34 research outputs found

    Using Photovoice in PETE Programs to Initiate Positive Change

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    The purpose of this presentation will be to provide teacher educators with an overview of the Photovoice methodology and its potential utility in curricular change. The National Association for Sport and Physical Education’s ([NASPE], 2008) PETE standards state educators should allow diversity to drive instructional related decision-making. Photovoice, a participatory action research methodology, is a tool teacher educators can use to be responsive to the continuously changing contexts of public schools

    The Personalized System of Instruction in Fitness Education

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    This article was published in Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance

    Action Research in Graduate and Undergraduate PETE Programs

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    This presentation was given at the National Association for Sport and Physical Education Teacher Education Conference

    Enhancing Reflectivity in Undergraduate Allied Health Majors

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    Reflectivity is vital in comprehensive teaching/learning experiences. The authors describe the effective use of teaching strategies designed to enhance reflectivity in undergraduate allied health majors. Discussion of threading reflectivity through university curriculum is presented, beginning with core courses such as Human Anatomy and Physiology. The continued use of reflective teaching/learning practices is carried into specific allied health programs (Mental Health Nursing and Health and Physical Education) to illustrate further development of professional health provider skills. Various teaching strategies are described to illustrate how similar exercises can be used successfully across disciplines. Specific strategies include the use of case studies, metaphors, role play, and reflective journaling. Outcome measures reveal successful achievement of course objectives regardless of major field of study

    Health and Physical Activity as a Vehicle for School Improvement

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    This presentation was given at the Georgia Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Convention

    Fun Warm-Ups with Fitness and Skill

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    This presentation was given at the Georgia Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Convention

    Pump up the Heart with Aerobics

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    This presentation was given at the Share the Wealth Regional Convention

    Large Group Games: Active, Fun, and DAP

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    This presentation was given during the Georgia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Conference

    Want to Add Some Pizazz to Your Weight Training Program? Try Sport Education!

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    Weight training classes are offered in many secondary level physical education classes. The type of instruction used during weight training is crucial, ensuring students understand the content knowledge and the enjoyment weight training has to offer as a lifetime activity. By using the sport education model (SEM) in weight training classes, teachers can encourage physical activity and physical fitness and students will have a positive experience. The purpose of this paper was to provide teachers who implement weight training the steps necessary to incorporate the SEM within a weight training program