129 research outputs found

    Perceptual Spaces Induced by Cochlear Implant All-Polar Stimulation Mode

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    It has been argued that a main limitation of the cochlear implant is the spread of current induced by each electrode, which activates an inappropriately large range of sensory neurons. To reduce this spread, an alternative stimulation mode, the all-polar mode, was tested with five participants. It was designed to activate all the electrodes simultaneously with appropriate current levels and polarities to recruit narrower regions of auditory nerves at specific intracochlear electrode positions (denoted all-polar electrodes). In this study, the all-polar mode was compared with the current commercial stimulation mode: the monopolar mode. The participants were asked to judge the sound dissimilarity between pairs of two-electrode pulse-train stimuli that differed in the electrode positions and were presented in either monopolar or all-polar mode with pulses on the two electrodes presented either sequentially or simultaneously. The dissimilarity ratings were analyzed using a multidimensional scaling technique and three-dimensional stimulus perceptual spaces were produced. For all the conditions (mode and simultaneity), the first perceptual dimension was highly correlated with the position of the most apical activated electrode of the electrical stimulation and the second dimension with the position of the most basal electrode. In both sequential and simultaneous conditions, the monopolar and all-polar stimuli were significantly separated by a third dimension, which may indicate that all-polar stimuli have a perceptual quality that differs from monopolar stimuli. Overall, the results suggest that both modes might successfully represent spectral information in a sound processing strategy

    A psychophysical method for measuring spatial resolution in cochlear implants

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    A novel psychophysical method was developed for assessing spatial resolution in cochlear implants. Spectrally flat and spectrally peaked pulse train stimuli were generated by interleaving pulses on 11 electrodes. Spectrally flat stimuli used loudness-balanced currents and the spectrally peaked stimuli had a single spatial ripple with the current of the middle electrode raised to create a peak while the currents on two electrodes equally spaced at variable distance from the peak electrode were reduced to create valleys. The currents on peak and valley electrodes were adjusted to balance the overall loudness with the spectrally flat stimulus, while keeping the currents on flanking electrodes fixed. The psychometric functions obtained from percent correct discrimination of peaked and flat stimuli versus the distance between peak and valley electrodes were used to quantify spatial resolution for each of the eight subjects. The ability to resolve the spatial ripple correlated strongly with current level difference limens measured on the peak electrode. The results were consistent with a hypothesis that a factor other than spread of excitation (such as neural response variance) might underlie much of the variability in spatial resolution. Resolution ability was not correlated with phoneme recognition in quiet or sentence recognition in quiet and background noise, consistent with a hypothesis that implantees rely on cues other than fine spectral detail to identify speech, perhaps because this detail is poorly accessible or unreliable

    Electrically evoked compound action potential artifact rejection by independent component analysis: Technique validation

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    The electrically-evoked compound action potential (ECAP) is the synchronous whole auditory nerve activity in response to an electrical stimulus, and can be recorded in situ on cochlear implant (CI) electrodes. A novel procedure (ECAP-ICA) to isolate the ECAP from the stimulation artifact, based on independent component analysis (ICA), is described here. ECAPs with artifact (raw-ECAPs) were sequentially recorded for the same stimulus on 9 different intracochlear recording electrodes. The raw-ECAPs were fed to ICA, which separated them into independent sources. Restricting the ICA projection to 4 independent components did not induce under-fitting and was found to explain most of the raw-data variance. The sources were identified and only the source corresponding to the neural response was retained for artifact-free ECAP reconstruction. The validity of the ECAP-ICA procedure was supported as follows: N(1) and P(1) peaks occurred at usual latencies; and ECAP-ICA and artifact amplitude-growth functions (AGFs) had different slopes. Concatenation of raw-ECAPs from multiple stimulus currents, including some below the ECAP-ICA threshold, improved the source separation process. The main advantage of ECAP-ICA is that use of maskers or alternating polarity stimulation are not needed

    Perceptual Interactions Between Electrodes Using Focused and Monopolar Cochlear Stimulation

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    In today’s cochlear implant (CI) systems, the monopolar (MP) electrode configuration is the most commonly used stimulation mode, requiring only a single current source. However, with an implant that will allow simultaneous activation of multiple independent current sources, it is possible to implement an all-polar (AP) stimulation mode designed to create a focused electrical field. The goal of this experiment was to study the potential benefits of this all-polar mode for reducing uncontrolled electrode interactions compared with the monopolar mode. The five participants who took part in the study were implanted with a research device that was connected via a percutaneous connector to a benchtop stimulator providing 22 independent current sources. The perceptual effects of the AP mode were tested in three experiments. In Experiment 1, the current level difference between loudness-matched sequential and simultaneous stimuli composed of 2 spatially separated pulse trains was measured as function of the electrode separation. Results indicated a strong current-summation interaction for simultaneous stimuli in the MP mode for separations up to at least 4.8 mm. No significant interaction was found in the AP mode beyond a separation of 2.4 mm. In Experiment 2, a forward-masking paradigm was used with fixed equally loud probes in AP and MP modes, and AP maskers presented on different electrode positions. Results indicated a similar spatial masking pattern between modes. In Experiment 3, subjects were asked to discriminate between across-electrode temporal delays. It was hypothesized that discrimination would decrease with electrode separation faster in AP compared to MP modes. However, results showed no difference between the two modes. Overall, the results indicated that the AP mode produced less current spread than MP mode but did not lead to a significant advantage in terms of spread of neuronal excitation at equally loud levels

    Auditory Brainstem Representation of the Voice Pitch Contours in the Resolved and Unresolved Components of Mandarin Tones

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    Accurate perception of voice pitch plays a vital role in speech understanding, especially for tonal languages such as Mandarin. Lexical tones are primarily distinguished by the fundamental frequency (F0) contour of the acoustic waveform. It has been shown that the auditory system could extract the F0 from the resolved and unresolved harmonics, and the tone identification performance of resolved harmonics was better than unresolved harmonics. To evaluate the neural response to the resolved and unresolved components of Mandarin tones in quiet and in speech-shaped noise, we recorded the frequency-following response. In this study, four types of stimuli were used: speech with either only-resolved harmonics or only-unresolved harmonics, both in quiet and in speech-shaped noise. Frequency-following responses (FFRs) were recorded to alternating-polarity stimuli and were added or subtracted to enhance the neural response to the envelope (FFRENV) or fine structure (FFRTFS), respectively. The neural representation of the F0 strength reflected by the FFRENV was evaluated by the peak autocorrelation value in the temporal domain and the peak phase-locking value (PLV) at F0 in the spectral domain. Both evaluation methods showed that the FFRENV F0 strength in quiet was significantly stronger than in noise for speech including unresolved harmonics, but not for speech including resolved harmonics. The neural representation of the temporal fine structure reflected by the FFRTFS was assessed by the PLV at the harmonic near to F1 (4th of F0). The PLV at harmonic near to F1 (4th of F0) of FFRTFS to resolved harmonics was significantly larger than to unresolved harmonics. Spearman's correlation showed that the FFRENV F0 strength to unresolved harmonics was correlated with tone identification performance in noise (0 dB SNR). These results showed that the FFRENV F0 strength to speech sounds with resolved harmonics was not affected by noise. In contrast, the response to speech sounds with unresolved harmonics, which were significantly smaller in noise compared to quiet. Our results suggest that coding resolved harmonics was more important than coding envelope for tone identification performance in noise

    Temporal Coding of Voice Pitch Contours in Mandarin Tones

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    Accurate perception of time-variant pitch is important for speech recognition, particularly for tonal languages with different lexical tones such as Mandarin, in which different tones convey different semantic information. Previous studies reported that the auditory nerve and cochlear nucleus can encode different pitches through phase-locked neural activities. However, little is known about how the inferior colliculus (IC) encodes the time-variant periodicity pitch of natural speech. In this study, the Mandarin syllable /ba/ pronounced with four lexical tones (flat, rising, falling then rising and falling) were used as stimuli. Local field potentials (LFPs) and single neuron activity were simultaneously recorded from 90 sites within contralateral IC of six urethane-anesthetized and decerebrate guinea pigs in response to the four stimuli. Analysis of the temporal information of LFPs showed that 93% of the LFPs exhibited robust encoding of periodicity pitch. Pitch strength of LFPs derived from the autocorrelogram was significantly (p < 0.001) stronger for rising tones than flat and falling tones. Pitch strength are also significantly increased (p < 0.05) with the characteristic frequency (CF). On the other hand, only 47% (42 or 90) of single neuron activities were significantly synchronized to the fundamental frequency of the stimulus suggesting that the temporal spiking pattern of single IC neuron could encode the time variant periodicity pitch of speech robustly. The difference between the number of LFPs and single neurons that encode the time-variant F0 voice pitch supports the notion of a transition at the level of IC from direct temporal coding in the spike trains of individual neurons to other form of neural representation
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