2,087 research outputs found

    Behavioral Code Team

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    Practice Problem: The organization lacked an evidence-based intervention for behavioral emergencies within the inpatient acute care setting, leading to increased mechanical restraints. A security-driven paradigm was the organization\u27s primary tool for addressing behavioral crises and lacked a more patient-centered treatment and support paradigm. PICOT: The PICOT question that guided this project was In the Veteran patient population admitted to acute inpatient services (P), how does having a behavioral code team respond to behavioral emergencies (I) compared to the current practice (C) affect the prevalence of mechanical restraint usage (O) within an eight week period (T). Evidence: Seven high-quality studies met the inclusion criteria and found that a behavioral code team was an evidence-based practice. Behavioral code teams provide patient-centered care by providing a team of mental health professionals to respond to behavioral emergencies and promote a patient-centered treatment and support paradigm. Intervention: Implemented and tracked a behavioral code team consisting of mental health professionals in an inpatient setting to assist with de-escalating disruptive behaviors and avoiding the use of mechanical restraints. Outcome: The result of the two-tailed paired sample t-test was not statistically significant for the behavioral code team. However, the behavioral code team did result in clinical significance with an overall decrease in the number of mechanical restraints utilized during a behavioral emergency. Conclusion: The behavioral code team provided a patient-centered care environment that ensured mental health professionals treated behavioral emergencies

    From Tragedy to Hope: A Study of the Parallels in the Thought of Samuel Johnson and T.S. Eliot

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    In this paper, the similarities between Samuel Johnson and T.S. Eliot are explored. Both men opposed the optimism with which their contemporary intellectuals had begun to regard humanity and its possibility for fulfillment on earth. While Johnson was from the 18th century, and Eliot from the 20th, the intellectual movements of their day bore a similar tone. The reaction of these two men was also similar. Johnson and Eliot presented in their writing a similar view of the emptiness of human experience. This is most apparent in Johnson\u27s The History of Rasselas and Eliot\u27s The Waste Land, and the parallel theme of these works shall be explained. The theme they present opposes the optimism which gained intellectual momentum during Johnson\u27s and Eliot\u27s lifetime. Perhaps responding to the need for hope to juxtapose such a view of life, or to provide solace to the events of unhappy lives, both men embrace the orthodox Christianity of the Church of England. Furthermore, both Johnson and Eliot believed orthodox Christianity to be the best means of organizing society, and bringing order to the chaos these men believed to exist

    Effects of Personality and Situation upon Appraisal and Coping

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    Stress and coping represent one of the most studied areas in the field of psychology. There is little agreement regarding the proper conceptualization of coping. Cognitive processesand personality traits have been proposed as important determinants of coping responses. Low correlations have been consistently found between personality traits, appraisal, and coping. Many studies in the stress and coping literature suffer from methodological issues. This study was designed to improve upon typical methodology, determine the relative predictive utility ofpersonality cluster approaches over dimensional approaches, and determine the effect of personality and situation upon appraisal and coping. Participants read hypothetical stressor scenarios. Primary and secondary appraisals were assessed. The Cybernetic Coping Scale (CCS) was used to assess coping responses. The CCS has demonstrated reliability and greater factor stability superior to other coping measures. Participants were drawn from the Marshall University undergraduate population. Clusters of personality traits were less effective predictors of appraisal and coping responses than were domains of personality traits. Situation was superior to personality for the prediction of appraisal responses. Situation was a superior predictor than were personality traits or appraisals for coping responses. There was greater variance across situations than between participants, but stable relationships between personality, appraisal, and coping variables were observed

    Marriage as sacrament and covenant: A new model for pre-marriage education based upon the rite of marriage

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    The Catholic Church has long proclaimed the importance of pre-marriage education for the benefit of spouses and of society. It requires that education on the Rite of Marriage be part of the immediate phase of pre-marriage education so that the bridegroom and bride may receive greater benefit from the celebration of the sacrament. The terms ‘sacrament’ and ‘covenant’, which are central to the Church’s teaching on marriage, lack meaning for many Catholics and particularly for the young. The current emphasis on New Evangelization includes a call to find new ways to speak to an increasingly secular society. One challenge facing the Church as it seeks to clarify the meaning of marriage is to develop a new model of pre-marriage education which communicates the Church’s teaching on sacrament and covenant in a manner which speaks clearly and effectively to the culture of today. This thesis develops a new model of pre-marriage education using the method of liturgical theology to identify the fundamental official meanings (theology) of the Rite of Marriage and to compare those meanings with the meanings couples derive from the experience of the rite. This study is limited to the Catholic Rite of Marriage as it is enacted within the Australian context

    The Scholarship of Application

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    In the late 1990s, Oregon State University brought its Extension field faculty into academic departments where they are evaluated for promotion and tenure. This was intended to promote better collaboration and integration of research, teaching, and Extension. Research and teaching faculty, however, continue to respond to the traditional academic reward and recognition system. Newer faculty members are unclear about the meaning of our commitment to the threefold mission. Extension field faculty are frustrated by the apparently incongruent demands of scholarship and public service. This article provides a brief history of the engagement movement in higher education and describes current dilemmas

    In the Beginning There Was Colectomy: Current Surgical Options in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

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    Multiple colonic polyps, almost guaranteed colorectal cancer by the age of forty-five and an increased risk of non-colonic cancers characterise the autosomal dominant condition Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) [1]. The patients and families faced with such a diagnosis present many difficult management challenges, both surgical and non-surgical. We discuss the current surgical options for treatment of the more significant manifestations of FAP arising in the colorectum and duodenum as well as desmoid diseas

    The Association between Physical Health and Delusional-Like Experiences: A General Population Study

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    Objective: Delusional-like experiences (DLE) are prevalent in the community. Recent community based studies have found that DLE are more common in those with depression and anxiety disorders, and in those with subclinical symptoms of depression and anxiety. Chronic physical disorders are associated with comorbid depression and anxiety; however, there is a lack of evidence about the association of DLE with common physical conditions. The aim of this study was to explore associations between the common physical disorders and DLE using a large population sample

    Embedded minimal surfaces in S3\mathbb{S}^3 and B3\mathbb{B}^3 via equivariant eigenvalue optimization

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    In 1970, Lawson solved the topological realization problem for minimal surfaces in the sphere, showing that any closed orientable surface can be minimally embedded in S3\mathbb{S}^3. The analogous problem for surfaces with boundary was posed by Fraser and Li in 2014, and it has attracted much attention in recent years, stimulating the development of many new constructions for free boundary minimal surfaces. In this paper, we resolve this problem by showing that any compact orientable surface with boundary can be embedded in B3\mathbb{B}^3 as a free boundary minimal surface with area below 2π2\pi. Furthermore, we show that the number of minimal surfaces in S3\mathbb{S}^3 of prescribed topology and area below 8π8\pi, and the number of free boundary minimal surfaces in B3\mathbb{B}^3 with prescribed topology and area below 2π2\pi, grow at least linearly with the genus. This is achieved via a new method for producing minimal surfaces of prescribed topology in low-dimensional balls and spheres, based on the optimization of Laplace and Steklov eigenvalues in the presence of a discrete symmetry group. As a key ingredient, we develop new techniques for proving the existence of maximizing metrics, which can be used to resolve the existence problem in many symmetric situations and provide at least partial existence results for classical eigenvalue optimization problems

    Anxiety and depressive disorders are associated with delusional-like experiences: a replication study based on a National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing

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    Objectives: There is growing evidence that delusional-like experiences (DLE) are associated with common mental disorders. In particular, a National Mental Health Survey conducted in Australia during 2007 reported an association between DLE and both anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder (MDD). However, the previous study did not examine this association with respect to subtypes of anxiety disorder nor with severity of MDD. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between DLE and both anxiety disorder and MDD in more detail based on an independent population sample