408 research outputs found

    Non-monotonic density dependence of the diffusion of DNA fragments in low-salt suspensions

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    The high linear charge density of 20-base-pair oligomers of DNA is shown to lead to a striking non-monotonic dependence of the long-time self-diffusion on the concentration of the DNA in low-salt conditions. This generic non-monotonic behavior results from both the strong coupling between the electrostatic and solvent-mediated hydrodynamic interactions, and from the renormalization of these electrostatic interactions at large separations, and specifically from the dominance of the far-field hydrodynamic interactions caused by the strong repulsion between the DNA fragments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Physical Review E, accepted on November 24, 200

    Peperite: a review of magma-sediment mingling

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    The study of peperite is important for understanding magma-water interaction and explosive hydrovolcanic hazards. This paper reviews the processes and products of peperite genesis. Peperite is common in arc-related and other volcano-sedimentary sequences, where it can be voluminous and dispersed widely from the parent intrusions. It also occurs in phreatomagmatic vent-filling deposits and along contacts between sediment and intrusions, lavas and hot volcaniclastic deposits in many environments. Peperite can often be described on the basis of juvenile clast morphology as blocky or fluidal, but other shapes occur and mixtures of different clast shapes are also found. Magma is dominantly fragmented by quenching, hydromagmatic explosions, magma-sediment density contrasts, and mechanical stress as a consequence of inflation or movement of magma or lava. Magma fragmentation by fluid-fluid shearing and surface tension effects is probably also important in fluidal peperite. Fluidisation of host sediment, hydromagmatic explosions, forceful intrusion of magma and sediment liquefaction and shear liquification are probably the most important mechanisms by which juvenile clasts and host sediment are mingled and dispersed. Factors which could influence fragmentation and mingling processes include magma, host sediment and peperite rheologies, magma injection velocity, volatile content of magma, total volumes of magma and sediment involved, total volume of pore-water heated, presence or absence of shock waves, confining pressure and the nature of local and regional stress fields. Sediment rheology may be affected by dewatering, compaction, cementation, vesiculation, fracturing, fragmentation, fluidisation, liquefaction, shear liquification and melting during magma intrusion and peperite formation. The presence of peperite intraclasts within peperite and single juvenile clasts with both sub-planar and fluidal margins imply that peperite formation can be a multi-stage process that varies both spatially and temporally. Mingling of juvenile clast populations, formed under different thermal and mechanical conditions, complicates the interpretation of magma fragmentation and mingling mechanisms

    Magma chamber dynamics in a silicic LIP revealed by quartz: The Mesoproterozoic Gawler Range Volcanics

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    Silicic-dominated large igneous provinces (SLIP) represent vast amounts of magma (≥ 105 km3) erupted onto the Earth's surface or injected into the crust over short time spans, and are important components of the continental crust. The conditions of formation and evolution of these large magmatic provinces and their magma chambers are still poorly constrained. In this contribution, we examine cathodoluminescence textures and trace element (Al, Ti, Fe) zoning of quartz in a Mesoproterozoic SLIP, the Gawler Range Volcanics (GRV), South Australia. We describe intra-granular textures such as truncation of growth textures and reverse zoning (rimwards increase of Ti content). These characteristics of quartz, together with remelting of already crystallised portions of the magma chamber (felsic enclaves), suggest a complex history of crystallisation and resorption, and fluctuating magma temperature. Titanium-in-quartz geothermometry indicates that adjacent quartz zones record temperature variations (ΔT) up to 70 °C in volcanic units. We also report contrasting (non-correlatable) zoning patterns amongst quartz crystals, each indicating different crystallisation conditions. The juxtaposition of quartz crystals with contrasting zoning patterns is consistent with a dynamic regime (convection, stirring, overturning) of the GRV magma chamber. These results point to pulsating magmatic conditions, compatible with a non-linear evolution of the GRV magma chamber. Heat, necessary to explain both intra-granular and infra-granular textural variations, may have been provided in different pulses by underplating of mafic magma
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