150 research outputs found

    Some Aspects of Aging

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    Reinhold Niebuhr’s Christian realism/ Christian idealism

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    The foregoing quip captures a realization that came to the young Reinhold Niebuhr in the 192os and that turned the liberal Christian pastor away from pacifism and toward a more realist ethic of politics. From then until his death in 1971, Niebuhr was to remain always a liberal Christian of realist bent. He was a liberal Christian in his concentration on the law of love as the only absolute and in his rejection of Christian fundamentalism, biblical literalism, and the consequent clash with science. He was a political realist, and rose to national prominence as such in the 1930S and 1940s, in his dismissal of pragmatic pacifism and his advocacy of American responsibility to use force in opposing the Nazi and Soviet threats to the world. He was famous particularly for his sharp attacks on those who failed to see the limits on morality in politics. Yet this realism was but one strand of Niebuhr's dualist approach to politics, the other being his Christian idealism

    Persistence of low wind speed conditions and implications for wind power variability

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    As the penetration of wind generation increases on power systems throughout the world, the effects of wind variability on power systems are of increasing concern. This study focuses on sustained occurrences of low wind speeds over durations ranging from 1 h to 20 days. Such events have major implications for the variability of energy yields from wind farms. This, in turn, influences the accuracy of wind resource assessment. The frequency analysis techniques commonly used to study wind variability cannot represent the autocorrelation properties of wind speeds and thus provide no information on the probabilities of occurrence of such sustained, low wind events. We present two complementary methods for assessing wind variability, runs analysis and intensity–duration–frequency analysis, both with emphasis on characterising the occurrence of continuous, extended periods (up to several days) of low wind speeds. Multi-annual time series of hourly wind speeds from meteorological stations in Ireland are analysed with both techniques. Sustained 20-day periods corresponding to extremely low levels of wind generation are found to have return periods of around 10 years in coastal areas. Persistent, widespread low wind speed conditions across the entire country are found to occur only rarely

    A visual overview of world oil markets

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    Total world demand for oil is expected to increase about 27 percent in the period 1985-2000. Demand in the centrally planned economies should remain constant. Oil consumption in the industrial countries is expected to grow only 19 percent in the same period. But the demand in the developing countries should grow about 50 percent. No other group of countries will experience so great an increase in demand for oil. As a result of"industrialization"shifts from the industrial countries to the developing nations, oil consumption in the industrial sectors of less developed countries has remained predominant over their transportation sectors. This has important ramifications for fuel substitution, efficiency improvements, and other policies.Environmental Economics&Policies,Energy Demand,Oil Refining&Gas Industry,Consumption,Energy and Environment

    Skogens miljökvalitetsmÄl

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    This study investigates the current status of the Scanian regional environmental objectives in relation to Swedish forestry. The aim of the study was to decide on high impact measures that will contribute to the fulfilment of five out of these 16 objectives; Reduced Climate Impact, Natural Acidification Only, Zero Eutrophication, Sustainable Forests and A Rich Diversity of Plants and Animals. Although Sweden has a well-developed forestry and extensive environmental efforts have been implemented, none of the chosen environmental objectives will be fulfilled by 2020 without additional actions. Some of the required actions were presented in an interview with the Swedish Forest Agency, others were retrieved in literature. By reviewing a real-life case, Högestad & Christinehof förvaltnings AB, the relevance of the proposed measures were estimated and reasonable actions implementable in different sized stakeholders were presented. Results show that two of the most effective and concrete actions to introduce are replanting of deciduous tree species and additional creation of protected forest areas. Other more general measures are to increase respect for plants and wildlife when harvesting, improve dialogue between stakeholders within the forestry industry and to further implement landscape perspective of forest owners. The study also concludes that due to constant development of the environmental issues in Sweden, these measures may soon be improved or replaced by other, more efficient methods.Detta arbetet undersöker hur skogsbruk i SkÄne kan bidra till uppfyllanden utav fem av de regionala miljökvalitetsmÄlen för lÀnet. Detta gjordes genom att se över skogsbruket i helhet samt dess utveckling i Sverige och sedan, genom att samarbeta med ett riktigt skogsbruksföretag, undersöka möjligheter och hinder det finns för ett förbÀttrat miljöarbete inom denna nÀring. De valda miljökvalitetsmÄlen baserades pÄ skogsbrukets pÄverkan och förbÀttringspotential i förhÄllande till dessa och blev sÄledes; BegrÀnsad klimatpÄverkan, Bara naturlig försurning, Ingen övergödning, Levande skogar samt Ett rikt vÀxt- och djurliv. Resultaten i denna studie visar att Sverige Àr ett framgÄngsrikt land nÀr det kommer till hÄllbar utveckling av skogsbruk men att man fortfarande har en lÄngt att gÄ för att uppnÄ de uppsatta mÄlen. Detta beror till stor del pÄ skogsbrukets otroliga omfattning i Sverige, samt det lÄnga tidsintervallet mellan plantering och skörd som gÀller för skogsbruket. Trots att de flesta kraftfulla insatserna redan implementeras i Sverige, sÄ visar resultaten av denna studie att de behöver utvecklas ytterligare samt implementeras i större utstrÀckning. NÄgot som ocksÄ framgÄr i denna studie Àr att kommunikation Àr en otroligt viktig aspekt som mÄste förbÀttras inom skogsbruket, bÄde genom ökad dialog mellan skogsbrukare men ocksÄ förbÀttrat informationsutbyte mellan olika myndigheter och aktörer inom skogsbruket

    Offshore Conversion of Wind Power to Gaseous Fuels: Feasibility Study in a Depleted Gas Field

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    A proof-of-concept study is presented of a Power-to-Gas system that is located fully offshore. This paper analyses how such a system would perform if based at the depleted Kinsale Gas Field in the Celtic Sea Basin off the south coast of Ireland. An offshore wind farm is proposed as the power source for the system. Several conversion technologies are examined in detail in terms of resource efficiency, technological maturity, and platform area footprint, the aim being to ascertain their overall applicability to an offshore Power-to-Gas system. The technologies include proton exchange membrane electrolysers for electrolysis of water to release H2. Bipolar membrane electro-dialysis and electronic cation exchange module processes are also considered for the extraction of CO2 from seawater. These technologies provide the feedstock for the Sabatier process for the production of CH4 from H2 and CO2. Simulations of the end-to-end systems were carried out using Simulink, and it was found that the conversion of offshore wind power to hydrogen or methane is a technically feasible option. Hydrogen production is much closer to market viability than methane production, but production costs are too high and conversion efficiencies too low in both cases with present-day technology to be competitive with current wholesale natural gas prices
