173 research outputs found

    Identifying bright stars in crowded environments using velocity dispersion measurements, and an application to the center of M32

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    The identification of individual stars in crowded environments using photometric information alone is confounded by source confusion. However, with the addition of spectroscopic information it is possible to distinguish between blends and areas where th

    Kinematics and excitation of the molecular hydrogen accretion disc in NGC 1275

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    We report the results of high spatial and spectral resolution integral-field spectroscopy of the central~3×3 arcsec2 of the active galaxy NGC 1275 (Perseus A), based on observations with the Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) and the ALTit

    Multi-epoch sub-arcsecond [Fe II] spectroimaging of the DG Tau outflows with NIFS-I. First data epoch

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    Investigating the outflows emanating from young stellar objects (YSOs) on sub-arcsecond scales provides important clues to the nature of the underlying accretion-ejection process occurring near the central protostar. We have investigated the structures and kinematics of the outflows driven by the YSO DG Tauri, using the Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) on Gemini North. The blueshifted outflow shows two distinct components in [Fe II] 1.644 μm emission, which are separated using multicomponent line fitting. Jet parameters are calculated for the high-velocity component. A stationary recollimation shock is observed, in agreement with previous X-ray and far-ultraviolet observations. The presence of this shock indicates that the innermost streamlines of the high-velocity component are launched at a very small radius, 0.01-0.15 au, from the central star. The jet accelerates and expands downstream of the recollimation shock; the 'acceleration' is likely a sign of velocity variations in the jet. No evidence of rotation is found, and we compare this non-detection to previous counterclaims. Moving jet knots, likely the result of the jet velocity variations, are observed. One of these knots moves more slowly than previously observed knots, and the knot ejection interval appears to be non-periodic. An intermediate-velocity component surrounds this central jet, and is interpreted as the result of a turbulent mixing layer along the jet boundaries generated by lateral entrainment of material by the high-velocity jet. Lateral entrainment requires the presence of a magnetic field of strength a few mG or less at hundreds of au above the disc surface, which is argued to be a reasonable proposition. In H2 1-0 S(1) 2.1218 μm emission, a wide-angle, intermediate-velocity blueshifted outflow is observed. Both outflows are consistent with being launched by a magnetocentrifugal disc wind, although an X-wind origin for the high-velocity jet cannot be ruled out. The redshifted outflow of DG Tau takes on a bubble-shaped morphology, which will be discussed in a future paper

    A Micro Molecular Bipolar Outflow From HL Tau

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    We present detailed geometry and kinematics of the inner outflow toward HL Tau observed using Near Infrared Integral Field Spectograph (NIFS) at the Gemini-North 8-m Observatory. We analyzed H2 2.122 um emission and [Fe II] 1.644 um line emission as well as the adjacent continuum observed at a <0".2 resolution. The H2 emission shows (1) a bubble-like geometry to the northeast of the star, as briefly reported in the previous paper, and (2) faint emission in the southwest counterflow, which has been revealed through careful analysis. The emission on both sides of the star show an arc 1".0 away from the star, exhibiting a bipolar symmetry. Different brightness and morphologies in the northeast and southwest flows are attributed to absorption and obscuration of the latter by a flattened envelope and a circumstellar disk. The H2 emission shows a remarkably different morphology from the collimated jet seen in [Fe II] emission. The positions of some features coincide with scattering continuum, indicating that these are associated with cavities in the dusty envelope. Such properties are similar to millimeter CO outflows, although the spatial scale of the H2 outflow in our image (~150 AU) is strikingly smaller than the mm outflows, which often extend over 1000-10000 AU scales. The position-velocity diagram of the H2 and [Fe II] emission do not show any evidence for kinematic interaction between these flows. All results described above support the scenario that the jet is surrounded by an unseen wide-angled wind, which interacts with the ambient gas and produce the bipolar cavity and shocked H2 emission.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Spatially Resolved Molecular Hydrogen Emission in the Inner 200AU Environments of Classical T Tauri Stars

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    We present 2.0-2.4micron integral field spectroscopy at adaptive optics spatial resolution (~0.''1) obtained with the Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) at Gemini North Observatory of six Classical T Tauri stars: T Tau, DG Tau, XZ Tau, HL Tau, RW Aur and HV Tau C. In all cases, the v=1-0 S(1) (2.12 micron) emission is detected at spatially extended distances from the central stars. The bulk of the H_2 emission is typically not spatially coincident with the location of continuum flux. Multiple transitions detected in the K-band spectra show that H_2 level populations are typical of gas in thermal equilibrium with excitation temperatures in the 1800K-2300 K range. Three of the stars have H_2 velocity profiles that are centered at the stellar radial velocity, and three show velocity shifts with respect to the system. Each of the stars studied here show observed excitation temperatures, spatial extents, and kinematics of the H_2 that are most consistent with shock excited emission from the inner regions of the known Herbig-Haro energy flows or from wide-angle winds encompassing the outflows rather than predominantly from UV or X-ray stimulated emission from the central stars. The data presented in this study highlights the sensitivity of adaptive optics-fed integral field spectroscopy for spatially resolving emission line structures in the environments of bright young stars.Comment: 50 pages, 13 Figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Full Resolution paper available at: http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/tracy/pubs/Beck07.pd

    Consanguinity Mapping of Congenital Heart Disease in a South Indian Population

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    Parental consanguinity is a risk factor for congenital heart disease (CHD) worldwide, suggesting that a recessive inheritance model may contribute substantially to CHD. In Bangalore, India, uncle-niece and first cousin marriages are common, presenting the opportunity for an international study involving consanguinity mapping of structural CHD. We sought to explore the recessive model of CHD by conducting a genome-wide linkage analysis utilizing high-density oligonucleotide microarrays and enrolling 83 CHD probands born to unaffected consanguineous parents. exons did not reveal causative mutations in Indian probands. In addition, genotyping of the linked allele (G) in 325 U.S. CHD cases revealed neither genotypic nor allele frequency differences in varied CHD cases compared to 605 non-CHD controls. may harbor recessive mutations leading to CHD in the Indian population. Further research involving large multinational cohorts of patients with specific subtypes of CHD is needed to attempt replication of the observed linkage peak on chromosome 14. In addition, we anticipate that a targeted re-sequencing approach may complement linkage analysis in future studies of recessive mutation detection in CHD

    Gemini Observations of Disks and Jets in Young Stellar Objects and in Active Galaxies

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    We present first results from the Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) located at Gemini North. For the active galaxies Cygnus A and Perseus A we observe rotationally-supported accretion disks and adduce the existence of massive central black holes and estimate their masses. In Cygnus A we also see remarkable high-excitation ionization cones dominated by photoionization from the central engine. In the T-Tauri stars HV Tau C and DG Tau we see highly-collimated bipolar outflows in the [Fe II] 1.644 micron line, surrounded by a slower molecular bipolar outflow seen in the H_2 lines, in accordance with the model advocated by Pyo et al. (2002).Comment: Invited paper presented at the 5th Stromlo Symposium. 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Common polymorphisms in human lysyl oxidase genes are not associated with the adolescent idiopathic scoliosis phenotype

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    BACKGROUND: Although adolescent idiopathic scoliosis affects approximately 3% of adolescents, the genetic contributions have proven difficult to identify. Work in model organisms, including zebrafish, chickens, and mice, has implicated the lysyl oxidase family of enzymes in the development of scoliosis. We hypothesized that common polymorphisms in the five human lysyl oxidase genes (LOX, LOXL1, LOXL2, LOXL3, and LOXL4) may be associated with the phenotype of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. METHODS: This was a case-control genetic association study. A total of 112 coding and tag SNPs in LOX, LOXL1, LOXL2, LOXL3, and LOXL4 were genotyped in a discovery cohort of 138 cases and 411 controls. Genotypes were tested for association with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis by logistic regression with a two degree of freedom genotypic model and gender as a covariate. Fourteen SNPs with p < 0.1 in the discovery phase were genotyped in an independent replication cohort of 400 cases and 506 controls. RESULTS: No evidence for significant association was found between coding or tag SNPs in LOX, LOXL1, LOXL2, LOXL3, and LOXL4 and the phenotype of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. CONCLUSIONS: Despite suggestive evidence in model organisms, common variants and known coding SNPs in the five human lysyl oxidase genes do not confer increased genotypic risk for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The above methodology does not address rare variants or individually private mutations in these genes, and future research may focus on this area

    Probing the Central Regions of Nearby Compact Elliptical Galaxies

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    K-band spectroscopic observations recorded with NIFS+ALTAIR on Gemini North are used to probe the central arcsec of the compact elliptical galaxies NGC 4486B, NGC 5846A, and M32. The angular resolution of these data is ~0.1 arcsec FWHM. The central stellar contents of NGC 4486B and NGC 5846A are similar, in the sense that they occupy the same regions of the (Ca I, 12CO), (Na I, 12CO) and (13CO, 12CO) diagrams. The NGC 4486B and NGC 5846A observations depart from the sequence defined by solar neighborhood giants in the (Na I, 12CO) diagram, in a sense that is consistent with both galaxies having non-solar chemical mixtures. For comparison, the M32 data is consistent with a chemical enrichment history like that in the Galactic disk; M32 could not have formed from the stripping of a larger elliptical galaxy. The behaviour of the near-infrared line indices as a function of radius is also investigated. The radial gradients that are present in NGC 4486B and NGC 5846A at large radii break down or reverse within the central few tenths of an arcsec. Evidence is presented that the nuclear regions of NGC 4486B and NGC 5846A harbour intermediate age populations.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa