20 research outputs found

    Growing Up in Northern Ireland

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    Critical moments: choice, chance and opportunity in young people's narratives of transition

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    The 'Inventing Adulthoods' study seeks to document transitions to adulthood reported by over 100 young people living in five contrasting communituies in the UK over a five year period. A principal aim of the study is to identify 'critical moments' in young people's biographies and to explore how these moments are implicated in processes of social inclusion and exclusion. This article reports on an analysis of the first of three rounds of one-to-one interviews. We begin by mapping young people's critical moments, exploring the relationship between the social and geographical location in which they live and the kinds of events that they report as having particualr biographical significance. We suggest that the character of these critical moments is socially structured, as are young people's responses to them. The argument is illustrated by case studies that show the interaction of choice, cahnce and opportunity in three young people's lives

    Thanks for the memory: Memory books as a methodological resource in biographical research

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    The article describes the evolution of the ‘memory book’, an innovative method for biographical research. In the first part of the article, we explain the origins of the method, tracing our own journey from conducting memory work as a research group to the creation of memory books as a method to be used alongside interviews in a longitudinal qualitative study of young people’s transitions to adulthood. In the second part of the article, we map the form and content of memory books generated in the study, commenting on issues of audience and privacy. In the final part of the article, we discuss how we used the memory book data, distinguishing between their function as sources of documentation, resources for elaboration and critical tools for the understanding of identity. The article draws attention to the potential for the method to bring embodiment and the visual dimensions into a method dominated by text and discourse, as well as facilitating the expression of a range of ‘voices’ and time frames which complicate cohesive narrative presentations of self