81 research outputs found
Shop stewardsâ leadership, left-wing activism and collective workplace union organisation
Providing an account of the dynamic interrelationship between shop steward leadership and membership interaction, Ralph Darlington focuses particular attention on the much-neglected crucial role that left-wing political activists can play in shaping the nature of collective workplace relations
Intoxicação experimental por monofluoroacetato de sĂłdio em bovinos: aspectos clĂnicos e patolĂłgicos
Monofluoracetato de sĂłdio (MF) foi identificado, por cromatografia, em trĂȘs das doze plantas que causam morte sĂșbita em bovinos no Brasil, incluindo Palicourea marcgravii, a mais importante desse grupo. Uma lesĂŁo considerada tĂpica por alguns autores para intoxicação foiÂč a degeneração hidrĂłpico-vacuolar dos tĂșbulos urinĂferos contorcidos distais (DHV). O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se a ingestĂŁo de MF induz sinais clĂnicos e lesĂ”es similares Ă s observadas nos bovinos intoxicados pelas plantas que causam morte sĂșbita. Seis vacas receberam, por via oral, 0,5 e 1,0mg/kg de MF diluĂdos em 50mL de ĂĄgua destilada. Clinicamente, os animais apresentaram taquicardia, jugular repleta com pulso venoso positivo, respiração abdominal, ligeira perda de equilĂbrio, por vezes cambaleavam, deitavam e apoiavam a cabeça no flanco. Na fase final (agĂŽnica), todos os animais caĂam em decĂșbito lateral, esticavam os membros, faziam movimentos de pedalagem, apresentavam opistĂłtono, nistagmo, mugidos e a morte ocorria em 2-14 minutos. Ă necropsia verificaram-se aurĂculas, jugulares, ĂĄzigos e pulmonares moderadamente ingurgitadas. Observaram-se ainda leve a moderado edema da subserosa nos locais de fixação da vesĂcula biliar no fĂgado, alĂ©m de leve edema entre o duodeno e o pĂąncreas. O exame histopatolĂłgico revelou, em todos os animais, desde leve a acentuada DHV das cĂ©lulas epiteliais dos tĂșbulos urinĂferos contorcidos distais associada Ă cariopicnose. Com relação Ă ultraestrutura, observou-se vacuolização do citoplasma devido ao acĂșmulo de ĂĄgua. Vacuolização e necrose de coagulação individual ou de grupos de hepatĂłcitos e leve congestĂŁo hepĂĄtica secundĂĄrios Ă estase venosa tambĂ©m foram observados. DHV tem sido observada em casos de envenenamento por outras substĂąncias, porĂ©m nestes nĂŁo estĂĄ restrita aos tĂșbulos distais e nĂŁo se observa cariopicnose. Este estudo demonstra que a DHV dos tĂșbulos renais de bovinos pode ser causada pelo envenenamento por MF e, por analogia, essa substĂąncia deve ser considerada como um dos fatores importantes, senĂŁo o mais significativo, implicado na morte dos animais que ingerem plantas que causam morte sĂșbita no Brasil. Isso indica que estudos, que envolvam metabolização de MF por bactĂ©rias ruminais, teriam grande aplicabilidade econĂŽmica, uma vez que pelo menos 500.000 bovinos morrem anualmente intoxicados por plantas do grupo das que causam morte sĂșbita no Brasil.Sodium monofluoroacetate (MF) was identified, by cromatography, in three of the 12 plants that cause sudden death in cattle in Brazil, including Palicourea marcgravii, the most important plant of this group. A special kind of hydropic-vacuolar degeneration (HVD) of the distal convoluted uriniferous tubules was considered typical for the poisoning by some authors. The objective of this study was to verify if the ingestion of MF causes similar clinical signs and lesion in cattle poisoned by plants that cause sudden death. Six cows received orally 0.5 and 1.0mg/kg of M diluted in 50mL of distilled water. Clinically the animals presented tachycardia, engorgement and positive pulse of the jugular vein, abdominal breathing, swaying gait, subtle unbalance, and recumbency with head placed the on the flank. In the agonal phase all the animals in lateral recumbence presented muscular fasciculation, tonic contraction, peddling movements, opisthotonus, nystagmus, and died between 2 and 14 minutes. At postmortem examination, the heart auricles, jugular and pulmonary veins were moderately distended and engorged with blood. Slight to moderate edema of the subserosa was seen around the gall bladder and the duodenum near to the pancreas. At light microscopy, HVD associated with nuclear picnosis of the epithelial cells of the distal convoluted uriniferous tubules was present in all animals. Ultrastructurally, the cell lesion represents formation of cytosolic vacuoles, likely due to accumulation of water. Coagulation necrosis of individual or groups of hepatocytes and slight hepatic congestion secondary to the venous stasis were also observed. Hydropic-vacuolar degeneration has been observed in cases of poisoning by many substances, which cause acute tubular nephrosis, however not restricted to the distal renal tubules and without nuclear picnosis. This study demonstrates that the HVD in the kidney can be caused by MF and, in analogy, the compound should be considered responsible for the death of cattle that ingest toxic plants which cause sudden death in Brazil. Our results can be supportive to studies that will focus on the degradation of MF by rumen bacteria, what might have economic implications, as at least 500.000 cattle die annually by sudden death causing toxic plants in Brazil
Political Activism and Workplace industrial relations in a UK failing school
âThe definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com '. Copyright Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8543.00263Peer reviewe
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