34 research outputs found

    Senescence and Sexual Selection in a Pelagic Copepod

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    The ecology of senescence in marine zooplankton is not well known. Here we demonstrate senescence effects in the marine copepod Oithona davisae and show how sex and sexual selection accelerate the rate of ageing in the males. We show that adult mortality increases and male mating capacity and female fertility decrease with age and that the deterioration in reproductive performance is faster for males. Males have a limited mating capacity because they can fertilize < 2 females day−1 and their reproductive life span is 10 days on average. High female encounter rates in nature (>10 day−1), a rapid age-dependent decline in female fertility, and a high mortality cost of mating in males are conducive to the development of male choosiness. In our experiments males in fact show a preference for mating with young females that are 3 times more fertile than 30-day old females. We argue that this may lead to severe male-male competition for young virgin females and a trade-off that favours investment in mate finding over maintenance. In nature, mate finding leads to a further elevated mortality of males, because these swim rapidly in their search for attractive partners, further relaxing fitness benefits of maintenance investments. We show that females have a short reproductive period compared to their average longevity but virgin females stay fertile for most of their life. We interpret this as an adaptation to a shortage of males, because a long life increases the chance of fertilization and/or of finding a high quality partner. The very long post reproductive life that many females experience is thus a secondary effect of such an adaptation

    Stress and Drug Dependence Differentially Modulate Norepinephrine Signaling in Animals with Varied HPA Axis Function

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    Previous work has demonstrated the importance of genetic factors and stress-sensitive circuits in the development of affective disorders. Anxiety and numerous psychological disorders are comorbid with substance abuse, and noradrenergic signaling in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is thought to be a source of this convergence. Here, we examined the effects of different stressors on behavior and norepinephrine dynamics in the BNST of rat strains known to differ in their HPA-axis function. We compared the effects of acute morphine dependence and social isolation in non-anxious Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, and a depression model, Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. We found a shared phenotype in drug-dependent and singly housed SD rats, characterized by slowed norepinephrine clearance, decreased autoreceptor function, and elevated anxiety. WKY rats exhibited changes in anxiety and autoreceptor function only following morphine dependence. To ascertain the influence of LC inhibition on this plasticity, we administered the LC-terminal-selective toxin DSP-4 to SD and WKY rats. DSP-4-treated SD rats demonstrated a dependence-like phenotype, whereas WKY rats were unchanged. Overall, our findings suggest that individuals with varying stress susceptibilities have different noradrenergic signaling changes in response to stress. These changes may establish conditions that favor stress-induced reinstatement and increase the risk for addiction