363 research outputs found

    General practice registrars’ intentions for future practice: Implications for rural medical workforce planning

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    The models of practice that general practice registrars (GPRs) envisage undertaking will affect workforce supply. The aim of this research was to determine practice intentions of current GPRs in a regional general practice training program (Coast City Country General Practice Training). Questionnaires were circulated to 220 GPRs undertaking general practice placements to determine characteristics of ideal practice models and intentions for future practice. Responses were received for 99 participants (45%). Current GPRs intend to work an average of less than eight half-day sessions/week, with male participants intending to work more hours (t(91) = 3.528, P = 0.001). More than one-third of this regional cohort intends to practice in metropolitan centres. Proximity to family and friends was the most important factor influencing the choice of practice location. Men ranked remuneration for work as more important (t (88) = –4.280, P \u3c 0.001) and women ranked the ability to work part-time higher (t(94) = 3.697, P \u3c 0.001). Fee-for-service payment alone, or in combination with capitation, was the preferred payment system. Only 22% of Australian medical graduates intend to own their own practice compared with 52% of international medical graduates (χ2(1) = 8.498, P = 0.004). Future general practitioners (GPs) intend to work fewer hours than current GPs. Assumptions about lifestyle factors, practice models and possible professional roles should be carefully evaluated when developing strategies to recruit GPs and GPRs into rural practice

    Prevention of osteoporotic refractures in regional Australia

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    Objective: Clinical guidelines recommend that patients who sustain a minimal trauma fracture (MTF) should receive a bone mineral density (BMD) scan and bisphosphonate (or equivalent) therapy if diagnosed with osteoporosis. A pilot fracture liaison service (FLS) was implemented in regional NSW to improve adherence to the guidelines. Design: Prospective cohort study with an historical control. Setting: Primary care. Participants: Control (n = 47) and cohort (n = 93) groups comprised patients consenting to interview who presented with a MTF to the major referral hospital 4 months before and 12 months after FLS implementation respectively. Main outcome measures: Primary outcome measures were the rates of BMD scans and anti-osteoporotic medication initiation/review after MTF. Hospital admission data were also examined to determine death and refracture rates for all patients presenting during the study period with a primary diagnosis of MTF within 3 years of their initial fracture. Results: Although there was no improvement in BMD scanning rates, the reported rate of medication initiation/review after fracture was significantly higher (P \u3c 0.05) in the FLS cohort. However, once adjusted for age, this association was not significant (P = 0.086). There was a lower refracture rate during the cohort period (P = 0.013), however, there were significantly more deaths (P = 0.035) within 3 years of initial fracture. When deaths were taken into account via competing risk regression, patients in the cohort period were significantly less likely to refracture than those in the control period (Hazard ratio = 0.576, P = 0.032). Conclusions: A rurally based nurse-led FLS was associated with modest improvement after MTF. Consideration should be given to ways to strengthen the model of care to improve outcomes

    Orthopedic surgeons\u27 attitudes to osteoporosis investigation and management after minimal trauma fracture

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    Background: The investigation and treatment of osteoporosis after minimal trauma fracture (MTF) is regarded as sub-optimal. There is strong evidence of the benefit of identifying and treating osteoporosis after MTF and there has been discussion of the possible role that orthopaedic surgeons might play in the management of osteoporosis after MTF. Questions/purposes: The study surveyed orthopaedic surgeons in rural and regional south east Australia to determine their attitudes to investigation and management of osteoporosis, the role health professionals should play, and the communication and co-ordination of follow-up care. Methods: A survey was developed and piloted prior to being posted to 69 orthopaedic surgeons asking for their opinions about the general management of osteoporosis, and the roles and responsibilities of health professionals in dealing with osteoporosis following a MTF. Results: Responses were received from 42 participants (60.8 %) with the majority of respondents agreeing that it is important to treat osteoporosis following MTF. Less than 15 % of respondents felt that it was their responsibility to initiate discussion or treatment or investigation after MTF. No respondent felt that the co-ordination of osteoporosis care was good and 45% stated it was poor. Communication after discharge is mostly left to the hospital (30%) while 20% stated they did not follow up at all. Conclusions: This study shows that many rural orthopaedic surgeons believe that follow-up in regard to osteoporosis after MTF is important, that responsibility for follow-up diagnosis and management of osteoporosis lies with primary health care and the current communication systems are poor

    Association of waist circumference with outcomes in an acute general surgical unit

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    Background: Obesity prevalence is increasing in Australia, particularly in non-metropolitan areas. The effect of obesity on acute surgical outcomes is not known. We aimed to record waist circumference (WC) (surrogate for obesity) amongst acute surgical unit (ASU) patients in a New South Wales regional hospital, and compare outcome measures (length of stay (LOS), unplanned return to theatre, readmission rates, intensive care unit (ICU) admission and mortality). Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 4 months of consecutive ASU admissions, excluding age Results: Of 695 admissions, 512 met the inclusion criteria (47.1% female, average age 52.8 years (SD 22.3)), with 85.1% (P \u3c 0.001) of females and 69.4% (P =0.166)ofmales having an increased- or high-risk WC. This compares to rates amongst inner regional populations of 71.0% (female) and 66.4% (male). LOS was longer for high-risk patients (5.0 days versus 3.7 days, P = 0.002). However, the mean age of high-risk patients was greater (56.6 years versus 46.9 years, P = 0.001) and LOS was longer for those aged ≥60 (P \u3c 0.001). After controlling for age, high-risk WC was not associated with any outcome measure, except amongst ICU admissions, where high-risk patients stayed longer (15.5 days versus 6.8 days, P \u3c0.001). Conclusion: Increased- and high-risk WC was overrepresented amongst female ASU patients. High-risk WC was associated with a significantly greater LOS in patients admitted to ICU. High-risk WC was not associated with other outcomes independent of age. WC is useful for quantifying obesity in the inpatient settin

    Building research capacity at The University of Notre Dame Australia, School of Medicine, Sydney, to improve chronic disease management

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    The research focus for this study is osteoporosis (OP) in community-dwelling older adults. APHCRI funding is enabling development of research capacity in primary care at the University of Notre Dame Australia Clinical School by supporting employment of a Post-Doctoral Fellow to be based at the School's Wagga Wagga Rural Clinical School to assist in the development and implementation of an osteoporosis project in collaboration with the Murrumbidgee integrated primary health care centre and the UNSW Rural Clinical School with 'in kind' support from the the University of Notre Dame Australia Clinical School. This aligns with Notre Dame's key focus area of health research and engagement with the community.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy

    Effect of medical student preference on rural clinical school experience and rural career intentions

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    Introduction: The key parameter for rural clinical schools (RCSs) is to provide at least 1 year of clinical training in rural areas for 25% of Australian Commonwealth supported medical students with the intent to influence future rural medical workforce outcomes. The objective of this study was to describe the association between a medical student’s selection preference and their RCS experience and rural career intent. Methods: Medical students completing an RCS placement in 2012 and 2013 were encouraged to complete a survey regarding their experience and future career intent. Data were analysed to compare medical students for whom the RCS was their first choice with students who described the RCS as other than their first preference. Results: Students for whom RCS was their first choice (724/1092) were significantly more likely to be female, come from a rural background and be from an undergraduate program. These students reported more positive experiences of all aspects of the RCS program (costs, access, support and networks, safety) and were 2.36 times more likely to report intentions to practice in a non-metropolitan area (odds ratio(OR)=2.36 (95% confidence interval(CI)=1.82–3.06), p\u3c0.001). This was true for students of rural (OR=3.11 (95%CI=1.93–5.02), p\u3c0.001) and metropolitan backgrounds (OR=2.07 (95%CI=1.48–2.89), p\u3c0.001). More students in the first-choice group (68.8%) intended to practice in a regional area (not a capital or major city), significantly higher than the 48.4% of participants in the other-preference group (χ2 (1) 42.79, p\u3c0.001). Conclusions: The decision to choose an RCS placement is a marker of rural career intention and a positive rural training experience for students of both rural and metropolitan backgrounds. It may be important to identify other-preference students and their specific social support needs to ensure a positive perception of a future rural career

    Psychiatric services utilization in completed suicides of a youth centres population

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    BACKGROUND: From a retrospective study of youth centres (YCs) and coroner's files, we investigated youths' history of medical service utilization who died by suicide. This is the second of two papers on YCs population, the first paper having shown that the rate of psychopathology was higher in the YCs population compared to the general adolescent population. METHODS: From 1995 to 2000, 422 youths, aged 18 years and younger, died as a result of suicide in Quebec. More than one-third received services from YCs at some point. Using the provincial physician payment and hospitalization database, we examined physical and psychiatric service utilization according to time intervals, as well as hospitalization for psychiatric reasons in the individuals' lifetime and in the year preceding suicide. Suicides were matched to living YCs youths for age, sex, and geographic area. YCs controls were then subdivided into two groups based on file information pertaining to the presence or absence of suicidal behavior or ideation. RESULTS: Compared to living YCs youths, suicides had a higher rate of psychiatric service utilization in the week, month, 90 days, and year preceding suicide, as well as higher levels of lifetime hospitalization for psychiatric reasons than controls with or without a history of suicidal behavior or ideation. We found that 28.3% YCs suicides made use of psychiatric services in the year preceding suicide. CONCLUSION: The rate of psychiatric service utilization by YCs youth suicides is substantially inferior to the needs of this population. Our study underscores the need for appropriate recognition of psychiatric and suicidal problems among YCs population by social and psycho-educational professionals. At the same time, it highlights the issues of general practitioners' risk identification, psychiatric referral and treatment. Our findings suggest the need for improved organization and coordination of psychiatric services to ameliorate treatment delivery

    Association of Polyaminergic Loci With Anxiety, Mood Disorders, and Attempted Suicide

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    The polyamine system has been implicated in a number of psychiatric conditions, which display both alterations in polyamine levels and altered expression of genes related to polyamine metabolism. Studies have identified associations between genetic variants in spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SAT1) and both anxiety and suicide, and several polymorphisms appear to play important roles in determining gene expression.We genotyped 63 polymorphisms, spread across four polyaminergic genes (SAT1, spermine synthase (SMS), spermine oxidase (SMOX), and ornithine aminotransferase like-1 (OATL1)), in 1255 French-Canadian individuals who have been followed longitudinally for 22 years. We assessed univariate associations with anxiety, mood disorders, and attempted suicide, as assessed during early adulthood. We also investigated the involvement of gene-environment interactions in terms of childhood abuse, and assessed internalizing and externalizing symptoms as endophenotypes mediating these interactions. Overall, each gene was associated with at least one main outcome: anxiety (SAT1, SMS), mood disorders (SAT1, SMOX), and suicide attempts (SAT1, OATL1). Several SAT1 polymorphisms displayed disease-specific risk alleles, and polymorphisms in this gene were involved in gene-gene interactions with SMS to confer risk for anxiety disorders, as well as gene-environment interactions between childhood physical abuse and mood disorders. Externalizing behaviors demonstrated significant mediation with regards to the association between OATL1 and attempted suicide, however there was no evidence that externalizing or internalizing behaviors were appropriate endophenotypes to explain the associations with mood or anxiety disorders. Finally, childhood sexual abuse did not demonstrate mediating influences on any of our outcomes.These results demonstrate that genetic variants in polyaminergic genes are associated with psychiatric conditions, each of which involves a set of separate and distinct risk alleles. As several of these polymorphisms are associated with gene expression, these findings may provide mechanisms to explain the alterations in polyamine metabolism which have been observed in psychiatric disorders