10,736 research outputs found

    Movement patterns of cheetahs ( Acinonyx jubatus ) in farmlands in Botswana

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    Botswana has the second highest population of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) with most living outside protected areas. As a result, many cheetahs are found in farming areas which occasionally results in human-wildlife conflict. This study aimed to look at movement patterns of cheetahs in farming environments to determine whether cheetahs have adapted their movements in these human-dominated landscapes. We fitted high-time resolution GPS collars to cheetahs in the Ghanzi farmlands of Botswana. GPS locations were used to calculate home range sizes as well as number and duration of visits to landscape features using a time-based local convex hull method. Cheetahs had medium-sized home ranges compared to previously studied cheetah in similar farming environments. Results showed that cheetahs actively visited scent marking trees and avoided visiting homesteads. A slight preference for visiting game farms over cattle farms was found, but there was no difference in duration of visits between farm types. We conclude that cheetahs selected for areas that are important for their dietary and social needs and prefer to avoid human-occupied areas. Improved knowledge of how cheetahs use farmlands can allow farmers to make informed decisions when developing management practices and can be an important tool for reducing human-wildlife conflict

    A School Perspective on School-Embedded Initial Teacher Education

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    School-university partnerships have been developed to invigorate initial teacher education (ITE). Such partnerships potentially offer rich educational opportunities to pre-service teachers. This paper examines integrated and school-embedded approaches to ITE in the Australian context, drawing on a case study analysis of a three-year, ITE school-university-system partnership named inSITE. inSITE is explored from the perspective of the school educators directly involved in its design and delivery. Complexity science provided the theoretical framework for inSITE and signalled its principles of holism, integration and reflective practice. The factors that contributed to and inhibited school-based initial teacher education from a school’s perspective are identified. The paper concludes that, given conducive conditions, an integrated, embedded and reflective approach can address the prevailing theory-practice dualism of ITE and may offer an important third way to prepare new teachers. The challenges and opportunities for school-embedded ITE in Australia are highlighted

    Dynamic association between perfusion and white matter integrity across time since injury in Veterans with history of TBI.

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    ObjectiveCerebral blood flow (CBF) plays a critical role in the maintenance of neuronal integrity, and CBF alterations have been linked to deleterious white matter changes. Although both CBF and white matter microstructural alterations have been observed within the context of traumatic brain injury (TBI), the degree to which these pathological changes relate to one another and whether this association is altered by time since injury have not been examined. The current study therefore sought to clarify associations between resting CBF and white matter microstructure post-TBI.Methods37 veterans with history of mild or moderate TBI (mmTBI) underwent neuroimaging and completed health and psychiatric symptom questionnaires. Resting CBF was measured with multiphase pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling (MPPCASL), and white matter microstructural integrity was measured with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The cingulate cortex and cingulum bundle were selected as a priori regions of interest for the ASL and DTI data, respectively, given the known vulnerability of these regions to TBI.ResultsRegression analyses controlling for age, sex, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms revealed a significant time since injury × resting CBF interaction for the left cingulum (p < 0.005). Decreased CBF was significantly associated with reduced cingulum fractional anisotropy (FA) in the chronic phase; however, no such association was observed for participants with less remote TBI.ConclusionsOur results showed that reduced CBF was associated with poorer white matter integrity in those who were further removed from their brain injury. Findings provide preliminary evidence of a possible dynamic association between CBF and white matter microstructure that warrants additional consideration within the context of the negative long-term clinical outcomes frequently observed in those with history of TBI. Additional cross-disciplinary studies integrating multiple imaging modalities (e.g., DTI, ASL) and refined neuropsychiatric assessment are needed to better understand the nature, temporal course, and dynamic association between brain changes and clinical outcomes post-injury

    Clinical spirocercosis in a dog in the UK

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    A 2-year-old female neutered crossbreed dog was presented for evaluation of a 3-day history of haematemesis, melaena and hyporexia. The dog had been imported from a rescue centre in Hungary 4 months prior to presentation. Abdominal CT revealed the presence of a 3 cm×3 cm×4 cm diameter heterogenous intraluminal mass lesion in the gastric cardia, surrounding the ostium of the cardia and continuous with the distal oesophagus. The mass lesion was subsequently surgically resected. Histopathology of the gastric mass lesion was consistent with a Spirocerca lupi granuloma. The patient unfortunately developed a pyothorax and suffered cardiopulmonary arrest resulting in death 2 days postoperatively. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of clinical spirocercosis reported in a dog in the UK

    Contemplative Science: An Insider's Prospectus

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    This chapter describes the potential far‐reaching consequences of contemplative higher education for the fields of science and medicine

    The consequence of excess configurational entropy on fragility: the case of a polymer/oligomer blend

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    By taking advantage of the molecular weight dependence of the glass transition of polymers and their ability to form perfectly miscible blends, we propose a way to modify the fragility of a system, from fragile to strong, keeping the same glass properties, i.e. vibrational density of states, mean-square displacement and local structure. Both slow and fast dynamics are investigated by calorimetry and neutron scattering in an athermal polystyrene/oligomer blend, and compared to those of a pure 17-mer polystyrene considered to be a reference, of same Tg. Whereas the blend and the pure 17-mer have the same heat capacity in the glass and in the liquid, their fragilities differ strongly. This difference in fragility is related to an extra configurational entropy created by the mixing process and acting at a scale much larger than the interchain distance, without affecting the fast dynamics and the structure of the glass

    Self-diffusion in binary blends of cyclic and linear polymers

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    A lattice model is used to estimate the self-diffusivity of entangled cyclic and linear polymers in blends of varying compositions. To interpret simulation results, we suggest a minimal model based on the physical idea that constraints imposed on a cyclic polymer by infiltrating linear chains have to be released, before it can diffuse beyond a radius of gyration. Both, the simulation, and recently reported experimental data on entangled DNA solutions support the simple model over a wide range of blend compositions, concentrations, and molecular weights.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Chessboards in the Deuterium Molecular Ion

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    We present a new algorithm for vibrational control in deuterium molecules that is feasible with current experimental technology. A pump mechanism is used to create a coherent superposition of the D2+ vibrations. A short, intense infrared control pulse is applied after a chosen delay time to create selective interferences. A `chessboard' pattern of states can be realized in which a set of even- or odd-numbered vibrational states can be selectively annihilated or enhanced. A technique is proposed for experimental realization and observation of this effect using 5 fs pulses of 790 nm radiation, with intermediate intensity (5e13 W/cm2)Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Topological effects in ring polymers: A computer simulation study

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    Unconcatenated, unknotted polymer rings in the melt are subject to strong interactions with neighboring chains due to the presence of topological constraints. We study this by computer simulation using the bond-fluctuation algorithm for chains with up to N=512 statistical segments at a volume fraction \Phi=0.5 and show that rings in the melt are more compact than gaussian chains. A careful finite size analysis of the average ring size R \propto N^{\nu} yields an exponent \nu \approx 0.39 \pm 0.03 in agreement with a Flory-like argument for the topologica interactions. We show (using the same algorithm) that the dynamics of molten rings is similar to that of linear chains of the same mass, confirming recent experimental findings. The diffusion constant varies effectively as D_{N} \propto N^{-1.22(3) and is slightly higher than that of corresponding linear chains. For the ring sizes considered (up to 256 statistical segments) we find only one characteristic time scale \tau_{ee} \propto N^{2.0(2); this is shown by the collapse of several mean-square displacements and correlation functions onto corresponding master curves. Because of the shrunken state of the chain, this scaling is not compatible with simple Rouse motion. It applies for all sizes of ring studied and no sign of a crossover to any entangled regime is found.Comment: 20 Pages,11 eps figures, Late