117 research outputs found

    Crowdsourced Rumour Identification During Emergencies

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    When a significant event occurs, many social media users leverage platforms such as Twitter to track that event. Moreover, emergency response agencies are increasingly looking to social media as a source of real-time information about such events. However, false information and rumours are often spread during such events, which can influence public opinion and limit the usefulness of social media for emergency management. In this paper, we present an initial study into rumour identification during emergencies using crowdsourcing. In particular, through an analysis of three tweet datasets relating to emergency events from 2014, we propose a taxonomy of tweets relating to rumours. We then perform a crowdsourced labeling experiment to determine whether crowd assessors can identify rumour-related tweets and where such labeling can fail. Our results show that overall, agreement over the tweet labels produced were high (0.7634 Fleiss Kappa), indicating that crowd-based rumour labeling is possible. However, not all tweets are of equal difficulty to assess. Indeed, we show that tweets containing disputed/controversial information tend to be some of the most difficult to identify

    A Study of Realtime Summarization Metrics

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    Unexpected news events, such as natural disasters or other human tragedies, create a large volume of dynamic text data from official news media as well as less formal social media. Automatic real-time text summarization has become an important tool for quickly transforming this overabundance of text into clear, useful information for end-users including affected individuals, crisis responders, and interested third parties. Despite the importance of real-time summarization systems, their evaluation is not well understood as classic methods for text summarization are inappropriate for real-time and streaming conditions. The TREC 2013-2015 Temporal Summarization (TREC-TS) track was one of the first evaluation campaigns to tackle the challenges of real-time summarization evaluation, introducing new metrics, ground-truth generation methodology and dataset. In this paper, we present a study of TREC-TS track evaluation methodology, with the aim of documenting its design, analyzing its effectiveness, as well as identifying improvements and best practices for the evaluation of temporal summarization systems

    Explicit diversification of event aspects for temporal summarization

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    During major events, such as emergencies and disasters, a large volume of information is reported on newswire and social media platforms. Temporal summarization (TS) approaches are used to automatically produce concise overviews of such events by extracting text snippets from related articles over time. Current TS approaches rely on a combination of event relevance and textual novelty for snippet selection. However, for events that span multiple days, textual novelty is often a poor criterion for selecting snippets, since many snippets are textually unique but are semantically redundant or non-informative. In this article, we propose a framework for the diversification of snippets using explicit event aspects, building on recent works in search result diversification. In particular, we first propose two techniques to identify explicit aspects that a user might want to see covered in a summary for different types of event. We then extend a state-of-the-art explicit diversification framework to maximize the coverage of these aspects when selecting summary snippets for unseen events. Through experimentation over the TREC TS 2013, 2014, and 2015 datasets, we show that explicit diversification for temporal summarization significantly outperforms classical novelty-based diversification, as the use of explicit event aspects reduces the amount of redundant and off-topic snippets returned, while also increasing summary timeliness

    On the Reproducibility and Generalisation of the Linear Transformation of Word Embeddings

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    Linear transformation is a way to learn a linear relationship between two word embeddings, such that words in the two different embedding spaces can be semantically related. In this paper, we examine the reproducibility and generalisation of the linear transformation of word embeddings. Linear transformation is particularly useful when translating word embedding models in different languages, since it can capture the semantic relationships between two models. We first reproduce two linear transformation approaches, a recent one using orthogonal transformation and the original one using simple matrix transformation. Previous findings on a machine translation task are re-examined, validating that linear transformation is indeed an effective way to transform word embedding models in different languages. In particular, we show that the orthogonal transformation can better relate the different embedding models. Following the verification of previous findings, we then study the generalisation of linear transformation in a multi-language Twitter election classification task. We observe that the orthogonal transformation outperforms the matrix transformation. In particular, it significantly outperforms the random classifier by at least 10% under the F1 metric across English and Spanish datasets. In addition, we also provide best practices when using linear transformation for multi-language Twitter election classification

    Scalable distributed event detection for Twitter

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    Social media streams, such as Twitter, have shown themselves to be useful sources of real-time information about what is happening in the world. Automatic detection and tracking of events identified in these streams have a variety of real-world applications, e.g. identifying and automatically reporting road accidents for emergency services. However, to be useful, events need to be identified within the stream with a very low latency. This is challenging due to the high volume of posts within these social streams. In this paper, we propose a novel event detection approach that can both effectively detect events within social streams like Twitter and can scale to thousands of posts every second. Through experimentation on a large Twitter dataset, we show that our approach can process the equivalent to the full Twitter Firehose stream, while maintaining event detection accuracy and outperforming an alternative distributed event detection system

    On Refining Twitter Lists as Ground Truth Data for Multi-Community User Classification

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    To help scholars and businesses understand and analyse Twitter users, it is useful to have classifiers that can identify the communities that a given user belongs to, e.g. business or politics. Obtaining high quality training data is an important step towards producing an effective multi-community classifier. An efficient approach for creating such ground truth data is to extract users from existing public Twitter lists, where those lists represent different communities, e.g. a list of journalists. However, ground truth datasets obtained using such lists can be noisy, since not all users that belong to a community are good training examples for that community. In this paper, we conduct a thorough failure analysis of a ground truth dataset generated using Twitter lists. We discuss how some categories of users collected from these Twitter public lists could negatively affect the classification performance and therefore should not be used for training. Through experiments with 3 classifiers and 5 communities, we show that removing ambiguous users based on their tweets and profile can indeed result in a 10% increase in F1 performance

    Can twitter replace newswire for breaking news?

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    Twitter is often considered to be a useful source of real-time news, potentially replacing newswire for this purpose. But is this true? In this paper, we examine the extent to which news reporting in newswire and Twitter overlap and whether Twitter often reports news faster than traditional newswire providers. In particular, we analyse 77 days worth of tweet and newswire articles with respect to both manually identified major news events and larger volumes of automatically identified news events. Our results indicate that Twitter reports the same events as newswire providers, in addition to a long tail of minor events ignored by mainstream media. However, contrary to popular belief, neither stream leads the other when dealing with major news events, indicating that the value that Twitter can bring in a news setting comes predominantly from increased event coverage, not timeliness of reporting

    News vertical search using user-generated content

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    The thesis investigates how content produced by end-users on the World Wide Web — referred to as user-generated content — can enhance the news vertical aspect of a universal Web search engine, such that news-related queries can be satisfied more accurately, comprehensively and in a more timely manner. We propose a news search framework to describe the news vertical aspect of a universal web search engine. This framework is comprised of four components, each providing a different piece of functionality. The Top Events Identification component identifies the most important events that are happening at any given moment using discussion in user-generated content streams. The News Query Classification component classifies incoming queries as news-related or not in real-time. The Ranking News-Related Content component finds and ranks relevant content for news-related user queries from multiple streams of news and user-generated content. Finally, the News-Related Content Integration component merges the previously ranked content for the user query into theWeb search ranking. In this thesis, we argue that user-generated content can be leveraged in one or more of these components to better satisfy news-related user queries. Potential enhancements include the faster identification of news queries relating to breaking news events, more accurate classification of news-related queries, increased coverage of the events searched for by the user or increased freshness in the results returned. Approaches to tackle each of the four components of the news search framework are proposed, which aim to leverage user-generated content. Together, these approaches form the news vertical component of a universal Web search engine. Each approach proposed for a component is thoroughly evaluated using one or more datasets developed for that component. Conclusions are derived concerning whether the use of user-generated content enhances the component in question using an appropriate measure, namely: effectiveness when ranking events by their current importance/newsworthiness for the Top Events Identification component; classification accuracy over different types of query for the News Query Classification component; relevance of the documents returned for the Ranking News-Related Content component; and end-user preference for rankings integrating user-generated content in comparison to the unalteredWeb search ranking for the News-Related Content Integration component. Analysis of the proposed approaches themselves, the effective settings for the deployment of those approaches and insights into their behaviour are also discussed. In particular, the evaluation of the Top Events Identification component examines how effectively events — represented by newswire articles — can be ranked by their importance using two different streams of user-generated content, namely blog posts and Twitter tweets. Evaluation of the proposed approaches for this component indicates that blog posts are an effective source of evidence to use when ranking events and that these approaches achieve state-of-the-art effectiveness. Using the same approaches instead driven by a stream of tweets, provide a story ranking performance that is significantly more effective than random, but is not consistent across all of the datasets and approaches tested. Insights are provided into the reasons for this with regard to the transient nature of discussion in Twitter. Through the evaluation of the News Query Classification component, we show that the use of timely features extracted from different news and user-generated content sources can increase the accuracy of news query classification over relying upon newswire provider streams alone. Evidence also suggests that the usefulness of the user-generated content sources varies as news events mature, with some sources becoming more influential over time as new content is published, leading to an upward trend in classification accuracy. The Ranking News-Related Content component evaluation investigates how to effectively rank content from the blogosphere and Twitter for news-related user queries. Of the approaches tested, we show that learning to rank approaches using features specific to blog posts/tweets lead to state-of-the-art ranking effectiveness under real-time constraints. Finally this thesis demonstrates that the majority of end-users prefer rankings integrated with usergenerated content for news-related queries to rankings containing only Web search results or integrated with only newswire articles. Of the user-generated content sources tested, the most popular source is shown to be Twitter, particularly for queries relating to breaking events. The central contributions of this thesis are the introduction of a news search framework, the approaches to tackle each of the four components of the framework that integrate user-generated content and their subsequent evaluation in a simulated real-time setting. This thesis draws insights from a broad range of experiments spanning the entire search process for news-related queries. The experiments reported in this thesis demonstrate the potential and scope for enhancements that can be brought about by the leverage of user-generated content for real-time news search and related applications

    Incident Streams 2019: Actionable Insights and How to Find Them

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    The ubiquity of mobile internet-enabled devices combined with wide-spread social media use during emergencies is posing new challenges for response personnel. In particular, service operators are now expected to monitor these online channels to extract actionable insights and answer questions from the public. A lack of adequate tools makes this monitoring impractical at the scale of many emergencies. The TREC Incident Streams (TREC-IS) track drives research into solving this technology gap by bringing together academia and industry to develop techniques for extracting actionable insights from social media streams during emergencies. This paper covers the second year of TREC-IS, hosted in 2019 with two editions, 2019-A and 2019-B, contributing 12 new events and approximately 20,000 new tweets across 25 information categories, with 15 research groups participating across the world. This paper provides an overview of these new editions, actionable insights from data labelling, and the automated techniques employed by participant systems that appear most effective

    TREC Incident Streams: Finding Actionable Information on Social Media

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    The Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) Incident Streams track is a new initiative that aims to mature social media-based emergency response technology. This initiative advances the state of the art in this area through an evaluation challenge, which attracts researchers and developers from across the globe. The 2018 edition of the track provides a standardized evaluation methodology, an ontology of emergency-relevant social media information types, proposes a scale for information criticality, and releases a dataset containing fifteen test events and approximately 20,000 labeled tweets. Analysis of this dataset reveals a significant amount of actionable information on social media during emergencies (> 10%). While this data is valuable for emergency response efforts, analysis of the 39 state-of-the-art systems demonstrate a performance gap in identifying this data. We therefore find the current state-of-the-art is insufficient for emergency responders’ requirements, particularly for rare actionable information for which there is little prior training data available
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