654 research outputs found

    Infrared spectra of C2H4 dimer and trimer

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    Spectra of ethylene dimers and trimers are studied in the nu11 and (for the dimer) nu9 fundamental band regions of C2H4 (~2990 and 3100 cm-1) using a tunable optical parametric oscillator source to probe a pulsed supersonic slit jet expansion. The deuterated trimer has been observed previously, but this represents the first rotationally resolved spectrum of (C2H4)3. The results support the previously determined cross-shaped (D2d) dimer and barrel-shaped (C3h or C3) trimer structures. However, the dimer spectrum in the nu9 fundamental region of C2H4 is apparently very perturbed and a previous rotational analysis is not well verified.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Electric dipole rovibrational transitions in HD molecule

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    The rovibrational electric dipole transitions in the ground electronic state of the HD molecule are studied. A simple, yet rigorous formula is derived for the transition rates in terms of the electric dipole moment function D(R)D(R), which is calculated in a wide range of RR. Our numerical results for transition rates are in moderate agreement with experiments and previous calculations, but are at least an order of magnitude more accurate.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Three new infrared bands of the He-OCS complex

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    Three new infrared bands of the weakly-bound He-OCS complex are studied, using tunable lasers to probe a pulsed supersonic slit jet expansion. They correspond to the (0400) <-- (0000), (1001)<-- (0000), and (0401) <-- (0000) transitions of OCS at 2105, 2918, and 2937 cm-1, respectively. The latter band is about 7900 times weaker than the previously studied OCS nu1 fundamental. Vibrational shifts relative to the free OCS monomer are found to be additive. Since carbonyl sulfide has previously been shown to be a valuable probe of superfluid quantum solvation effects in helium clusters and droplets, the present results could be useful for future studies of vibrational effects in such systems.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, 4 table

    A molecular superfluid: non-classical rotations in doped para-hydrogen clusters

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    Clusters of para-hydrogen (pH2) have been predicted to exhibit superfluid behavior, but direct observation of this phenomenon has been elusive. Combining experiments and theoretical simulations, we have determined the size evolution of the superfluid response of pH2 clusters doped with carbon dioxide (CO2). Reduction of the effective inertia is observed when the dopant is surrounded by the pH2 solvent. This marks the onset of molecular superfluidity in pH2. The fractional occupation of solvation rings around CO2 correlates with enhanced superfluid response for certain cluster sizes

    Doped rare gas clusters up to completion of first solvation shell, CO2-(Rg)n, n = 3-17, Rg = Ar, Kr, Xe

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    Spectra of rare gas atom clusters containing a single carbon dioxide molecule are observed using a tunable mid-infrared (4.3 micron) source to probe a pulsed slit jet supersonic expansion. There are relatively few previous detailed experimental results on such clusters. The assigned clusters include CO2-Arn with n = 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, and 17, as well as CO2-Krn and -Xen with n = 3, 4, and 5. Each spectrum has (at least) partially resolved rotational structure, and each yields precise values for the shift of the CO2 vibrational frequency (nu3) induced by the nearby rare gas atoms, together with one or more rotational constants. These results are compared with theoretical predictions. The more readily assigned CO2-Arn species tend to be those with symmetric structures, and CO2-Ar17 represents completion of a highly symmetric (D5h) solvation shell. Those not assigned (e.g. n = 7, 13) are probably also present in the observed spectra, but with band structures which are not well-resolved and thus not recognizable. The spectra of CO2-Ar9, -Ar15, and -Ar17 suggest the presence of sequences involving very low frequency (~2 cm-1) cluster vibrational modes, an interpretation which should be amenable to theoretical confirmation (or rejection).Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 9 table

    Non-Born-Oppenheimer calculations of the lowest vibrational energy of HD including relativistic corrections

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    In this work we report variational calculations of the two lowest vibrational states of the HD molecule within the framework that does not assume the Born-Oppenheimer BO approximation. The nonrelativistic energies of the states were corrected for the relativistic effects of the order of 2 where = 1 c , calculated as expectation values of the operators representing these effects with the nonrelativistic non-BO wave functions. The non-BO wave functions were expanded in terms of the one-center explicitly correlated Gaussian functions multiplied by even powers of the internuclear distance. The v=0→1 transition energy obtained in the calculations is compared with the previous calculations, as well as with the transition frequency obtained from the experimental spectra. The comparison shows the need to include corrections higher than second order in to further improve the agreement between the theory and the experimen

    Quark-Lepton Symmetry In Five Dimensions

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    We construct a complete five dimensional Quark-Lepton symmetric model, with all fields propagating in the bulk. The extra dimension forms an S1/Z2×Z2S^1/Z_2\times Z_2' orbifold with the zero mode fermions corresponding to standard model quarks localised at one fixed point. Zero modes corresponding to left(right)-chiral leptons are localised at (near) the other fixed point. This localisation pattern is motivated by the symmetries of the model. Shifting the right-handed neutrinos and charged leptons slightly from the fixed point provides a new mechanism for understanding the absence of relations of the type me=mum_e=m_u or me=mdm_e=m_d in Quark-Lepton symmetric models. Flavour changing neutral currents resulting from Kaluza Klein gluon exchange, which typically arise in the quark sector of split fermion models, are suppressed due to the localisation of quarks at one point. The separation of quarks and leptons in the compact extra dimension also acts to suppress the proton decay rate. This permits the extra dimension to be much larger than that obtained in a previous construct, with the bound 1/R301/R\gtrsim30 TeV obtained.Comment: 12 pages, references added to match published versio