86 research outputs found

    Deriving Split-Antecedent Relative Clauses

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    There is difficulty representing relative clauses with split antecedents (Perlmutter & Ross 1970, McCawley 1982, Link 1984, Wilder 1994, a.o.): (i) Mary met a man and John met a woman who know each other well. In this paper, I demonstrate that existing analyses, both movement and base generation approaches, have difficulties accounting for split-antecedent relative clauses (SARC) without construction-specific stipulations. Even the most promising accounts do not make predictions about the actual behavior of SARC. Formally, I propose that traditional approaches have difficulty because of how the notion of chain is represented. I provide a preliminary analysis using a novel system of representing narrow syntax that does not run into the type of problem that traditional approaches do. SARC are naturally predicted from the way I propose to treat coordination within the new system. In doing this, I argue for another direction of our model of narrow syntax (cf. Vergnaud to appear), one which redefines the representation of a chain and instead represents grammatical relationships as local – a generalized form of Multidominance. This approach to syntax makes wide-reaching predictions, which I do not discuss here. But, I show that this direction derives SARC naturally, without construction-specific stipulations

    Perceived Attributes of Diffusion of Innovation Theory as Predictors of Postsecondary Faculty Adoption of Text Expander Technology

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    Postsecondary faculty do not provide detailed, individualized, and timely feedback to students, although faculty and students consider feedback an integral aspect of higher education. Text expander technology, or software programs that automatically convert snippets of predetermined text into longer phrases, can aid postsecondary faculty in providing digital written feedback, but little quantitative research exists regarding postsecondary faculty adoption of text expander technology. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the perceived attributes of Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory that predict postsecondary faculty adoption of text expander technology. The research questions were related to the frequency at which postsecondary faculty adopt text expander technology to provide digital written feedback and to what perceived attributes of innovation predict postsecondary faculty adoption of text expander technology. The study included the use of an online survey and a random sample of 321 participants regarding the relationship between postsecondary faculty adoption of text expander technology and the perceived attributes of innovation, followed by data analysis using binary logistic regression. The results showed that 208 (64.8%) postsecondary faculty considered themselves adopters of text expander technology, while 113 (35.2%) did not, and the perceived attributes of relative advantage (p \u3c 0.001), complexity (p = 0.04), and observability (p = 0.003) predicted postsecondary faculty adoption of text expander technology, supporting Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory. The study results support positive social change by clarifying the employment of digital written feedback practices to improve student engagement in higher education

    Kentucky’s Primary Care Workforce Shortages 2016 - 2025 and Recommendations for Increasing the Production of Primary Care Physicians for Kentucky

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    An excerpt from the executive summary: Kentucky and the nation face severe shortages of primary care (PC) physicians. PC physicians are essential to cost-effective healthcare. Kentucky ranks 40th among the United States in its PC physician workforce per 100,000 people, with 2,696 practicing PC physicians statewide. The purposes of this white paper are to: Present up-to-date data and information about the primary care workforce in Kentucky Describe current trainee pipelines that supply new primary care physicians to Kentucky Recommend strategies and tactics for improving the primary care physician workforc

    ALMA reveals a stable rotating gas disk in a paradoxical low-mass, ultra-dusty galaxy at z = 4.274

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    We report ALMA detections of [CII] and dust continuum in Az9, a multiply-imaged galaxy behind the Frontier Field cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745. The bright [CII] emission line provides a spectroscopic redshift of z = 4.274. This strongly lensed (mu = 7 +/- 1) galaxy has an intrinsic stellar mass of only 2e9 Msun and a total star formation rate of 26 Msun/yr (~80% of which is dust obscured). Using public magnification maps, we reconstruct the [CII] emission in the source plane to reveal a stable, rotation-dominated disk with V/sigma = 5.3, which is > 2x higher than predicted from simulations for similarly high-redshift, low-mass galaxies. In the source plane, the [CII] disk has a half-light radius of 1.8 kpc and, along with the dust, is spatially offset from the peak of the stellar light by 1.4 kpc. Az9 is not deficient in [CII]; L[CII]/LIR = 0.0027 consistent with local and high redshift normal star forming galaxies. While dust-obscured star formation is expected to dominate in higher mass galaxies, such a large reservoir of dust and gas in a lower mass disk galaxy 1.4 Gyr after the Big Bang challenges our picture of early galaxy evolution. Furthermore, the prevalence of such low-mass dusty galaxies has important implications for the selection of the highest redshift dropout galaxies with JWST. As one of the lowest stellar mass galaxies at z > 4 to be detected in dust continuum and [CII], Az9 is an excellent laboratory in which to study early dust enrichment in the interstellar medium.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Dual Users: Real Lessons from Reality Television

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    This study attempts to understand the differences in activity among an emergent television/Internet audience. The Internet has provided a new entertainment opportunity for producers of television programming. Those television viewers who have also reached out to their favorite television show websites have resulted in a new audience. Examining the programming genre of reality television, two constructs were developed and a written survey administered to a convenience sample of college freshmen. The construct dual users was created to examine the television audience that also visits television programming websites. Single users (those that only watch the television show) were compared to the self-reported levels of activity and involvement of dual users. Early findings suggest that the dual users are more involved during viewing of the television show and engaged in less secondary activity than the single users

    Efficient NIRCam Selection of Quiescent Galaxies at 3 < z < 6 in CEERS

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Substantial populations of massive quiescent galaxies at z ≥ 3 challenge our understanding of rapid galaxy growth and quenching over short timescales. In order to piece together this evolutionary puzzle, more statistical samples of these objects are required. Established techniques for identifying massive quiescent galaxies are increasingly inefficient and unconstrained at z > 3. As a result, studies report that as much as 70% of quiescent galaxies at z > 3 may be missed from existing surveys. In this work, we propose a new empirical color selection technique designed to select massive quiescent galaxies at 3 ≲ z ≲ 6 using JWST NIRCam imaging data. We use empirically constrained galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED) templates to define a region in the F277W − F444W versus F150W − F277W color plane that captures quiescent galaxies at z > 3. We apply these color selection criteria to the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey and use SED fitting on sources in the region to identify 44 candidate z ≳ 3 quiescent galaxies. Over half of these sources are newly discovered and, on average, exhibit specific star formation rates of poststarburst galaxies. Most of these sources would not be discovered using canonical UVJ diagrams. We derive volume density estimates of n ∼ 1–4 × 10−5 Mpc−3 at 3 < z < 5, finding excellent agreement with existing reports on similar populations in the CEERS field. Thanks to NIRCam’s wavelength coverage and sensitivity, this technique provides an efficient tool to search for large samples of these rare galaxies.Peer reviewe

    Rare variation at the TNFAIP3 locus and susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) conducted using commercial single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) arrays have proven to be a powerful tool for the detection of common disease susceptibility variants. However, their utility for the detection of lower frequency variants is yet to be practically investigated. Here we describe the application of a rare variant collapsing method to a large genome-wide SNP dataset, the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium rheumatoid arthritis (RA) GWAS. We partitioned the data into gene-centric bins and collapsed genotypes of low frequency variants (defined here as MAF ≤0.05) into a single count coupled with univariate analysis. We then prioritised gene regions for further investigation in an independent cohort of 3,355 cases and 2,427 controls based on rare variant signal p value and prior evidence to support involvement in RA. A total of 14,536 gene bins were investigated in the primary analysis and signals mapping to the TNFAIP3 and chr17q24 loci were selected for further investigation. We detected replicating association to low frequency variants in the TNFAIP3 gene (combined p = 6.6 × 10−6). Even though rare variants are not well-represented and can be difficult to genotype in GWAS, our study supports the application of low frequency variant collapsing methods to genome-wide SNP datasets as a means of exploiting data that are routinely ignored

    Uncovering a Massive z~7.65 Galaxy Hosting a Heavily Obscured Radio-Loud QSO Candidate in COSMOS-Web

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    In this letter, we report the discovery of the highest redshift, heavily obscured, radio-loud QSO candidate selected using JWST NIRCam/MIRI, mid-IR, sub-mm, and radio imaging in the COSMOS-Web field. Using multi-frequency radio observations and mid-IR photometry, we identify a powerful, radio-loud (RL), growing supermassive black hole (SMBH) with significant spectral steepening of the radio SED (f1.32GHz2f_{1.32 \mathrm{GHz}} \sim 2 mJy, q24μm=1.1q_{24\mu m} = -1.1, α1.323GHz=1.2\alpha_{1.32-3\mathrm{GHz}}=-1.2, Δα=0.4\Delta \alpha = -0.4). In conjunction with ALMA, deep ground-based observations, ancillary space-based data, and the unprecedented resolution and sensitivity of JWST, we find no evidence of QSO contribution to the UV/optical/NIR data and thus infer heavy amounts of obscuration (NH>1023_{\mathrm{H}} > 10^{23} cm2^{-2}). Using the wealth of deep UV to sub-mm photometric data, we report a singular solution photo-z of zphotz_\mathrm{phot} = 7.650.3+0.4^{+0.4}_{-0.3} and estimate an extremely massive host-galaxy (logM=11.92±0.06M\log M_{\star} = 11.92 \pm 0.06\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}). This source represents the furthest known obscured RL QSO candidate, and its level of obscuration aligns with the most representative but observationally scarce population of QSOs at these epochs.Comment: Submitted to ApJL, Comments welcom

    Unveiling the distant Universe: Characterizing z9z\ge9 Galaxies in the first epoch of COSMOS-Web

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    We report the identification of 15 galaxy candidates at z9z\ge9 using the initial COSMOS-Web JWST observations over 77 arcmin2^2 through four NIRCam filters (F115W, F150W, F277W, F444W) with an overlap with MIRI (F770W) of 8.7 arcmin2^2. We fit the sample using several publicly-available SED fitting and photometric redshift codes and determine their redshifts between z=9.3z=9.3 and z=10.9z=10.9 (z=10.0\langle z\rangle=10.0), UV-magnitudes between MUV_{\rm UV} = -21.2 and -19.5 (with \langle MUV=20.2_{\rm UV}\rangle=-20.2) and rest-frame UV slopes (β=2.4\langle \beta\rangle=-2.4). These galaxies are, on average, more luminous than most z9z\ge9 candidates discovered by JWST so far in the literature, while exhibiting similar blue colors in their rest-frame UV. The rest-frame UV slopes derived from SED-fitting are blue (β\beta\sim[-2.0, -2.7]) without reaching extremely blue values as reported in other recent studies at these redshifts. The blue color is consistent with models that suggest the underlying stellar population is not yet fully enriched in metals like similarly luminous galaxies in the lower redshift Universe. The derived stellar masses with log10(\langle \log_{\rm 10} (M/_\star/M)89_\odot)\rangle\approx8-9 are not in tension with the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model and our measurement of the volume density of such UV luminous galaxies aligns well with previously measured values presented in the literature at z910z\sim9-10. Our sample of galaxies, although compact, are significantly resolved.Comment: Submitted to Ap