15 research outputs found

    Pain management of a mandibular fracture in an alpaca (Vicugna pacos) via epidural catheter placement in the mandibular foramen

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    A nine-year-old female alpaca with a history of a recurrent tooth root abscess presented for further investigation of a swelling of the left mandible and possible tooth extraction. During the manipulation of the mandible in surgery, the mandibular body fractured, and due to active infection it was left to heal by secondary intention. After surgery, the alpaca became dull and inappetent. Analgesic drugs included buprenorphine and meloxicam, which were ineffective according to the alpaca’s clinical appearance. An inferior alveolar nerve block was achieved by repeated administration of local anaesthetic (ropivacaine 0.75 per cent) every six hours via an epidural catheter placed in the mandibular foramen under CT guidance. Despite the adequate level of comfort achieved, discharge from surgical site resumed and the owner elected euthanasia. In conclusion, the placement of an epidural catheter in the mandibular canal, under CT guidance, was proven to successfully provide analgesia to an alpaca suffering from mandibular fractures

    A Bronze Age Round Barrow Cemetery, Pit Alignments, Iron Age Burials, Iron Age Copper Working, and Later Activity at Four Crosses, Llandysilio, Powys.

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    Excavation undertaken at the Upper Severn valley round barrow cemetery at Four Crosses, Llandysilio between 2004 and 2006 has increased the known barrows and ring-ditches to some 26 monuments, and revealed additional burials. Based on limited dating evidence, and the data from earlier excavations, the majority of the barrows are thought to be constructed in the Bronze Age. The barrows are part of a larger linear cemetery and the landscape setting and wider significance of this linear barrow cemetery are explored within this report. Dating suggests two barrows were later, Iron Age additions. The excavation also investigated Iron Age and undated pit alignments, Middle Iron Age copper working and a small Romano-British inhumation cemetery and field systems. Much of this evidence reflects the continuing importance of the site for ritual and funerary activity

    Basic veterinary management of reindeer

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    Common medical problems in the older foal: Part 1. Respiratory disease

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    Challenging anaesthetic management of captive reindeer (Rangifer tarandus): Report of 4 cases.

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