4,682 research outputs found

    The localization sequence for the algebraic K-theory of topological K-theory

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    We prove a conjecture of Rognes by establishing a localization cofiber sequence of spectra, K(Z) to K(ku) to K(KU) to Sigma K(Z), for the algebraic K-theory of topological K-theory. We deduce the existence of this sequence as a consequence of a devissage theorem identifying the K-theory of the Waldhausen category of Postnikov towers of modules over a connective A-infinity ring spectrum R with the Quillen K-theory of the abelian category of finitely generated pi_0(R)-modules.Comment: Updated final version. Small change in definition of S' construction and correction to the proof of 2.

    Description and catalog of ionospheric F-region data, Jicamarca Radar Observatory, November 1966 - April 1969

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    Equatorial ionospheric F-region data reduced from the Jicamarca Radar Observatory (JRO) incoherent scatter observations for particular periods is described. It lists in catalog form the times of the observations made during those periods. These F-region data include the electron concentration and the electron and ion temperatures. The data were inferred from the incoherent scatter observations of JRO

    Story structure and age effects on children\u27s ability to sequence stories

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    To investigate the strategies children use in comprehending written stories, third, sixth, and ninth grade students were given scrambled six-sentence stories and asked to reorder them. Three versions of each of six stories were created. The first version was the canonical form of the story predicted by story grammar rules; the second version began with a sentence which questioned the conclusion of the canonical form; and in the third this conclusion began the story. Significant effects of grade and structure indicated that the canonical form was more easily ordered than were the other structures, and also that third grade students were less accurate at the task than were sixth or ninth grade students. These effects were shown for pairwise and completely correct orderings and for a confidence-rating measure. Additionally, children were shown to use an event-sequence strategy and to attend to various surface text features. However, the results suggested that the deep structure (story grammar structure) was of much greater importance in comprehension than were features of surface structure

    Evaluation of Materials and Concepts for Aircraft Fire Protection

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    Woven fiberglass fluted-core simulated aircraft interior panels were flame tested and structurally evaluated against the Boeing 747 present baseline interior panels. The NASA-defined panels, though inferior on a strength-to-weight basis, showed better structural integrity after flame testing, due to the woven fiberglass structure

    Planting Date Effects on Yield and Grain Composition of High Oil Corn

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    TopCross Blend® high oil corn blends have added a new dimension to the specialty grain market. Producers have been able to utilize the higher oil content of the grain for their own livestock operations or contract their grain for a premium price. Little is known about the effects of cultural agronomic practices on the grain composition of high oil corn, particularly how the percentage of oil is affected. As a result, research is needed to evaluate the effects of planting date and to determine if there is a limited period in which high oil corn can be planted without detrimental effects. During the 2000 and 2001 growing seasons, the effects of planting date were evaluated in this study, which was conducted concurrently at two other university research farms