252 research outputs found

    A Critique of the Militarisation of Australian History and Culture Thesis: The Case of Anzac Battlefield Tourism

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    This paper analyses the militarisation of Australian history and culture thesis with specific reference to the increasing popularity of Anzac battlefield tourism. I argue that the militarisation thesis contains ontological and epistemological flaws that render it incapable of understanding the multifaceted ways in which Australians experience Anzac battlefield tours. I then argue that in order to study how Australians both at home and overseas respond to the upcoming Anzac Centenary researchers will need to deploy an empirically-grounded and multidisciplinary framework. I demonstrate how proponents of militarisation: (1) ignore the polymorphous properties of Anzac myths; (2) are complicit with constructions of ‘moral panics’ about young Australian tourists; (3) overlook the reflexive capacities of teachers, students and tourists with respect to military history and battlefield tours; and (4) disregard the complex and contradictory aspects of visits to battlefields. My counter-narrative relies both on Stuart Hall’s work on popular culture and empirical studies of battlefield tourism from myriad disciplines

    President’s Column

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    I was elected to the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court in December 1982. A great many changes have been made in regards to the judiciary in these past 28 years. At the time I took office the citizens’ perception of judges was that they were honorable men and women in a highly respectable position. Oh, how perceptions can change. I am still working with the same type of honorable men and women—the only thing that has changed is the public perception. What caused this you may ask; well, that could be the grist for many law review articles. Although only 30 percent of our population can tell you who the Chief Justice of our United States Supreme Court is, what is clearer today than ever before is that the public is more aware of judges and what they do

    President’s Column

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    Some 27 years ago when I was first elected to the criminal bench in New Orleans, I was approached at my swearing in by a very distinguished, long-serving judge. He said to me, “Son, the first thing you have to do is become a member of the American Judges Association. It will be like having a friend on the bench because when you sit you need all the help you can get.” That distinguished judge was the late Oliver Delery, who was then a member of the American Judges Association and later became its president

    Are there reliable constitutive laws for dynamic friction?

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    Structural vibration controlled by interfacial friction is widespread, ranging from friction dampers in gas turbines to the motion of violin strings. To predict, control or prevent such vibration, a constitutive description of frictional interactions is inevitably required. A variety of friction models are discussed to assess their scope and validity, in the light of constraints provided by different experimental observations. Three contrasting case studies are used to illustrate how predicted behaviour can be extremely sensitive to the choice of frictional constitutive model, and to explore possible experimental paths to discriminate between and calibrate dynamic friction models over the full parameter range needed for real applications.A.M. and T.P., respectively, acknowledge support from the CUED EPSRC Doctoral Training award and the EPSRC programme grant ‘Engineering Nonlinearity’ (ref. EP/K003836/1).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Royal Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2014.040

    The impact of study support : a report of a longitudinal study into the impact of participation in out-of-school-hours learning on the academic attainment, attitudes and school attendance of secondary school students

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    Study support makes a difference. It has an impact on three key aspects of students’ school careers: • attainment at GCSE and KS3 SATs; • attitudes to school; • attendance at school. These findings were consistent for all groups of students in all schools in the study. - Study support can help to improve schools and can influence the attitudes to learning of teachers and parents as well as students

    Sport et masculinités

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    Cet article examine le régime sexuel du sport en se fondant sur des recherches récentes portant sur les hommes et les masculinités. Malgré le caractère tenace des liens entre les hommes, les masculinités et le sport, nous croyons que le sport constitue un contexte idéal pour « étudier par le haut », comme le propose Connell (1990), l'ordre hiérarchique de genre. Cinq secteurs de recherche sont abordés : les organisations sportives, les corps et le modèle de « puissance et performance » du sport, la violence, les médias, et les défis et transgressions. Nous concluons en présentant diverses avenues de recherche pour « étudier par le haut » l'ordre hiérarchique de genre en sport, i.e. comment les hommes qui sont relativement privilégiés devraient utiliser leur position sociale pour examiner les inégalités de genre et promouvoir l'équité en sport.This paper examine the gender regime of sport with reference to recent research on men and masculinities. Despite the resilient nature of the links among men, masculinities, and sport, we argue that it represent an ideal context for ‘studying up' (as coined by Connelll 1990) the gender order. Five research areas are explored: sport organisations, bodies and the 'power and performance' model of sport, violence, medias, and challenges and transgressions. In conclusion, we consider some possibilities for future research for 'studying up' the gender order in sport, i.e. how relatively privileged men should use their positions to investigate gender inequalities and promote gender justice in sport

    An Untriggered Search for Optical Bursts

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    We present an untriggered search for optical bursts with the ROTSE-I telephoto array. Observations were taken which monitor an effective 256 square degree field continuously over 125 hours to m_{ROTSE}=15.7. The uniquely large field, moderate limiting magnitude and fast cadence of \sim10 minutes permits transient searches in a new region of sensitivity. Our search reveals no candidate events. To quantify this result, we simulate potential optical bursts with peak magnitude, m_{p}, at t=10 s, which fade as f=(\frac{t}{t_{0}}) ^{\alpha_{t}}, where \alpha_t < 0. Simple estimates based on observational evidence indicate that a search of this sensitivity begins to probe the possible region occupied by GRB orphan afterglows. Our observing protocol and image sensitivity result in a broad region of high detection efficiency for light curves to the bright and slowly varying side of a boundary running from [\alpha_{t},m_{p}]=[-2.0,6.0] to [-0.3,13.2]. Within this region, the integrated rate of brief optical bursts is less than 1.1\times 10^{-8} {\rm s}^{-1} {\rm deg}^{-2}. At \sim22 times the observed GRB rate from BATSE, this suggests a limit on \frac{\theta_{opt}}{\theta_{\gamma}}\lesssim 5 where \theta_{opt} and \theta_{\gamma} are the optical and gamma-ray collimation angles, respectively. Several effects might explain the absence of optical bursts, and a search of the kind described here but more sensitive by about 4 magnitudes should offer a more definitive probe.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    A Reflection on Teaching and Learning in a Community Literacies Graduate Course

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    Th is article outlines one potential model for a graduate–level course in community literacy studies. Ellen Cushman and Jeffrey Grabill taught this course for the first time at Michigan State University in the spring of 2007. In this article our colleagues with varying disciplinary backgrounds reflect on the course, its readings, and their theoretical and practical understanding surrounding many of the central questions of this new discipline: what is a community? What is literacy? What is community literacy? And what does it mean to practice “community literacy”—to write, to speak, and so on? After a wide discussion of course experience from several student colleagues in the course, Cushman and Grabill reflect on their course objectives and point toward future incarnations of the course

    High-density SNP Genotyping Analysis of Broiler Breeding Lines

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    The purpose of the genomic initiative project that is described herein is to use high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker genotypes on sires from commercial broiler lines and mean performance of their progeny to identify regions of the genome that are associated with economic traits. This report addresses some of the methodological aspects considered during analysis and interpretation of the data. Considering the large amount of phenotypic and SNP data, the data were analyzed separately for each line using mixed models procedures. Results were then pooled across lines to determine overall significance. Preliminary results showed important association of several genomic regions with mean progeny performance. But, the degree of significance was influenced by the size of heritability value used. Results from this project will be an important step towards implementation of marker-assisted selection in commercial broiler breeding programs