4,415 research outputs found

    Dynamics of leg muscle function in tammar wallabies (M. eugenii) during level versus incline hopping

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    The goal of our study was to examine whether the in vivo force-length behavior, work and elastic energy savings of distal muscle-tendon units in the legs of tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) change during level versus incline hopping. To address this question, we obtained measurements of muscle activation (via electromyography), fascicle strain (via sonomicrometry) and muscle-tendon force (via tendon buckles) from the lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and plantaris (PL) muscles of tammar wallabies trained to hop on a level and an inclined (10°, 17.4% grade) treadmill at two speeds (3.3 m s^(-1) and 4.2 m s^(-1)). Similar patterns of muscle activation, force and fascicle strain were observed under both level and incline conditions. This also corresponded to similar patterns of limb timing and movement (duty factor, limb contact time and hopping frequency). During both level and incline hopping, the LG and PL exhibited patterns of fascicle stretch and shortening that yielded low levels of net fascicle strain [LG: level, -1.0±4.6% (mean ± s.e.m.) vs incline, 0.6±4.5%; PL: level, 0.1±1.0% vs incline, 0.4±1.6%] and muscle work (LG: level, -8.4±8.4 J kg^(-1) muscle vs incline, -6.8±7.5 J kg^(-1) muscle; PL: level, -2.0±0.6 J kg^(-1) muscle vs incline, -1.4±0.7 J kg^(-1) muscle). Consequently, neither muscle significantly altered its contractile dynamics to do more work during incline hopping. Whereas electromyographic (EMG) phase, duration and intensity did not differ for the LG, the PL exhibited shorter but more intense periods of activation, together with reduced EMG phase (P<0.01), during incline versus level hopping. Our results indicate that design for spring-like tendon energy savings and economical muscle force generation is key for these two distal muscle-tendon units of the tammar wallaby, and the need to accommodate changes in work associated with level versus incline locomotion is achieved by more proximal muscles of the limb

    Ocean warming and long-term change in pelagic bird abundance within the California current system

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    As a result of repeated sampling of pelagic bird abundance over 3 x 105 km2 of open ocean 4 times a year for 8 yr, we report that seabird abundance within the California Current system has declined by 40% over the period 1987 to 1994. This decline has accompanied a concurrent, long-term increase in sea surface temperature. The decline in overall bird abundance is largely, but not entirely, a consequence of the 90% decline of sooty shearwaters Puffinus griseus, the numerically dominant species of the California Current. Seabirds of the offshore waters we sampled showed a different pattern from seabirds of the shelf and slope waters. Leach's storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa, the commonest species offshore, significantly increased during 1987 to 1994, while sooty shearwaters and other inshore species declined. Thus the clearest pattern that emerges from our data is one of gradual but persistent changes in abundance that transpire at time scales longer than 1 yr. Nevertheless, we did find evidence of change at shorter time scales (weeks and months) that may relate to the El Niño episode of 1992 to 1993: Pronounced positive anomalies of abundance of brown pelicans Pelecanus occidentalis and Heerman's gulls Larus heermani in fall 1991, and black Oceanodroma melania andleast O. microsoma storm-petrels in late summer 1992, likely reflect northward dispersal following reproductive failure in the Gulf of California

    Spatial heterogeneity of air-sea energy fluxes over a coral reef-Heron Reef, Australia

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    The thermal environment of a coral reef is moderated by complex interactions of air-sea heat and moisture fluxes, local to synoptic-scale weather and reef hydrodynamics. Measurements of air-sea energy fluxes over coral reefs are essential to understanding the reef-atmosphere processes that underpin coral reef environmental conditions such as water temperature, cloud, precipitation, and local winds (such as during coral bleaching events). Such measurements over coral reefs have been rare, however, and the spatial heterogeneity of surface-atmosphere energy exchanges due to the different geomorphic and biological zones on coral reefs has not been captured. Accordingly, the heterogeneity of coral reefs with regard to substrate, benthic communities, and hydrodynamic processes has not been considered in the characterization of the surface radiation budget and energy balance of coral reefs. Here, the first concurrent in situ eddy covariance measurements of the surface energy balance and radiation transfers over different geomorphic zones of a coral reef are presented. Results showed differences in radiation transfers and sensible and latent heat fluxes over the reef, with higher Bowen ratios over the shallow reef flat zone. The energy flux divergence between sites increased with wind speed and during unstable, southeasterly trade winds with the net flux of heat being positive and negative over different geomorphic zones. The surface drag coefficient at measurement height ranged from 1 x 10(-3) to 2.5 x 10(-3), with no significant difference between sites. Results confirm that spatial variation in radiation and air-reef-water surface heat and moisture fluxes occurs across a lagoonal platform reef in response to local meteorological conditions, hydrodynamics, and benthic-substrate cover

    Probing the Pulsar Wind Nebula of PSR B0355+54

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    We present XMM-Newton and Chandra X-ray observations of the middle-aged radio pulsar PSR B0355+54. Our X-ray observations reveal emission not only from the pulsar itself, but also from a compact diffuse component extending ~50'' in the opposite direction to the pulsar's proper motion. There is also evidence for the presence of fainter diffuse emission extending ~5' from the point source. The compact diffuse feature is well-fitted with a power-law, the index of which is consistent with the values found for other pulsar wind nebulae. The morphology of the diffuse component is similar to the ram-pressure confined pulsar wind nebulae detected for other sources. The X-ray emission from the pulsar itself is described well by a thermal plus power-law fit, with the thermal emission most likely originating in a hot polar cap.Comment: 9 pages (uses emulateapj.cls), 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Limits on I-band microvariability of the Galactic Bulge Miras

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    We search for microvariability in a sample of 485 Mira variables with high quality I-band light curves from the second generation Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE-II). Rapid variations with amplitudes in the ~0.2-1.1 mag range lasting hours to days were discovered in Hipparcos data by de Laverny et al. (1998). Our search is primarily sensitive to events with time-scales of about 1 day, but retains a few percent efficiency (per object) for detecting unresolved microvariability events as short as 2 hours. We do not detect any candidate events. Assuming that the distribution of the event time profiles is identical to that from the Hipparcos light curves we derive the 95% confidence level upper limit of 0.038 per year per star for the rate of such events (1 per 26 years per average object of the ensemble). The high event rates of the order of 1 per year per star implied by the Hipparcos study in the H_P band are excluded with high confidence by the OGLE-II data in the I band. Our non-detection could still be explained by much redder spectral response of the I filter compared to the H_P band or by population differences between the bulge and the solar neighborhood. In any case, the OGLE-II I-band data provide the first limit on the rate of the postulated microvariability events in Mira stars and offer new quantitative constraints on their properties. Similar limits are obtained for other pulse shapes and a range of the assumed time-scales and size-frequency distributions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Approximate N3^{3}LO Parton Distribution Functions with Theoretical Uncertainties: MSHT20aN3^3LO PDFs

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    We present the first global analysis of parton distribution functions (PDFs) at approximate N3^{3}LO in the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_{s}, extending beyond the current highest NNLO achieved in PDF fits. To achieve this, we present a general formalism for the inclusion of theoretical uncertainties from missing higher orders (MHOs) into a PDF fit. We demonstrate how using the currently available knowledge surrounding the next highest order (N3^{3}LO) in αs\alpha_{s} can provide consistent, justifiable and explainable approximate N3^{3}LO (aN3^{3}LO) PDFs, including estimates for missing higher order uncertainties (MHOUs). Specifically, we approximate the splitting functions, transition matrix elements, coefficient functions and KK-factors for multiple processes to N3^{3}LO. Crucially, these are constrained to be consistent with the wide range of already available information about N3^{3}LO to match the complete result at this order as accurately as possible. Using this approach we perform a fully consistent approximate N3^{3}LO global fit within the MSHT framework. This relies on an expansion of the Hessian procedure used in previous MSHT fits to allow for sources of theoretical uncertainties. These are included as nuisance parameters in a global fit, controlled by knowledge and intuition based prior distributions. We analyse the differences between our aN3^{3}LO PDFs and the standard NNLO PDF set, and study the impact of using aN3^{3}LO PDFs on the LHC production of a Higgs boson at this order. Finally, we provide guidelines on how these PDFs should be be used in phenomenological investigations.Comment: 150 pages, 48 figures, 20 tables. Updated LHAPDF Grids available which include a correction of a minor bug in the non-singlet splitting function leading to very small changes in fit quality and PDFs, but with no significant changes to any results or conclusion

    A further look at postview effects in reading: An eye-movements study of influences from the left of fixation

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    When reading from left to right, useful information acquired during each fixational pause is widely assumed to extend 14 to 15 characters to the right of fixation but just 3 to 4 characters to the left, and certainly no further than the beginning of the fixated word. However, this leftward extent is strikingly small and seems inconsistent with other aspects of reading performance and with the general horizontal symmetry of visual input. Accordingly, 2 experiments were conducted to examine the influence of text located to the left of fixation during each fixational pause using an eye-tracking paradigm in which invisible boundaries were created in sentence displays. Each boundary corresponded to the leftmost edge of each word so that, as each sentence was read, the normal letter content of text to the left of each fixated word was corrupted by letter replacements that were either visually similar or visually dissimilar to the originals. The proximity of corrupted text to the left of fixation was maintained at 1, 2, 3, or 4 words from the left boundary of each fixated word. In both experiments, relative to completely normal text, reading performance was impaired when each type of letter replacement was up to 2 words to the left of fixated words but letter replacements further from fixation produced no impairment. These findings suggest that key aspects of reading are influenced by information acquired during each fixational pause from much further leftward than is usually assumed. Some of the implications of these findings for reading are discussed

    INTEGRAL observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    The first INTEGRAL observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud (carried out in 2003) are reported in which two sources are clearly detected. The first source, SMC X-1, shows a hard X-ray eclipse and measurements of its pulse period indicate a continuation of the long-term spin-up now covering ~30 years. The second source is likely to be a high mass X-ray binary, and shows a potential periodicity of 6.8s in the IBIS lightcurve. An exact X-ray or optical counterpart cannot be designated, but a number of proposed counterparts are discussed. One of these possible counterparts shows a strong coherent optical modulation at ~2.7d, which, together with the measured hard X-ray pulse period, would lead to this INTEGRAL source being classified as the fourth known high mass Roche lobe overflow system.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Optical Follow-up of New SMC Wing Be/X-ray Binaries

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    We investigate the optical counterparts of recently discovered Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. In total four sources, SXP101, SXP700, SXP348 and SXP65.8 were detected during the Chandra Survey of the Wing of the SMC. SXP700 and SXP65.8 were previously unknown. Many optical ground based telescopes have been utilised in the optical follow-up, providing coverage in both the red and blue bands. This has led to the classification of all of the counterparts as Be stars and confirms that three lie within the Galactic spectral distribution of known Be/X-ray binaries. SXP101 lies outside this distribution becoming the latest spectral type known. Monitoring of the Halpha emission line suggests that all the sources bar SXP700 have highly variable circumstellar disks, possibly a result of their comparatively short orbital periods. Phase resolved X-ray spectroscopy has also been performed on SXP65.8, revealing that the emission is indeed harder during the passage of the X-ray beam through the line of sight.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA
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