2,449 research outputs found

    Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposures - Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond

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    This year marks the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the first time humans set foot on the Moon. The Apollo missions not only help answer questions related to our solar system, they also highlight many hazards associated with human space travel. One major concern is the effect of extraterrestrial dust on astronaut health. In an effort to expand upon previous work indicating lunar dust is respirable and reactive, the authors initiated an extensive study evaluating the role of a particulates innate geochemical features (e.g., bulk chemistry, internal composition, morphology, size, and reactivity) in generating adverse toxicological responses in vitro and in vivo. To allow for a broader planetary and geochemical assessment, seven samples were evaluated: six meteorites from either the Moon, Mars, or Asteroid 4 Vesta and a terrestrial basalt analogue. Even with the relatively small geochemical differences (all samples basaltic in nature), significant difference in cardiopulmonary inflammatory markers developed in both single exposure and multiple exposure studies. More specifically: 1) the single exposure studies reveal relationships between toxicity and a meteorite samples origin, its pre-ejected state (weathered versus un-weathered), and geochemical features (e.g. bulk iron content) and 2) multiple exposure studies reveal a correlation with particle derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and neutrophil infiltration. Extended human exploration will further increase the probability of inadvertent and repeated exposures to extraterrestrial dusts. This comprehensive dataset allows for not only the toxicological evaluation of extraterrestrial materials but also clarifies important correlations between geochemistry and health. The utilization of an array of extraterrestrial samples from Moon, Mars, and asteroid 4Vesta will enable the development of a geochemical based toxicological hazard model that can be used for: 1) mission planning, 2) rapid risk assessment in cases of unexpected exposures, and 3) evaluation of the efficacy of various in situ techniques in gauging surface dust toxicity. Furthermore, by better understanding the importance of geochemical features on exposure related health outcomes in space, it is possible to better understand of the deleterious nature of dust exposure on Earth

    Artemis Curation: Preparing for Sample Return from the Lunar South Pole

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    Space Policy Directive-1 mandates that the United States will lead the return of humans to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, followed by human missions to Mars and other destinations. In addition, the Vice President stated that It is the stated policy of this administration and the United States of America to return American astronauts to the Moon within the next five years, that is, by 2024. These efforts, under the umbrella of the recently formed Artemis Program, include such historic goals as the flight of the first woman to the Moon and the exploration of the lunar south-polar region. Among the top priorities of the Artemis Program is the return of a suite of geologic samples, providing new and significant opportunities for progressing lunar science and human exploration. In particular, successful sample return is necessary for understanding the history of volatiles in the Solar System and the evolution of the Earth-Moon system, fully constraining the hazards of the lunar polar environment for astronauts, and providing the necessary data for constraining the abundance and distribution of resources for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). Here we summarize the ef-forts of the Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office (hereafter referred to as the Curation Office) to ensure the success of Artemis sample return (per NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 7100.10E)

    Aubrite and Enstatite Chondrite Impact Melt Meteorites: Analogs to Mercury?

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    New data obtained during the MESSENGER mission has allowed us to better contrain the composition and mineralogy of the mercurian surface. One unique feature of Mercury is its extremely low oxygen fugacity (O2) (Iron Wustite (IW) -7.3 to IW-2.6). At such extreme conditions, elements that exhibit lithophile behavior on Earth can exhibit chalcophile or siderophile behavior, leading to the formation of exotic sulfides and metals. As no samples have been returned from Mercury, it is critical to study meteorite analogs to better under-stand the formation conditions of the minerals present at the mercurian surface, as well as mercurian magmatic processes. Given the low fO2 on Mercury, we have selected to investigate potential meteoritic analogs for Mercury among the most reduced meteorite types, including the aubrites and enstatite chondrite impact melts. The aubrites are differentiated meteorites that show varying degrees of brecciation, have a similar O2 to the mercurian surface and interior, and contain exotic sulfides that have been inferred to be present on the mercurian surface. The enstatite chondrite impact melts are from undifferentiated parent bodies, have a similar O2 to the mercurian surface and interior, and contain exotic sulfides that have been inferred to be present on the mercurian surface. In this study, we present a comprehensive analysis of a representative suite of aubrites and enstatite chondrite impact melts and assess their relevance to under-standing magmatic processes on Mercury

    Mercury Exploration: Looking to the Future

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    Prior to the return of data from the NASA MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft], information relating to Mercury was limited. From the NASA Mariner 10 flybys, in 1974 and 1975, ~45% of the planet was imaged, its magnetic field was detected, H, He, and O in the exosphere were measured, and other physical characteristics of the planet were determined. Despite these data, much information about Mercury still had to be inferred. It was over 30 years before MESSENGER provided the first in-depth study of the innermost planet. Orbiting Mercury from 2011 to 2015, the MESSENGER spacecraft was able to image the entirety of the planet and thus provide the first global view of Mercury. Coupling multispectral images with data from MESSENGER geochemical instruments, we have developed a better understanding of the geochemical terranes on the planet and the unique nature of Mercurys composition compared to the other terrestrial planets. MESSENGER also provided data that have led to great advancements in understanding the internal structure, exosphere, and magnetosphere of Mercury. The treasure trove of MESSENGER data reveal Mercury as a geochemical end-member among the terrestrial planets. However, we are left with many questions that can only be answered with further exploration

    The Geochemistry of Aubrites: Investigating Reduced Parent Bodies

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    The aubrites (~30 known meteorites) are a unique group of differentiated meteorites that formed on asteroids with oxygen fugacities (O2) from ~2 to ~6 log units below the iron-wstite buffer [12]. At these highly reduced conditions, elements deviate from the geochemical behavior exhibited at terrestrial O2, forming FeO-poor silicates, Si-bearing metals, and exotic sulfides [3]. Here we examine the 3D mineralogy and the geochemistry of fourteen aubrites, including mineral major element compositions, bulk-rock compositions, and oxygen isotopic compositions to understand their formation and evolution at extreme O2 conditions. While previous studies have described the petrology and 2D modal abundances of aubrites, this work investigates the 3D modal mineralogies of silicate, metal, and sulfide phases in aubrite samples, which are then com-pared to the available 2D data. We utilize X-ray computed tomography (XCT) to non-destructively analyze the distribution and abundances of mineral phases in aubrites and locate composite clasts of sulfide grains for future analysis

    Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures - Implications for Human Space Exploration

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    New initiatives to begin Lunar and Martian human surface operations within the next few decades are illustrative of the resurgence of interest in human space exploration. However, as with all exploration, there are risks. The previous manned missions to the Moon highlight a major hazard for future human exploration of the Moon and beyond: surface dust. Not only did the dust cause mechanical and structural integrity issues with the suits, the dust 'storm' generated upon reentrance into the crew cabin caused "lunar hay fever" and "almost blindness.". It was further reported that the allergic response to the dust worsened with each exposure. Due to the prevalence of these high exposures, the Human Research Roadmap developed by NASA identifies the Risk of Adverse Health and Performance Effects of Celestial Dust Exposure as an area of concern

    Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures - Implications for Human Space Exploration

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    New initiatives to send humans to Mars within the next few decades are illustrative of the resurgence of interest in space travel. However, as with all exploration, there are risks. The Human Research Roadmap developed by NASA identifies the Risk of Adverse Health and Performance Effects of Celestial Dust Exposure as an area of concern. Extended human exploration will further increase the probability of inadvertent and repeated exposures to celestial dusts

    Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures - to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures - Exploration

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    New initiatives to begin lunar and martian colonization within the next few decades are illustrative of the resurgence of interest in space travel. One of NASA's major concerns with extended human space exploration is the inadvertent and repeated exposure to unknown dust. This highly interdisciplinary study evaluates both the geochemical reactivity (e.g. iron solubility and acellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation) and the relative toxicity (e.g. in vitro and in vivo pulmonary inflammation) of six meteorite samples representing either basalt or regolith breccia on the surface of the Moon, Mars, and Asteroid 4Vesta. Terrestrial mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) is also used for comparison. The MORB demonstrated higher geochemical reactivity than most of the meteorite samples but caused the lowest acute pulmonary inflammation (API). Notably, the two martian meteorites generated some of the highest API but only the basaltic sample is significantly reactive geochemically. Furthermore, while there is a correlation between a meteorite's soluble iron content and its ability to generate acellular ROS, there is no direct correlation between a particle's ability to generate ROS acellularly and its ability to generate API. However, assorted in vivo API markers did demonstrate strong positive correlations with increasing bulk Fenton metal content. In summary, this comprehensive dataset allows for not only the toxicological evaluation of astromaterials but also clarifies important correlations between geochemistry and health

    Student Satisfaction and Performance in an Online Teacher Certification Program

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    The article presents a study which demonstrates the effectiveness of an online post baccalaureate teacher certification program developed by a Wisconsin university. The case method approach employing multiple methods and multiple data sources were used to investigate the degree to which pre-service teachers were prepared to teach. It was concluded that the study supports online delivery as an effective means of teacher preparation, but it was limited in the number of students followed into their first year of teaching
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