21 research outputs found

    Regional mean sea surface and mean dynamic topography models around Malaysian seas developed from 27 years of along-track multi-mission satellite altimetry data

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    Contemporary Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2020 Mean Sea Surface (UTM20 MSS) and Mean Dynamic Topography (UTM20 MDT) models around Malaysian seas are introduced in this study. These regional models are computed via scrutinizing along-track sea surface height (SSH) points and specific interpolation methods. A 1.5-min resolution of UTM20 MSS is established by integrating 27 years of along-track multi-mission satellite altimetry covering 1993–2019 and considering the 19-year moving average technique. The Exact Repeat Mission (ERM) collinear analysis, reduction of sea level variability of geodetic mission (GM) data, crossover adjustment, and data gridding are presented as part of the MSS computation. The UTM20 MDT is derived using a pointwise approach from the differences between UTM20 MSS and the local gravimetric geoid. UTM20 MSS and MDT reliability are validated with the latest Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Collecte Localisation Services (CLS) models along with coastal tide gauges. The findings presented that the UTM20, CLS15, and DTU18 MSS models exhibit good agreement. Besides, UTM20 MDT is also in good agreement with CLS18 and DTU15 MDT models with an accuracy of 5.1 and 5.5 cm, respectively. The results also indicate that UTM20 MDT statistically achieves better accuracy than global models compared to tide gauges. Meanwhile, the UTM20 MSS accuracy is within 7.5 cm. These outcomes prove that UTM20 MSS and MDT models yield significant improvement compared to the previous regional models developed by UTM, denoted as MSS1 and MSS2 in this study

    Vertical accuracy assessment of improvised global digital elevation models (MERIT, NASADEM, EarthEnv) using GNSS and airborne IFSAR DEM

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    During the last decades, freely available GDEMs, such as ASTER, SRTM, and AW3D30, have been widely used in many applications such as for environmental, spatial analysis, research in geomorphology, hydrology, etc. However, these available GDEMs suffer from various limitations. In order to enhance the quality and accuracy of GDEMs, several GDEMs have been merged or reprocessed using a more rigorous method to develop new GDEMs. The advent of these new improvised GDEMs has advanced their applications. Unfortunately, there are very limited studies that focus on the comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the quality of improvised GDEM. Therefore, this study examines the vertical accuracy of three freely available improvised GDEMs (MERIT, NASA, and EarthEnv GDEMs) over the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia using 7757 GNSS points and two reference model, i.e., TanDEM-X DEM 12m resolution and local airborne IFSAR DEM 5m resolution. The accuracy assessments have been performed over three different land covers (urban, non-forest, and forest areas) to evaluate the impact of different land covers on the GDEM's accuracy. Since SRTM DEM is the primary data input in the improvised GDEM, this GDEM is also considered to identify the performance of the new improvised GDEMs. Comparison with GNSS points shows that the accuracy of MERIT DEMs outperforms SRTM DEM and other GDEMs with RMSE of ±2.668m, followed by NASA (±3.656m), SRTM (±5.666m), and EarthEnv (±5.948m). The vertical accuracy of DEM varies with different land cover conditions. Comparison with TanDEM-X and IFSAR DEM shows that all tested GDEMs' accuracy is high over a nonforest area, followed by urban area, and worse over forest area. Overall, the tested GDEM shows only a slight improvement compared to the SRTM. However, these results will help users in selecting the optimum DEM for any applicatio

    Accuracy assessment of quasi-seamless hydrographic separation models in Malaysian waters

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    The hydrographic survey reduction using ellipsoid has been available since the advent of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), with a potential to streamline operation and enhance bathymetric output. Spatially continuous separation surfaces connecting a chart datum (CD) to a geodetic ellipsoid is required for this technique. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has invented a new quasi-seamless separation model for Malaysian waters, known as the Malaysian Vertical Separation (MyVSEP) model, through semi-empirical models to capture the spatial variability of a tidal datum between coastal and offshore areas. A continuous vertical datum is established to develop MyVSEP models by combining the coastal and offshore datasets. The coastal datasets referred to the vertical reference point computed from coastal tide gauges, while the offshore datasets referred to the vertical reference surfaces derived from satellite altimetry. Mean sea level (MSL) or mean sea surface (MSS), mean dynamic topography (MDT), lowest astronomical tide (LAT), and highest astronomical tide (HAT) are the vertical datums involved in developing the continuous MyVSEP model. However, the integration of the vertical datum has only been conducted over the Peninsular Malaysia region. For Sabah and Sarawak, datum integration cannot be implemented due to the limitation of coastal datasets. The assessment of the integrated vertical datum with coastal tide gauges is discussed in this study. The finding shows that the root mean square error (RMSE) agreement between the integrated Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2020 (iUTM20) model and coastal tide gauges yields below 2.0 cm. The iUTM20 lowest astronomical tide and highest astronomical tide models also show significant improvement compared to the altimetric-derived tidal models, which recorded the root mean square error agreement with coastal tide gauges of 1.8 cm and 2.0 cm, respectively. The development of a continuous vertical separation model for the Ellipsoidally Referenced Surveying technique indirectly optimizes marine geospatial information resources, especially for the National Hydrographic Centre in Malaysia

    Assessment of Global Geopotential Models for Modelling Malaysia Marine Geoid

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    The evaluation towards global geopotential models represents a significant part in modelling the localised Marine Geoid. The marine geoid provides the vertical reference information in Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures (MSDI) development response to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 14 for the sustainable development in marine environment. The main purpose of this study is to select the best model from both combined missions and satellite-only missions for the Malaysian region. The gravity anomaly field from 30 global models were exclusively calculated over the selected study area within 11 years period-time. Afterwards, each dataset was extracted from the ICGEM server to evaluate with the airborne-derived gravity anomaly from the Department of Surveying and Mapping, Malaysia. The internal accuracy, root mean square error (RMSE) and differences between every model and airborne data were computed. The result indicates GGM-derived gravity anomaly for the best combined mission is GECO with RMSE of 8.44 mGal and the standard deviation value of 28.034 mGal. While, the model from Gravity field and steady state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) namely, the GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R5 is the best for the satellite-only mission with RMSE of 17.43 mGal and the standard deviation value of 22.828 mGal. As a conclusion, GECO model is preferred as the best fit for determining the marine geoid as it has the lowest RMSE value between both mission and the maximum degree of 2109o coverage. The finding can assist in development of marine geoid for modelling precise surface elevation

    Assessment of Global Geopotential Models for Modelling Malaysia Marine Geoid

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    The evaluation towards global geopotential models represents a significant part in modelling the localised Marine Geoid. The marine geoid provides the vertical reference information in Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures (MSDI) development response to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 14 for the sustainable development in marine environment. The main purpose of this study is to select the best model from both combined missions and satellite-only missions for the Malaysian region. The gravity anomaly field from 30 global models were exclusively calculated over the selected study area within 11 years period-time. Afterwards, each dataset was extracted from the ICGEM server to evaluate with the airborne-derived gravity anomaly from the Department of Surveying and Mapping, Malaysia. The internal accuracy, root mean square error (RMSE) and differences between every model and airborne data were computed. The result indicates GGM-derived gravity anomaly for the best combined mission is GECO with RMSE of 8.44 mGal and the standard deviation value of 28.034 mGal. While, the model from Gravity field and steady state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) namely, the GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R5 is the best for the satellite-only mission with RMSE of 17.43 mGal and the standard deviation value of 22.828 mGal. As a conclusion, GECO model is preferred as the best fit for determining the marine geoid as it has the lowest RMSE value between both mission and the maximum degree of 2109o coverage. The finding can assist in development of marine geoid for modelling precise surface elevation

    Performance and limitation of mineral oil-based carbon nanotubes nanofluid in transformer application

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    Transformer oil-based carbon nanotube (CNT) nanofluids which have unique dielectric behaviour, is effective as the posterity insulation fluids that can boost the performance of the transformer as they proposed inspiring, distinctive behaviour compared to existing transformer oil which is widely used in practice namely mineral oils. With this motivation, the effect of AC breakdown voltages for two sonication duration (30 min and 120 min) techniques were applied in producing nanofluids, two different diameter sizes of CNTs (20 nm) and five different weight concentrations (0.01 g/L to 0.2 g/L) are investigated. The results indicate CNT with a longer sonication process, a smaller diameter and low concentrations of CNT provides the highest breakdown values that gave a huge potential impact on the conventional transformer oil. The Weibull and Normal distributions functions are used in this paper to obtain a successful forecast of the lowest, average, and highest possibility of breakdown rates (1%, 50% and 90%). It figures out that, CNT nanofluid can reach the greatest breakdown efficiency as good insulating oil at 0.01 g/L concentration. To understand the characterization of CNT nanofluids samples in detail, Raman spectroscopy analysis, storage modulus, viscosity and heat flow of mineral oil have been evaluated accordingly as a function of increasing temperatur

    A Review On Oil-Based Nanofluid As Next-Generation Insulation For Transformer Application

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    Due to the increasing demand on developing good insulation, several researchers have performed experimental studies to prove the effectiveness and capabilities of transformer oil. This is done by suspending nanosized solid particles in the oil (nanofluid) for transformer applications. In brief, this paper presents a compilation of research studies which is divided into three parts. Part I discuss the preparation of the nanofluid which involves different types of nanomaterials, the optimal amount of concentrations, and applicable synthesisation methods for producing stably suspended nanofluids. In Part II, the nanofluid’s performances including the electrical breakdown voltages, impulse tests, and thermal and dielectric behaviour are reviewed in depth and compared. Part III emphasizes the limitation of nanofluids. Most researchers have agreed that appropriate concentrations of nanomaterials and the preparation method for nanofluids mainly affect the performance of nanofluids especially in terms of electrical properties. Meanwhile, types of nanomaterials and base oil also play a vital role in producing nanofluids as a better alternative transformer oil. However, among a few researchers, there are concerns regarding the issue of agglomeration and inconsistencies of findings that need to be resolved. Therefore, a few aspects must be taken into consideration to produce the next generation of high heat dissipation insulation

    Influencing factors on the accuracy of local geoid model

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    Different modification methods and software programs were developed to obtain accurate local geoid models in the past two decades. The quantitative effect of the main factors on the accuracy of local geoid modeling is still ambiguous and has not been clearly diagnosed yet. This study presents efforts to find the most influential factors on the accuracy of the local geoid model, as well as the amount of each factor's effect quantitatively. The methodology covers extracting the quantitative characteristics of 16 articles regarding local geoid models of different countries. The Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) software formulated a strong multiple regression model of correlation coefficient r = 0.999 with a high significance coefficient of determination R2 = 0.997 and adjusted R2 = 0.98 for the required effective factors. Then, factor analysis is utilized to extract the dominant factors which include: accuracy of gravity data (40%), the density of gravity data (25%) (total gravity factors is 65%), the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) resolution (16%), the accuracy of GPS/leveling points (10%) and the area of the terrain of the country/state under the study (9%). These results of this study will assist in developing more accurate local geoid models

    A critical review of the effects of fluid dynamics on graphene growth in atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition

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    Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of graphene has attracted high interest in the electronics industry due to its potential scalability for large-scale production. However, producing a homogeneous thin-film graphene with minimal defects remains a challenge. Studies of processing parameters, such as gas precursors, flow rates, pressures, temperatures, and substrate types, focus on improving the chemical aspect of the deposition. Despite the many reports on such parameters, studies on fluid dynamic aspects also need to be considered since they are crucial factors in scaling up the system for homogenous deposition. Once the deposition kinetics is thoroughly understood, the next vital step is fluid dynamics optimization to design a large-scale system that could deliver the gas uniformly and ensure maximum deposition rate with the desired property. In this review, the influence of fluid dynamics in graphene CVD process was highlighted. The basics and importance of CVD fluid dynamics was introduced. It is understood that the fluid dynamics of gases can be controlled in two ways: via reactor modification and gas composition. This paper begins first with discussions on horizontal tubular reactor modifications. This is followed by mechanical properties of the reactant gasses especially in terms of dimensionless Reynolds number which provides information on gas flow regime for graphene CVD process at atmospheric pressure. Data from the previous literature provide the Reynolds number for various gas compositions and its relation to graphene quality. It has been revealed that hydrogen has a major influence on the fluid dynamic conditions within the CVD, hence affecting the quality of the graphene produced. Focusing on atmospheric pressure CVD, suggestions for up-scaling into larger CVD reactors while maintaining similar fluid properties were also provided

    The role of gas-phase dynamics in interfacial phenomena during few-layer graphene growth through atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition

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    The complicated chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is currently the most viable method of producing graphene. Most studies have extensively focused on chemical aspects either through experiments or computational studies. However, gas-phase dynamics in CVD reportedly plays an important role in improving graphene quality. Given that mass transport is the rate-limiting step for graphene deposition in atmospheric-pressure CVD (APCVD), the interfacial phenomena at the gas–solid interface (i.e., the boundary layer) are a crucial controlling factor. Accordingly, only by understanding and controlling the boundary-layer thickness can uniform full-coverage graphene deposition be achieved. In this study, a simplified computational fluid dynamics analysis of APCVD was performed to investigate gas-phase dynamics during deposition. Boundary-layer thickness was also estimated through the development of a customised homogeneous gas model. Interfacial phenomena, particularly the boundary layer and mass transport within it, were studied. The effects of Reynolds number on these factors were explored and compared with experimentally obtained results of the characterised graphene deposit. We then discussed and elucidated the important relation of fluid dynamics to graphene growth through APCVD