. Defects are created by simultaneously spraying oppositely charged polyelectrolytes that induce surface precipitation when two droplets come into contact. Using high-speed imaging, we study the coupled dynamics of drop impact and surface precipitate formation. We develop a physical model to estimate the energy dissipation by the defects and predict the transition from bouncing to sticking. We demonstrate macroscopic enhancements in spray retention and surface coverage for natural and synthetic non-wetting surfaces and provide insights into designing effective agricultural sprays

    Оцінка показників рухової підготовленості серед спортсменів у різних видах спорту: оригінальне дослідження

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    Background. Motor fitness is one of the keys to athletes’ success and is the initial factor mixed with game-specific technique and tactics that has an impact on game performance. All athletes should incorporate these elements into their sport and game actions. Study purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate differences in motor fitness metrics among university-level male athletes participating in various sports. Materials and methods. Sixty (60) male athletes, ranging in age from 18 to 25 years, were selected from six different sports: Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Handball, and Volleyball. Each group consisted of 10 athletes who had competed at the inter-university level. The research focused on six key fitness metrics: agility, speed, power, arm strength, abdominal muscle strength, and cardiovascular endurance. Appropriate testing methods and instruments were used to measure these parameters. Statistical analysis, including one-way ANOVA and post hoc LSD tests, was performed to identify significant differences between the groups. A significance level of 0.05 was set for the study. Results. The results showed statistically significant differences among the groups in agility (F(5,54) = 4.776, p<0.001), speed (F(5,54) = 5.602, p<0.000), and cardiovascular endurance (F(5,54) = 3.578, p<0.007). However, no significant differences were observed for power (F(5,54) = 2.079, p>0.082), arm strength (F(5,54) = 1.368, p>0.251), and abdominal muscle strength (F(5,54) = 1.947, p>0.102). According to the post hoc (LSD) test findings, each group’s agility, speed, and cardiovascular endurance parameters were compared to each other to check the significance level. Conclusions. In summary, the study has revealed that agility, speed, and cardiovascular endurance were significantly different among athletes in various sports, whereas power, arm strength, and abdominal muscle strength were not. The findings suggest that athletes and coaches should prioritize sport-specific fitness components to improve game performance.Історія питання. Рухова підготовленість є однією з ключових складових успішності спортсменів і є початковим фактором, який у поєднанні з технікою і тактикою конкретної гри впливає на результативність гри. Всі спортсмени повинні включати дані елементи до своєї спортивно-ігрової діяльності. Мета дослідження. Метою цього дослідження було оцінити відмінності в показниках рухової підготовленості серед спортсменів-чоловіків університетського рівня, які займаються різними видами спорту. Матеріали та методи. Для дослідження було відібрано шістдесят (60) спортсменів чоловічої статі, віком від 18 до 25 років, які представляли шість різних видів спорту: Легка Атлетика, Баскетбол, Крикет, Футбол, Гандбол та Волейбол. Кожна група складалася з 10 спортсменів, які змагалися на міжуніверситетському рівні. У фокусі дослідження були шість ключових показників фізичної підготовленості: спритність, швидкість, продуктивність, сила рук, сила мʼязів черевного преса та витривалість серцево-судинної системи. Зазначені параметри вимірювалися за допомогою відповідних методів тестування та інструментів. Для встановлення значущих відмінностей між групами було проведено статистичний аналіз, включаючи однофакторний дисперсійний аналіз ANOVA та post-hoc аналіз з використанням LSD-тесту (найменша значуща різниця). У дослідженні був встановлений рівень значущості 0,05. Результати. За результатами дослідження зафіксовано статистично значущі відмінності серед груп у показниках спритності (F(5,54) = 4,776, p<0,001), швидкості (F(5,54) = 5,602, p<0,000) та витривалості серцево-судинної системи (F(5,54) = 3,578, p<0,007). Однак не спостерігалося значущих відмінностей для показників продуктивності (F(5,54) = 2,079, p>0,082), сили рук (F(5,54) = 1,368, p>0,251) і сили м'язів черевного преса (F(5,54) = 1,947, p>0,102). Відповідно до результатів post-hoc аналізу з використанням LSD-тесту, для перевірки рівня значущості було проведено порівняльний аналіз параметрів спритності, швидкості та витривалості серцево-судинної системи в кожній групі. Висновки. Таким чином, дослідження виявило, що показники спритності, швидкості та витривалості серцево-судинної системи суттєво відрізняються між спортсменами в різних видах спорту, тоді як показники продуктивності, сили рук та сили мʼязів черевного преса не мають відмінностей. Отримані дані свідчать про те, що спортсмени та тренери повинні надавати пріоритет компонентам фізичної підготовленості, що є специфічними для конкретного виду спорту з метою покращення результативності гри

    Effects of Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Growth and Glucosinolate Content of Kale Grown in a Plant Factory

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    The growth of plants and their glucosinolate content largely depend on the cultivation environment; however, there are limited reports on the optimization of ambient environmental factors for kale grown in plant factories. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of temperature, relative humidity, and the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration on kale growth and glucosinolate content in different growth stages of cultivation in a plant factory. Kale was grown under different temperatures (14, 17, 20, 23, and 26 °C), relative humidities (45, 55, 65, 75, and 85%), and CO2 concentrations (400, 700, 1000, 1300, and 1600 ppm) in a plant factory. Two and four weeks after transplantation, leaf samples were collected to evaluate the physical growth and glucosinolate contents. The statistical significance of the treatment effects was determined by two-way analysis of variance, and Duncan’s multiple range test was used to compare the means. A correlation matrix was constructed to show possible linear trends among the dependent variables. The observed optimal temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 range for growth (20–23 °C, 85%, and 700–1000 ppm) and total glucosinolate content (14–17 °C, 55–75%, and 1300–1600 ppm) were different. Furthermore, the glucosinolate content in kale decreased with the increase of temperature and relative humidity levels, and increased with the increase of CO2 concentration. Most of the physical growth variables showed strong positive correlations with each other but negative correlations with glucosinolate components. The findings of this study could be used by growers to maintain optimum environmental conditions for the better growth and production of glucosinolate-rich kale leaves in protected cultivation facilities

    The Immediate Effect of Lateral Wedge Insoles, With and Without a Subtalar Strap, on the Lateral Trunk Lean Motion in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis

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    Background: Orthotic interventions for knee osteoarthritis (OA) aim to reduce mechanical loading on the medial compartment of the knee and may lessen the lateral trunk lean as the most important compensatory gait strategy. The lateral wedge insole is a known orthotic intervention for knee OA. However, the question whether the addition of a subtalar strap to the wedge improves its effect has not been addressed in the literature. Objective: To compare the effects of lateral wedge insoles, with and without a subtalar strap, on the lateral trunk lean in patients with knee OA. Methods: Twenty-three patients aged over 40 years, with grade I or II OA of the medial compartment of one knee, based on the American College of Rheumatology criteria, were included in this study. The patients were diagnosed with OA based on a clinical examination, and the diagnosis was confirmed with radiographs. A 3-dimensional motion measurement system was used to collect the gait data for 3 different conditions: (1) with no insole, (2) with a lateral wedge insole, and (3) with a lateral wedge insole and a subtalar strap. The immediate effect of the 3 test conditions on the lateral trunk lean was compared during a gait cycle a stance phase and at the point of midstance. Results: Based on the laboratory coordinate system, the 3 conditions had no significant effect on the lateral trunk lean during a gait cycle and a stance phase and at the point of midstance in patients with knee OA. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that the lateral wedge insoles, with and without a subtalar strap, had no immediate effect on the lateral trunk lean in patients with knee OA. However, the long-term effect of lateral wedge insoles on the lateral trunk lean in these patients requires further investigation

    Seedling Growth Stress Quantification Based on Environmental Factors Using Sensor Fusion and Image Processing

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    Understanding the diverse environmental influences on seedling growth is critical for maximizing yields. The need for a more comprehensive understanding of how various environmental factors affect seedling growth is required. Integrating sensor data and image processing techniques offers a promising approach to accurately detect stress symptoms and uncover hidden patterns, enhancing the comprehension of seedling responses to environmental factors. The objective of this study was to quantify environmental stress symptoms for six seedling varieties using image-extracted feature characteristics. Three sensors were used: an RGB camera for color, shape, and size information; a thermal camera for measuring canopy temperature; and a depth camera for providing seedling height from the image-extracted features. Six seedling varieties were grown under controlled conditions, with variations in temperature, light intensity, nutrients, and water supply, while daily automated imaging was conducted for two weeks. Key seedling features, including leaf area, leaf color, seedling height, and canopy temperature, were derived through image processing techniques. These features were then employed to quantify stress symptoms for each seedling type. The analysis of stress effects on the six seedling varieties revealed distinct responses to environmental stressors. Integration of color, size, and shape parameters established a visual hierarchy: pepper and pak choi seedlings showed a good response, cucumber seedlings showed a milder response, and lettuce and tomato seedlings displayed an intermediate response. Pepper and tomato seedlings exhibited a wide range of growth stress symptoms, at 13.00% to 83.33% and 2.96% to 70.01%, respectively, indicating considerable variability in their reactions to environmental stressors. The suggested classification approach provides valuable groundwork for advancing stress monitoring and enabling growers to optimize environmental conditions

    Vibration Assessment of a 12-kW Self-Propelled Riding-Type Automatic Onion Transplanter for Transplanting Performance and Operator Comfort

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    Vibration assessment of upland crop machinery under development is essential because high vibrational exposures affect machine efficiency, service life of components, degradation of the working environment, and cause health risks to the operator. It is intensively assessed for automobiles as well as large off-road agricultural vehicles (i.e., tractors). However, it is mostly overlooked in the case of the small or medium riding-type upland utility vehicles. Therefore, the vibration exposures of a 12-kilowatt self-propelled riding-type automatic onion transplanter were measured and evaluated to assess the performance of onion transplantation and the operator’s comfort in this study. Different types of driving surfaces, operating statuses (static and driving), and load conditions were considered to analyze the vibration exposure. The precision of transplantations was evaluated while operating the transplanter on the soil surface with different driving speeds and load conditions. Tri-axial accelerometers and a LabVIEW-coded program were used for data acquisition. The vibrational exposures were evaluated based on ISO standards, and power spectral density (PSD) was estimated to assess the major frequencies. According to the statistical analysis, the daily exposure value (A(8)) and the vibration dose value (VDV) varied from 10 to 15 ms−2 and 20 to 31 ms−1.75, respectively, which exceeded the ISO 2631-1 standards (i.e., A(8): 1.15 ms−2 and VDV: 21 ms−1.75). The calculated health risk factor (RA) was moderate. Moreover, a high weighted acceleration (around 8 ms−2) was observed on the seedling conveyor belt, which might result in missing seedlings during transplanting. The vibration exposures of the developed onion transplanter need to be minimized following the ISO standards, and vibration reduction would also improve the market competitiveness

    Vibration Assessment of a 12-kW Self-Propelled Riding-Type Automatic Onion Transplanter for Transplanting Performance and Operator Comfort

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    Vibration assessment of upland crop machinery under development is essential because high vibrational exposures affect machine efficiency, service life of components, degradation of the working environment, and cause health risks to the operator. It is intensively assessed for automobiles as well as large off-road agricultural vehicles (i.e., tractors). However, it is mostly overlooked in the case of the small or medium riding-type upland utility vehicles. Therefore, the vibration exposures of a 12-kilowatt self-propelled riding-type automatic onion transplanter were measured and evaluated to assess the performance of onion transplantation and the operator’s comfort in this study. Different types of driving surfaces, operating statuses (static and driving), and load conditions were considered to analyze the vibration exposure. The precision of transplantations was evaluated while operating the transplanter on the soil surface with different driving speeds and load conditions. Tri-axial accelerometers and a LabVIEW-coded program were used for data acquisition. The vibrational exposures were evaluated based on ISO standards, and power spectral density (PSD) was estimated to assess the major frequencies. According to the statistical analysis, the daily exposure value (A(8)) and the vibration dose value (VDV) varied from 10 to 15 ms−2 and 20 to 31 ms−1.75, respectively, which exceeded the ISO 2631-1 standards (i.e., A(8): 1.15 ms−2 and VDV: 21 ms−1.75). The calculated health risk factor (RA) was moderate. Moreover, a high weighted acceleration (around 8 ms−2) was observed on the seedling conveyor belt, which might result in missing seedlings during transplanting. The vibration exposures of the developed onion transplanter need to be minimized following the ISO standards, and vibration reduction would also improve the market competitiveness