895 research outputs found

    Testing the circularity of PSR B0818-41's carousel

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    The phenomenon of sub-pulse drifting is an important single-pulse phenomenon that can potentially provide important insights into the elusive radio emission mechanism in pulsars. We analyze the frequency behaviour of the single pulses of B0818-41, observed from 300 to 500 MHz (Band 3 of the uGMRT), and compare it to the evolution of the average profile to place constraints on the geometry of the pulsar's emission beam. We show that a circular carousel of discrete beamlets, where each beamlet has radial symmetry, is not consistent with the observed behaviour, and describe an alternative, consistent range of possible elliptical carousel geometries. We also combine the uGMRT data with some archival MWA observations and several other published profiles to characterize the profile evolution across a frequency range spanning ~170 MHz to ~1.4 GHz

    PSR J0026-1955: A curious case of evolutionary subpulse drifting and nulling

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    PSR J0026-1955 was independently discovered by the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) recently. The pulsar exhibits subpulse drifting, where the radio emission from a pulsar appears to drift in spin phase within the main pulse profile, and nulling, where the emission ceases briefly. The pulsar showcases a curious case of drift rate evolution as it exhibits rapid changes between the drift modes and a gradual evolution in the drift rate within a mode. Here we report new analysis and results from observations of J0026-1955 made with the upgraded Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (uGMRT) at 300-500 MHz. We identify two distinct subpulse drifting modes: A and B, with mode A sub-categorised into A0, A1, and A2, depending upon the drift rate evolutionary behaviour. Additionally, the pulsar exhibits short and long nulls, with an estimated overall nulling fraction of ~58%, which is lower than the previously reported value. Our results also provide evidence of subpulse memory across nulls and a consistent behaviour where mode A2 is often followed by a null. We investigate the drift rate modulations of J0026-1955 and put forward two different models to explain the observed drifting behaviour. We suggest that either a change in polar gap screening or a slow relaxation in the spark configuration could possibly drive the evolution in drift rates. J0026-1955 belongs to a rare subset of pulsars which exhibit subpulse drifting, nulling, mode changing, and drift rate evolution. It is, therefore, an ideal test bed for carousel models and to uncover the intricacies of pulsar emission physics.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Single-pulse analysis and average emission characteristics of PSR J1820-0427 from observations made with the MWA and uGMRT

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    We have studied the pulse-to-pulse variability in PSR J1820--0427 and its frequency dependence using high-quality, wide-band observations made from the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT; 300-750 MHz) and the Murchison Widefield Array (āˆ¼\sim170-200 MHz). The low-frequency data reveal a previously unreported feature in the average profile (at 185 MHz) after accounting for the effects of temporal broadening arising from multi-path scattering due to the Interstellar Medium (ISM). We advance a new method for flux density calibration of beamformed data from the uGMRT and use it to measure the single pulse flux densities across the uGMRT band. Combined with previously published measurements, these flux densities are best fit with a power-law spectrum with a low-frequency turnover. We also use calibrated flux densities to explore the relationship between pulse-to-pulse variability and the spectral index of individual pulses. Our analysis reveals a large scatter in the single-pulse spectral indices and a general tendency for brighter pulses to show a steepening of the spectral index. We also examine the frequency-dependence of the pulse-fluence distribution and its relation to the Stochastic Growth Theory.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    pulsar_spectra: A pulsar flux density catalogue and spectrum fitting repository

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    We present the pulsar_spectra software repository, an open-source pulsar flux density catalogue and automated spectral fitting software that finds the best spectral model and produces publication-quality plots. The Python-based software includes features that enable users in the astronomical community to add newly published spectral measurements to the catalogue as they become available. The spectral fitting software is an implementation of the method described in Jankowski et al. (2018) which uses robust statistical methods to decide on the best-fitting model for individual pulsar spectra. pulsar_spectra is motivated by the need for a centralised repository for pulsar flux density measurements to make published measurements more accessible to the astronomical community and provide a suite of tools for measuring spectra

    Use of smear bacteria and yeasts to modify flavour and appearance of Cheddar cheese

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    The strains Staphylococcus saprophyticus DPC5671 and Corynebacterium casei DPC5298 were applied in combination with Debaryomyces hansenii DPC6258 to the surface of young Cheddar cheese curd to obtain two different smear-ripened cheeses. A surface microbiota developed over the incubation period, comprising of both yeast and bacteria; pulsed field gel electrophoresis confirmed that the inoculated strains of S. saprophyticus DPC5671 or C. casei DPC5298 were the dominant bacterial strains on the surface of the cheese at the end of the ripening period. The smear cultures changed the appearance and aroma, which were significantly different from the control cheese. The approach presented in this study represents a method for the development of new cheese varieties with novel aromas within a short ripening time

    A Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) toward the Galactic Anticenter with the Murchison Widefield Array

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    Following the results of the first systematic modern low-frequency search for extraterrestrial intelligence using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), which was directed toward a Galactic Center field, we report a second survey toward a Galactic Anticenter field. Using the MWA in the frequency range 99-122 MHz over a three-hour period, a 625 deg 2 field centered on Orion KL (in the general direction of the Galactic Anticenter) was observed with a frequency resolution of 10 kHz. Within this field, 22 exoplanets are known. At the positions of these exoplanets, we searched for narrowband signals consistent with radio transmissions from intelligent civilizations. No such signals were found with a 5Əʒ detection threshold. Our sample is significantly different to the 45 exoplanets previously studied with the MWA toward the Galactic Center, since the Galactic Center sample is dominated by exoplanets detected using microlensing, and hence at much larger distances than the exoplanets toward the Anticenter, found via radial velocity and transit detection methods. Our average effective sensitivity to extraterrestrial transmitter power is therefore much improved for the Anticenter sample. Added to this, our data processing techniques have improved, reducing our observational errors, leading to our best detection limit being reduced by approximately a factor of four compared to our previously published results


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    Considerable uncertainty exists regarding population structure and population sizes of most species of odontocetes in the Hawaiian Islands. A small-boat based survey for odontocetes was undertaken off the islands of Kauaā€˜i and Niā€˜ihau in October and November 2005 to photoidentify individuals and collect genetic samples for examining stock structure. Field effort on 24 days covered 2,194 km of trackline. Survey coverage was from shallow coastal waters out to over 3,000 m depth, though almost half (47%) was in waters less than 500 m in depth. There were 56 sightings of five species of odontocetes: spinner dolphins (30 sightings); bottlenose dolphins (14 sightings); short-finned pilot whales (6 sightings); rough-toothed dolphins (5 sightings); and pantropical spotted dolphins (1 sighting). One hundred and five biopsy samples were collected and 14,960 photographs were taken to document morphology and for individual photo-identification. Photographs of distinctive individuals of three species (bottlenose dolphins, 76 identifications; rough-toothed dolphins, 157 identifications; short-finned pilot whales, 68 identifications) were compared to catalogs of these species from a survey off Kauaā€˜i and Niā€˜ihau in 2003, as well as from efforts off Oā€˜ahu, Maui/Lanaā€˜i and the island of Hawaiā€˜i. Within- and between-year matches were found for all three species with individuals previously identified off Kauaā€˜i and Niā€˜ihau, though no matches were found with individuals off any of the other islands. This suggests site fidelity to specific island areas, and population structure among island areas for all three species. Movements of photographically identified bottlenose dolphins were documented between deep water areas off the islands of Kauaā€˜i and Niā€˜ihau, as well as between shallow (\u3c350 m) and deep (\u3e350 m) waters. A lack of sightings or reports of false killer whales off Kauaā€˜i or Niā€˜ihau during our study, combined with documented movements among the other main Hawaiian Islands, suggest that there is no ā€œresidentā€ population of false killer whales that inhabits waters only off Kauaā€˜i or Niā€˜iha
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