7 research outputs found

    Force Oscillations Distort Avalanche Shapes

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    Contradictory scaling behavior in experiments testing the principle of universality may be due to external oscillations. Thus, the effect of damped oscillatory external forces on slip avalanches in slowly deformed solids is simulated using a mean-field model. Akin to a resonance effect, oscillatory driving forces change the dynamics of avalanches with durations close to the oscillation period. This problem can be avoided by tuning mechanical resonance frequencies away from the range of the inverse avalanche durations. The results provide critical guidance for experimental tests for universality and a quantitative understanding of avalanche dynamics under a wide range of driving conditions

    Aftershocks in Slowly Compressed Bulk Metallic Glasses: Experiments and Theory

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    We observe two distinct interevent time patterns in the slip avalanches of compressed bulk metallic glasses (BMGs). Small slip avalanches cluster together in time, but large slip avalanches recur roughly periodically. We compare the timing patterns of BMG slip avalanches with timing patterns of earthquakes and with the predictions of a mean-field model. The time clustering of small avalanches is similar to the known time clustering of earthquake foreshocks and aftershocks

    Applied-force oscillations in avalanche dynamics

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    Until now most studies of discrete plasticity have focused on systems that are assumed to be driven by a monotonically increasing force; in many real systems, however, the driving force includes damped oscillations or oscillations induced by the propagation of discrete events or “slip avalanches.” In both cases, these oscillations may obscure the true dynamics. Here we effectively consider both cases by investigating the effects of damped oscillations in the external driving force on avalanche dynamics. We compare model simulations of slip avalanches under mean-field dynamics with observations in slip-avalanche experiments on slowly compressed micrometer-sized Au specimens using open-loop force control. The studies show very good agreement between simulations and experiments. We find that an oscillatory external driving force changes the average avalanche shapes only for avalanches with durations close to the period of oscillation of the external force. This effect on the avalanche shapes can be addressed in experiments by choosing suitable specimen dimensions so that the mechanical resonance does not interact with the avalanche dynamics. These results are important for the interpretation of avalanche experiments with built-in oscillators, and for the prediction and analysis of avalanche dynamics in systems with resonant vibrations

    Yield precursor dislocation avalanches in small crystals: the irreversibility transition

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    The transition from elastic to plastic deformation in crystalline metals shares history dependence and scale-invariant avalanche signature with other non-equilibrium systems under external loading: dilute colloidal suspensions, plastically-deformed amorphous solids, granular materials, and dislocation-based simulations of crystals. These other systems exhibit transitions with clear analogies to work hardening and yield stress, with many typically undergoing purely elastic behavior only after 'training' through repeated cyclic loading; studies in these other systems show a power law scaling of the hysteresis loop extent and of the training time as the peak load approaches a so-called reversible-irreversible transition (RIT). We discover here that deformation of small crystals shares these key characteristics: yielding and hysteresis in uniaxial compression experiments of single-crystalline Cu nano- and micro-pillars decay under repeated cyclic loading. The amplitude and decay time of the yield precursor avalanches diverge as the peak stress approaches failure stress for each pillar, with a power law scaling virtually equivalent to RITs in other nonequilibrium systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Yield precursor dislocation avalanches in small crystals: the irreversibility transition

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    The transition from elastic to plastic deformation in crystalline metals shares history dependence and scale-invariant avalanche signature with other nonequilibrium systems under external loading such as colloidal suspensions. These other systems exhibit transitions with clear analogies to work hardening and yield stress, with many typically undergoing purely elastic behavior only after “training” through repeated cyclic loading; studies in these other systems show a power-law scaling of the hysteresis loop extent and of the training time as the peak load approaches a so-called reversible-to-irreversible transition (RIT). We discover here that deformation of small crystals shares these key characteristics: yielding and hysteresis in uniaxial compression experiments of single-crystalline Cu nano- and micropillars decay under repeated cyclic loading. The amplitude and decay time of the yield precursor avalanches diverge as the peak stress approaches failure stress for each pillar, with a power-law scaling virtually equivalent to RITs in other nonequilibrium systems