1,233 research outputs found

    Sexual and geographic dimorphism in northern rockhopper penguins breeding in the South Atlantic Ocean

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    The Endangered northern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi, like all penguins, is monomorphic, making sex determination of individuals in the field challenging. We examined the degree of sexual size dimorphism of adult birds across the species’ breeding range in the Atlantic Ocean and developed discriminant functions (DF) to predict individuals’ sex using morphometric measurements. We found significant site-specific differences in both bill length and bill depth, with males being the larger sex on each island. Across all islands, bill length contributed 78% to dissimilarity between sexes. Penguins on Gough Island had significantly longer bills, whilst those from Tristan da Cunha had the deepest. Island-specific DFs correctly classified 82-94% of individuals, and all functions performed significantly better than chance. The model for Nightingale Island correctly classified the greatest proportion of individuals (94-95%), while that for Tristan da Cunha performed the poorest (80-82%). A discriminant function derived from all sites accurately sexed 86-88% of northern rockhopper penguins achieving similar accuracy to island-specific functions. While molecular techniques conclusively determine an individual’s sex, morphometric measurements can provide a reliable estimate with close to 90% accuracy using a method that is less invasive and requires little technical expertise. Sexing is an important tool for meaningful interpretation of ecological data. Consideration of sex-specific differences in future studies will aid investigation of a potential sex-dependent vulnerability in this Endangered species.© The authors 2019. Open Access under Creative Commons by Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are unrestricted. Authors and original publication must be credited. The attached file is the published pdf

    Concentration of atomic hydrogen diffused into silicon in the temperature range 900–1300 °C

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    Boron-doped Czochralski silicon samples with [B]~1017 cm−3 have been heated at various temperatures in the range 800–1300 °C in an atmosphere of hydrogen and then quenched. The concentration of [H-B] pairs was measured by infrared localized vibrational mode spectroscopy. It was concluded that the solubility of atomic hydrogen is greater than [Hs] = 5.6 × 1018 exp( − 0.95 eV/kT)cm−3 at the temperatures investigated

    Social Support and Links to Quality of Life Among Middle and Older Age Autistic Adults

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    Social support has a positive impact on quality of life (QoL) in neurotypical older adults and young autistic adults, but the association for older autistic adults is unclear. Autistic adults (n=388; mean age=40-83 years) were recruited via Simons Powering Autism Research for Knowledge research match. Participants completed questionnaires online querying demographic information, depression and anxiety symptomatology, QoL (Physical, Psychological, Social, Environmental, Autism-specific) and social support (instrumental, subjective and social interactions). Regression analyses examined whether different aspects of social support explained the variance in each domain of QoL. A significant proportion of the variance (36-58%) in QoL was explained. Subjective social support significantly contributed to the models for all aspects of QoL; Physical and Psychological QoL were also explained by social interactions, whereas Social, Environmental and Autism-specific QoL were additionally explained by instrumental support. Social support is an important contributor to the QoL of middle-aged and older autistic adults, after accounting for demographic factors and depression. Further studies are required to understand whether age-related changes in social support and QoL are the same for autistic as non-autistic older adults in order to identify and implement appropriate support

    Exploring the effects of age and sex on sensory sensitivities in middle and older aged autistic adults

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    Purpose: Although sensory sensitivities are common among autistic people, few studies have explored how they may be impacted by ageing. Little is known about the experiences of autistic people across adulthood or about the experiences of people assigned female-at-birth. Some results suggest that autistic people assigned female-at-birth report more sensory sensitivities, but little is known about experiences in middle-aged and older autistic people assigned female-at-birth. Methods: This study explored self-reported sensory sensitivities and sensory acuity in 210 autistic people aged 42-80 years old. Associations between age and sensory sensitivities were examined using correlational and regression analyses, and t-tests explored differences based on sex-assigned-at-birth. Results: No significant correlation was observed between age and sensory sensitivities, although older age was associated with poorer sensory acuity. Poorer acuity in vision and hearing was associated with more sensory sensitivities. People assigned female-at-birth reported higher scores for overall sensory sensitivities and low temperature/pain tolerance. Sex-assigned-at-birth, sensory acuity and an age-x-sensory acuity interaction term contributed significantly to a regression model explaining overall sensory sensitivity, but age did not contribute significantly. Conclusion: This cross-sectional study suggests that sensory sensitivities are stable across middle-age and older adulthood. Results contrast with previous studies in young adults which have suggested reduction in sensory sensitivities with age. In keeping with studies of younger people, middle-age and older autistic adults assigned female-at-birth report higher rates of sensory sensitivities than comparably aged autistic adults assigned male-at-birth. If further studies examining individual change in sensory sensitives replicate these results, then they may contribute to understanding care needs of autistic older people

    Biogeographical boundaries, functional group structure and diversity of rocky shore communities along the Argentinean coast

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    We investigate the extent to which functional structure and spatial variability of intertidal communities coincide with major biogeographical boundaries, areas where extensive compositional changes in the biota are observed over a limited geographic extension. We then investigate whether spatial variation in the biomass of functional groups, over geographic (10′s km) and local (10′s m) scales, could be associated to species diversity within and among these groups. Functional community structure expressed as abundance (density, cover and biomass) and composition of major functional groups was quantified through field surveys at 20 rocky intertidal shores spanning six degrees of latitude along the southwest Atlantic coast of Argentina and extending across the boundaries between the Argentinean and Magellanic Provinces. Patterns of abundance of individual functional groups were not uniformly matched with biogeographical regions. Only ephemeral algae showed an abrupt geographical discontinuity coincident with changes in biogeographic boundaries, and this was limited to the mid intertidal zone. We identified 3–4 main ‘groups’ of sites in terms of the total and relative abundance of the major functional groups, but these did not coincide with biogeographical boundaries, nor did they follow latitudinal arrangement. Thus, processes that determine the functional structure of these intertidal communities are insensitive to biogeographical boundaries. Over both geographical and local spatial scales, and for most functional groups and tidal levels, increases in species richness within the functional group was significantly associated to increased total biomass and reduced spatial variability of the group. These results suggest that species belonging to the same functional group are sufficiently uncorrelated over space (i.e. metres and site-to-site ) to stabilize patterns of biomass variability and, in this manner, provide a buffer, or “insurance”, against spatial variability in environmental conditions

    Cardiovascular risk and emotion regulation contribute to depression symptomatology in middle-aged and older autistic adults

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    Background: Cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) and executive function difficulties increase during later-life and are associated with depression symptoms among non-autistic older people. These associations, however, have not yet been explored among middle-aged and older autistic people. Methods: Using data collected via Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research (SPARK), Research Match, we examined the frequency of CVRF, and associations between CVRF, executive function and depression symptoms in 387 middle-aged and older autistic people (aged 40-83 years). Results: Autistic adults reported high rates of CVRF (two, 28.9%; three or more, 23.2%). Rates of high cholesterol and obesity were greater among middle-aged and older autistic adults compared to the general population. CVRF, age, and emotion regulation (but not inhibitory control), were significantly associated with depression symptoms in middle-aged and older autistic adults. Conclusions: CVRF occur at high rates in middle-aged and older autistic adults, and it is important that healthcare providers monitor risk factors in order to implement preventative strategies. CVRF are associated with depressive symptoms among middle-aged and older autistic adults, but may not be as important as difficulties with emotion regulation

    Self-reported prospective and retrospective memory among middle aged and older autistic and non-autistic people

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    Objective: Self-reported memory difficulties are common among older adults, but few studies have examined memory problems among autistic middle-aged and older people. The current study examines self-rated prospective (PM) and retrospective (RM) memory difficulties and their associations with age in middle-aged and older autistic and non-autistic people. Methods: 350 autistic people (58% assigned-female-at-birth; age-range: 40-83 years) and 350 non-autistic adults matched on age, birth-sex and education level were included in the analysis. Participants completed the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) which includes questions about PM vs. RM (memory type), environment-cued vs. self-cued (cue), and short vs. long delay (delay). Results: Autistic people reported significantly more PM and RM difficulties than the comparison group. Both groups reported more difficulties with PM (vs. RM), self-cued (vs. environment-cued), and short (vs. long) delay. No significant interactions were observed. Among autistic people, younger age was associated with reporting more PM and RM difficulties, but this pattern was not observed among non-autistic people. Conclusions: Autistic people may be at reduced risk for memory problems as they age, compared to their same-age non-autistic peers. Further studies are required to explore the association between self-reported memory challenges and memory task performance among autistic older people

    Cassava brown streak disease and the sustainability of a clean seed system

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    One method of reducing disease in crops is the dissemination of disease-free planting material from a multiplication site to growers. This study assesses the validity and sustainability of this method for cassava brown streak disease, a threat to cassava crops across East Africa. Using mathematical modelling, the effects of different environmental and control conditions on pathogen spread were determined in a single-field multiplication site. High disease pressure, through large vector populations and disease in the surrounding area, combined with poor roguing practice, resulted in unsuccessful disease suppression. However, fields may produce sufficiently clean material for replanting if these factors can be overcome. Assessing the sustainability of a low-pressure system over multiple harvests, well-managed fields were found to maintain low disease levels, although producing sufficient cuttings may prove challenging. Replanting fields from the previous harvest does not lead to degeneration of planting material, only cutting numbers, and the importation of new clean material is not necessarily required. It is recommended that multiplication sites are only established in areas of low disease pressure and vector population density, and the importance of training in field management is emphasized. Cultivars displaying strong foliar symptoms are to be encouraged, as these allow for effective roguing, resulting in negative selection against the disease and reducing its spread. Finally, efforts to increase plant multiplication rates, the number of cuttings that can be obtained from each plant, have a significant impact on the sustainability of sites, as this represents the primary limiting factor to success

    Patient experience of lasting negative effects of psychological interventions for anxiety and depression in secondary mental health care services: a national cross-sectional study

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    Background Patients who undergo psychological treatment can report both negative and positive effects, but evidence of factors influencing the likelihood of negative effects is limited. Aims To identify aspects of the organisation and delivery of secondary care psychological treatment services that are associated with patient experiences of negative effects. Method Cross-sectional survey of people with anxiety and depression who ended psychological treatment delivered by 50 NHS trusts in England. Respondents were asked about how their treatment was organised and delivered and whether they experienced lasting negative effects. Results Of 662 respondents, 90 (14.1%) reported experiencing lasting negative effects. People over the age of 65 were less likely than younger respondents to report negative effects. There was an association between reporting neutral or negative effects and not being referred at what respondents considered to be the right time (OR = 1.712, 95% CI = 1.078–2.726), not receiving the right number of sessions (OR = 3.105, 95% CI = 1.934–4.987), and not discussing progress with their therapist (OR 2.063, 95% CI = 1.290–3.301). Conclusions One in seven patients who took part in this survey reported lasting negative effects from psychological treatment. Steps should be taken to prepare people for the potential for negative experiences of treatment, and progress reviewed during therapy in an effort to identify and prevent negative effects

    Rate of Unscheduled Administration of an Epidural Bolus Among Pregnant Women Receiving Labor Epidurals

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    Background The labor and delivery process is a painful experience that pregnant women undergo and while various medical options are available for managing labor pain, labor epidurals are the most common.1,3 Breakthrough pain, or inadequate analgesia, is a significant complication of labor epidurals that is typically managed with the administration of an unscheduled epidural bolus. The purpose of this evidence-based practice (EBP) project is to describe the rate of unscheduled epidural bolus administration in pregnant women receiving continuous labor epidurals (CLE) at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center (PSHMC) and Providence Holy Family Hospital (PHFH). Methods • Design: Retrospective, observational, EBP project • Human subjects protection: De-identified data was extracted into a HIPPA compliant REDCap database after facility approval and IRB exemption • Inclusion Criteria: Parturient women age ≥18 with labor epidurals at PSHMC and PHFH from January 2015 to December 2019 (Table 1) • Outcome Measurement: Unscheduled provider administered epidural bolus after epidural initialization (Figure 1) • Bivariate: T-tests (symmetrical continuous data), Mann Whitney U (skewed continuous data), Chi-Test (categorical data) • Multivariate: Kaplan Meier analysis performed on epidural bolus timing (Figure 2) • Multivariate multivariable: Proportional hazards model was used to identify independent risk factors associated with time to first unscheduled provider administered epidural bolus (Table 2) Discussion We found that approximately 36.7% of parturient women with a CLE required at least one unscheduled provider administered epidural bolus. Gravida 1, elective case type, increased BMI and CLE duration were identified as independent risk factors associated with receiving a provider bolus. Of the identified risk factors, gravida 1 was the most significant with women having a 1.22 increase in risk of requiring an unscheduled provider administered epidural bolus (hazard risk 1.22; 95% CI 1.14 – 1.31; p \u3c0.001). The rate of 36.7% is higher compared to literature reported rates of 30.7% and 14.4% from RCTs and observational studies that had comparable epidural regimens and techniques to our facilities. 2,4,5 Further in-depth investigation is warranted in describing with more detail the patient characteristics and anesthesia provider practices as they relate to unscheduled epidural bolus administration.https://digitalcommons.psjhealth.org/other_pubs/1104/thumbnail.jp