34 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal history of the Long Valley Caldera, California: Life after collapse

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1995Drilling of the Long Valley Exploratory Well (LVEW) on the resurgent dome in the 760 ka Long Valley Caldera opened a window to view the geologic history of the central caldera. Stratigraphic relationships indicate piston/cylinder (Valles-type) collapse for this caldera, and a resurgent structure intimately linked to post-caldera-collapse rhyolitic intrusions. Samples recovered from this and other wells proximal to the resurgent dome were characterized through isotope microanalytical techniques, petrographic and microprobe study, and analysis of fluid inclusions within alteration minerals. This work revealed the complexity of primary magmatic and secondary hydrothermal activity involved in the formation of a resurgent dome. Measurements of the \rm\delta\sp{18}O composition of silicate components forming the intracaldera lithologies display disequilibrium within samples as a result of variable exchange with hydrothermal fluids. A maximum calculated temperature of 350\sp\circ\rm C at 1800 m depth in LVEW indicates paleohydrothermal temperatures exceeded the known present-day hydrothermal conditions by more than 100\sp\circ\rm C. Contouring of \rm\delta\sp{18}O values from wells on a line crossing the caldera define a pattern of convective flow with upwelling beneath the resurgent dome. Although surface volcanism at the LVEW site ended about 650 ka, laser probe \rm\sp{40}Ar/\sp{39}Ar microanalysis of samples from sill-like intrusions into the intracaldera ignimbrite reveals intrusive events at ∼650{\sim}650 ka, ∼450{\sim}450 ka, and ∼350{\sim}350 ka. Sanidine phenocrysts from the Bishop Tuff at 1772 and 1792 m depths and whole rock samples of the Mesozoic metavolcanic basement rocks at 1957 m depth record times of disturbance by hydrothermal pulses at ∼530{\sim}530 ka and ∼350{\sim}350 ka. Repeated emplacement of intrusions into the centrally located caldera ignimbrite was a primary process of resurgence. In turn, the feeders for the intrusions and the intrusions themselves supplied heat for resurgent-dome-centered hydrothermal flow. After approximately 300 ka, all activity shut off in the central caldera only to resume at ∼40{\sim}40 ka in response to renewed Holocene volcanic activity in the West Moat. Geophysical evidence of recent intrusive activity beneath the resurgent dome indicates this shallow magma emplacement mechanism is not totally extinct in the central caldera. Most likely a new cycle of volcanism and hydrothermal circulation is underway as the caldera matures

    The AGeS2 (Awards for Geochronology Student research 2) Program: Supporting Community Geochronology Needs and Interdisciplinary Science

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    Geochronology is essential in the geosciences. It is used to resolve the durations and rates of earth processes, as well as test causative relationships among events. Such data are increasingly required to conduct cutting-edge, transformative, earth-science research. The growing need for geochronology is accompanied by strong demand to enhance the ability of labs to meet this pressure and to increase community awareness of how these data are produced and interpreted. For example, a 2015 National Science Foundation (NSF) report on opportunities and challenges for U.S. geochronology research noted: While there has never been a time when users have had greater access to geo-chronologic data, they remain, by and large, dissatisfied with the available style/ quantity/cost/efficiency (Harrison et al., 2015, p. 1). And the 2012 National Research Council NROES (New Research Opportunities in the Earth Sciences) report (Lay et al., 2012, p. 82) recommended: [NSF] EAR should explore new mechanisms for geochronology laboratories that will service the geochronology requirements of the broad suite of research opportunities while sustaining technical advances in methodologies. The AGeS (Awards for Geochronology Student research) program is one way that these calls are being answered

    NASA's Virtual Product Laboratory: An Overview

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    The Virtual Product Laboratory (VPL) developed by NASA's Commercial Remote Sensing Program at the John C. Stennis Space Center is a tool that enables simulation, design, and verification of remote sensing systems within a software (virtual) environment. The VPL can serve industry, government, and university communities by providing a means to conduct system trade studies, optimization, visual modeling, and data product simulations entirely in a virtual environment. The VPL can serve as a complete end-to-end simulation tool capable of producing system and subsystem performance characterizations, system optimization, and simulated data products or as a means of evaluating any one component of a remote sensing system. In this paper, we present an overview of the VPL capabilities. The VPL functional areas include Requirements, Design & Analysis, Simulation, Project Management, Knowledge Base, and Help. A description of each function along with the tools and techniques used to accomplish these functions will be provided. When possible, sample VPL displays and products will be used in the presentation