20 research outputs found

    Stakeholders perceptions regarding implementing maternal and newborn health care programs in Rwanda.

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    HEARD, 2021.Background: While maternal and newborn deaths has been decreasing since 2008 in Rwanda, there is room for improvement to meet its sustainable development goals. The maternal and newborn health care program needs to be monitored to ensure its effective implementation. This study therefore aimed to explore stakeholder’s perceptions of the Rwandan maternal and newborn health care program to identify areas for improvement. Methods: The convergent, parallel, mixed method study used quantitative and qualitative data in a single phase. The quantitative data was obtained from 79 health care workers, ranging from maternal community health care workers to program supervisors. The 10 areas of the Project Implementation Profile (PIP) instrument checklist with a five-point Likert scale were used to indicate their perceptions (strongly disagree to strongly agree). The qualitative interviews of five nurse managers used a manifest inductive content analysis, directed approach that entailed using existing theory and prior research to develop the initial coding scheme before starting data analyse. Results: There was disagreement about the level of top management support, human resources was regarded as an area of concern, with 18.7% (n = 14/79) indicating that they did not agree that this was adequately provided for; urgent solutions for unexpected problems was regarded as an areas of concern by 46.8% (n = 36/79). Top management support weakness were inadequate support training, materials, money for home visits, supervision and leaderships, and training of newly recruited maternity health care workers. For human resources, there were insufficient trained staff to take care of mothers and newborns due to the shortages of health providers. The management of unexpected problems was also an area of concerns and related to getting patients to health facilities during pregnancy emergencies and the lack of qualified birth attendants at health facilities. Conclusion: The study identified three areas for improvement: top management support, human resources and urgent solutions for unexpected problems, as they may be affecting the provision of maternal and newborn health care program services. Using the PIP enable managers to improve the country’s maternal and newborn health care program, and to provide ongoing monitoring and evaluation of with respect to the desired outcomes of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality

    Community-based maternal and newborn interventions in Africa: systematic review.

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    HEARD, 2021.Aim and objectives: This review analysed the implementation and integration into healthcare systems of maternal and newborn healthcare interventions in Africa that include community health workers to reduce maternal and newborn deaths. Background: Most neonatal deaths (99%) occur in low-and middle-income countries, with approximately half happening at home. In resource-constrained settings, community-based maternal and newborn care is regarded as a sound programme for improving newborn survival. Health workers can play an important role in supporting families to adopt sound health practices, encourage delivery in healthcare facilities and ensure timeous referral. Maternal and newborn mortality is a major public health problem, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where the Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 and 6 were not achieved at the end of 2015. Methods: The review includes quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method studies, with a data-based convergent synthesis design being used, and the results grouped into categories and trends. The review took into account the participants, interventions, context and outcome frameworks (PICO), and followed the adapted PRISMA format for reporting systematic reviews of the qualitative and quantitative evidence guide checklist. Results: The results from the 17 included studies focused on three themes: antenatal, delivery and postnatal care interventions as a continuum. The main components of the interventions were inadequate, highlighting the need for improved planning before each stage of implementation. A conceptual framework of planning and implementation was elaborated to improve maternal and newborn health. Conclusion: The systematic review highlight the importance of thoroughly planning before any programme implementation, and ensuring that measures are in place to enable continuity of services. Relevant to the clinical practice: Conceptual framework of planning and implementation of maternal and newborn healthcare interventions by maternal community health workers

    Women’s experiences on the use of Implanon as a contraceptive method in a selected primary healthcare facility in KwaZulu-Natal

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    Background: The South African department of health recently introduced subdermal Implanon contraceptive implant with the aim to reduce teenage pregnancy and maternal mortality. First used in all public healthcare facilities across the country since early 2014, this method of contraception has been described as highly effective. However, some women have reported unbearable side effects, forcing them to remove the contraceptive implant early before its expiry date. Negligible emphasis has been placed on staff training and development to equip the nurses with new protocol and policies on Implanon. Objectives: The objective of this study was to explore experiences of women using Implanon as method of contraception at a selected primary healthcare facility in KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. Methods: A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study design was used. A purposive sampling technique was used and a sample of seven women aged between 15 and 50 years was selected for this study. Semi-structured interviews were used in the data collection process. The Tesch’s method for data coding and data analysis was utilised. Necessary ethical measures were taken to ensure that the study is trustworthy. The study was conducted at Community Health Centre, KwaZulu-Natal between June 2017 and December 2018. Results: The findings showed that some participants were still willing to continue using this method of contraception regardless of the unwanted side effects. Major side effects reported were heavy menstrual bleeding, pain and discomfort, weight loss, insomnia and decreased sexual interest, which resulted in most participants stopping the use of Implanon. Conclusion: Most of the participants’ experience unwanted side effects because of poor screening, counselling and support. There is a clear demand to develop a screening tool and facilitate training of healthcare workers when initiating the use of Implanon. Keywords: Implanon; Implanon users; experiences; perceptions; primary healthcar

    Condom use: a less travelled route among minibus taxi drivers and their taxi queens in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Background: Despite significant gains in the HIV epidemic in South Africa, with reduction in mortality and elimination of vertical transmission, national HIV prevalence remains high, with women rather than men continuing to bear higher burden of the disease. Population subgroups, through ignorance, disbelief or recklessness, continue to engage in risky sexual behaviour. A substantial proportion of minibus taxi drivers engage in risky sex, seldom seeing themselves at risk for STIs or HIV/AIDS. These taxi drivers have been linked with so-called taxi queens, with whom they engage in transactional and intergenerational relationships. Objectives: The study explored condom use and condom negotiation strategies among taxi drivers and taxi queens in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Methods: Applying explorative qualitative design, we conducted focus group discussion and individual interviews among participants who were purposively recruited in KwaZulu-Natal. Results: Qualitative data analysis revealed that condom use and negotiation are sources of conflict for the participants. In addition, the strategies employed by participants to ensure condom usage are not always sustainable and are likely to be problematic due to a variety of complex factors. Conclusion: Our study concludes by recommending a nested public health response that takes cognizance of factors that promote sustainable condom use strategies among this population subgroup

    Predictors of tuberculosis (TB) and antiretroviral (ARV) medication non-adherence in public primary care patients in South Africa: A cross sectional study

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    Background: Despite the downward trend in the absolute number of tuberculosis (TB) cases since 2006 and the fall in the incidence rates since 2001, the burden of disease caused by TB remains a global health challenge. The co-infection between TB and HIV adds to this disease burden. TB is completely curable through the intake of a strict anti-TB drug treatment regimen which requires an extremely high and consistent level of adherence.The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with adherence to anti-TB and HIV treatment drugs. Methods: A cross-sectional survey method was used. Three study districts (14 primary health care facilities in each) were selected on the basis of the highest TB caseload per clinic. All new TB and new TB retreatment patients were consecutively screened within one month of anti-tuberculosis treatment. The sample comprised of 3107 TB patients who had been on treatment for at least three weeks and a sub-sample of the total sample were on both anti-TB treatment and anti-retro-viral therapy(ART) (N = 757). Data collection tools included: a Socio-Demographic Questionnaire; a Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD) Screen; a Psychological Distress Scale; the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT); and self-report measures of tobacco use, perceived health status and adherence to anti-TB drugs and ART. Results: The majority of the participants (N = 3107) were new TB cases with a 55.9% HIV co-infection rate in this adult male and female sample 18 years and older. Significant predictors of non-adherence common to both anti-TB drugs and to dual therapy (ART and anti-TB drugs) included poverty, having one or more co-morbid health condition, being a high risk for alcohol mis-use and a partner who is HIV positive. An additional predictor for non-adherence to anti-TB drugs was tobacco use. Conclusions: A comprehensive treatment programme addressing poverty, alcohol mis-use, tobacco use and psycho-social counseling is indicated for TB patients (with and without HIV). The treatment care package needs to involve not only the health sector but other relevant government sectors, such as social development.IS

    Circumcised men’s perceptions, understanding and experiences of voluntary medical male circumcision in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Background: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, has rolled out voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in response to recommendations that regions with a high human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence adopt VMMC as an additional HIV prevention strategy. There is a paucity of South African data on the motivators, barriers and experiences of adult male candidates regarding VMMC. This study was conducted to analyse circumcised men’s perceptions, understanding and experiences of VMMC in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Methods: A qualitative phenomenographic design was used. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Biomedical Research Ethics Committee of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (BE 627/18). Data were collected from 12 circumcised male candidates. Individual interviews were conducted and recorded by using an audiotape. Data were transcribed verbatim and analysed manually.Results: Participants’ perceptions regarding VMMC are health related and appear to be the motivators for the uptake of medical circumcision. Circumcised men in this study appeared to misunderstand VMMC in terms of healing and performance time and the nature of the procedure. Negative experiences in terms of quality of care received were reported.Conclusion: The study findings imply that practice interventions to promote demand generation for VMMC in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, should incorporate the perceptions and experiences of male candidates regarding the procedure. Tailored messaging to address misunderstanding related to the nature of VMMC should also be provided. Regular in-service training on standardised VMMC implementation practices should be provided to ensure the delivery of optimum quality VMMC services

    The development of an explanatory model for voluntary medical male circumcision in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Background: KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) remains the epicentre of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in South Africa. The incidence of HIV infection in KZN necessitates cost-effective strategies to curb the spread of infection. Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) has been adopted as an additional biomedical preventive strategy since 2010 in line with recommendations from the World Health Organization. Despite several attempts to scale-up VMMC to reach age specific targets to achieve immediate aversion of infections, the uptake of VMMC remains sub-optimal, particularly in KZN. The purpose of this study is to describe the processes that were followed in developing, describing and evaluating an explanatory model for VMMC in KZN, South Africa.Methods: A qualitative theory-generative phenomenographic study design was used to analyse the qualitative differences in primary healthcare stakeholders’ experiences, understanding and conceptions of VMMC in KZN, South Africa. The emerging results informed the development of the VMMC explanatory model for KZN, South Africa. The model development process followed four steps, namely (1) concept analysis, (2) construction of relational statements, (3) model description and (4) model evaluation. The criteria of relevance for the target audience – applicability, clarity, user friendliness and originality of work – were used to evaluate the model.Results: The model’s central premise is that the decision to undergo VMMC is shaped by a complex interplay of factors in the context or external environment of males (the extrinsic variable), which influences specific experiences, conceptions and understanding regarding VMMC (the influential/intrinsic variables). These collectively determine men’s responses to VMMC (the outcome variable).Conclusion: The model describes the process by which contextual, extrinsic and intrinsic variables interact to determine an individual male’s response to VMMC, thus providing a guide to primary healthcare providers on care, practice and policy interventions to support the uptake of VMMC in the rural primary healthcare context of KZN, South Africa

    Exploring the stigma related experiences of family members of persons with mental illness in a selected community in the iLembe district, KwaZulu-Natal

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    Background: Stigma in mental illness is a serious social problem which has a multitude of consequences on the individual concerned, as well as his or her family. Research has shown that families of persons living with mental illnesses are often subjected to stigma by virtue of their association with such a person. The stigma of families is seen in the form of assignment of blame, social isolation and rejection. This stigma subsequently perpetuates a cycle of disability on the part of the patient and family. Purpose: To explore the stigma related experiences of family members of persons with mental illness in a selected community in the iLembe district of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), in order to develop recommendations to help families cope with such stigma. Methods: This was a descriptive qualitative study; data was collected from a purposive sample of six family members, which resulted in data saturation. Semi-structured interview questions were used during data collection and content analysis using Creswell's (2009) method was done to analyse the data; resulting in the formation of themes and sub-themes which were supported by the participants' responses and existing literature. Results: Participants reported experiencing stigma from the community in the form of isolation, blame and exploitation, community neglect, as well as labelling and stereotyping. The majority of the participants reported using emotion-focused coping mechanisms to deal with the stigma they faced. Participants suggested that education of communities regarding the myths and facts about mental illness may help to curb the stigma faced by the family members of persons with mental illness. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it was recommended that a combination of coping strategies, together with the integration of public and private sector support, be used to holistically deal with family related stigma. It was found that ground level education and support to families is the key to curbing family related stigma of mental illness, local NGO's and the clinics would be instrumental in this area

    Healthcare providers’ perceptions and understanding of voluntary medical male circumcision in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A qualitative study

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    Background: There is compelling evidence that voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) reduces the chances of heterosexual transmission of HIV infection. Healthcare workers are among the key influencers in terms of the scale-up of VMMC as they are often involved in mobilisation for uptake. There is a paucity of qualitative research on healthcare workers’ experiences, understanding and perceptions of VMMC; particularly in the South African rural primary healthcare context. This study was conducted to examine healthcare workers perceptions and understanding of VMMC in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Methods: The study employed a qualitative approach using a phenomenographic design. A purposive sample of 15 doctors, nurses and clinical associates working in 6 different rural clinics in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, were interviewed in English in-depth using a semi-structured interview schedule. The interviews were audio-recorded, and transcribed. The results were analysed thematically using phenomenographic data analysis procedures.Results: Categories of description in participants’ perceptions and understanding of VMMC emerged. The findings of this study revealed that healthcare workers perceptions and understanding of VMMC were predominantly influenced by the hegemonic religious and cultural norms associated with male circumcision in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that tailored training to address healthcare workers misperceptions and poor understanding of VMMC is necessary to ensure that they become effective custodians for VMMC implementation