28 research outputs found

    Cease and Desist: Freedom of Expression in the Shadows of Intellectual Property

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    Non-Infringing Uses in Digital Sampling: The Role of Fair Use and the de Minimis Threshold in Sample Clearance Reform

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    In this book excerpt, the authors address the role of two major legal exceptions to copyright protection in the music industry’s practices surrounding digital sampling. Although the United States law on the books requires a balance between the interests of copyright owners and sampling musicians, the business practice has been to mandate licensing in almost every instance. Despite this hurdle to a more balanced approach to sampling, the authors discuss several benefits that might come through doctrinal or statutory reforms, or even through developing best practices for claiming fair use

    Copyleft e maremoto

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    99 p.Libro ElectrónicoSe presentan diferentes artículos con casos relacionados con el derecho y acceso a la infornmación desde diferentes escenarios como lo son el derecho a la lectura, y los derechos de autor como lo son el copyright y el copyleftEl Derecho a la Lectura 9 Richard Stallman Copyright y Maremoto 23 Wu Ming 1 El Copyleft explicado a los niños 35 Wu Ming 1 Copiar, robar, mandar 45 César Rendueles El futuro digital y el pasado analógico 71 Kembrew McLeod Glosario Básico 9

    La música y la vanguardia de la expresión popular

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    Esta es una entrevista a Kembrew McLeod realizada por Juan Pablo Viteri. Kembrew McLeod es profesor de Estudios de Comunicación en la Universidad de Iowa y productor independiente de documentales. Este autor y cineasta prolífico, ha escrito y producido varios libros y documentales que se centran en la música popular, los medios independientes y la ley de derechos de autor

    Music and the cutting edge of cultural expression

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    In this interview, Juan Pablo Viteri speaks with Kembrew McLeod. McLeod is a Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa and an independent documentary producer. A prolific author and filmmaker, he has written and produced several books and documentaries that focus on popular music, independent media and copyright law