6 research outputs found

    Preliminary calibration and test results from the National Transonic Facility

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    The National Transonic Facility (NTF) was operated to design condition of 120 million Reynolds number at a Mach number of 1.0. All systems were checked out except plenum isolation valves; modifications are being made to heaters on the actuators. Initial steady-state calibration indicates excellent steady flow characteristics. The first test of the Pathfinder 1 model indicated significant Reynolds number effects. Some effect of temperature on instrumentation were obtained. The cause of these effects is being evaluated

    Effect of Reynolds Number on the Force and Pressure Distribution Characteristics of a Two-Dimensional Lifting Circular Cylinder

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    A two-dimensional lifting circular cylinder has been tested over a Mach number range from 0.011 to 0.32 and a Reynolds number range from 135,000 to 1,580,000 to determine the force and pressure distribution characteristics. Two flaps having chords of 0.37 and 6 percent of the cylinder diameter, respectively, and attached normal to the surface were used to generate lift. A third configuration which had 6-percent flaps 1800 apart was also investigated. All flaps were tested through a range of angular positions. The investigation also included tests of a plain cylinder without flaps. The lift coefficient showed a wide variation with Reynolds number for the 6-percent flap mounted on the bottom surface at the 50-percent-diameter station, varying from a low of about 0.2 at a Reynolds number of 165,000 to a high of 1.54 at a Reynolds number of 350,000 and then decreasing almost linearly to a value of 1.0 at a Reynolds number of 1,580,000. The pressure distribution showed that the loss of lift with Reynolds number above the critical was the result of the separation point moving forward on the upper surface. Pressure distributions on a plain cylinder also showed similar trends with respect to the separation point. The variation of drag coefficient with Reynolds number was in direct contrast to the lift coefficient with the minimum drag coefficient of 0.6 occurring at a Reynolds number of 360,000. At this point the lift-drag ratios were a maximum at a value of 2.54. Tests of a flap with a chord of 0.0037 diameter gave a lift coefficient of 0.85 at a Reynolds number of 520,000 with the same lift-drag ratio as the larger flap but the position of the flap for maximum lift was considerably farther forward than on the larger flap. Tests of two 6-percent flaps spaced 180 deg apart showed a change in the sign of the lift developed for angular positions of the flap greater than 132 deg at subcriti- cal Reynolds numbers. These results may find use in application to air- craft using forebody strakes. The drag coefficient developed by the flaps when normal to the relative airstream was approximately equal to that developed by a flat plate in a similar attitude

    Effects of Fineness Ratio and Reynolds Number on the Low-Speed Crosswind Drag Characteristics of Circular and Modified-Square Cylinders

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    A wind-tunnel investigation has been made on modified-square and circular cylinders to determine the effects of fineness ratio and Reynolds numbers on the crosswind drag characteristics. Fineness ratios from 2 to 14 were investigated over a Reynolds number range from approximately 300,000 to 1,650,000 which corresponded to Mach numbers from 0.057 to 0.377.The result of the investigation show that at supercraft Reynolds numbers the drag coefficient of the circular cylinder increases with increasing Reynolds number for all fineness ratios but at low fineness ratios this effect is considerably less than at higher fineness ratios. For circular cylinders in the high fineness-ratio range there is a reduction in drag as the fineness ratio is decreased except for Reynolds numbers of 900,000 and 1,000,000, whereas at low fineness ratios the opposite trend generally occurs. The addition of hemispherical ends to the circular cylinder gave a substantial decrease in drag at a fineness ratio of 3.27 but the effect was negligible at fineness ratios of 5.27 and 10. The finite-length modified-square cylinder gave the reduction in drag over the two-dimensional modified-square cylinder for the complete range of test Reynolds numbers with the lowest fineness ratio giving the lowest drag at Reynolds numbers above 3O0,OOO