1,131 research outputs found

    The Effects of a Multimodality Approach on Sentence Production using Response Elaboration Training with a Reading Component on Aphasic Patients.

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    The effects of a multimodality treatment were investigated using a single subject experimental design across behaviors in two patients with different severity levels of Broca\u27s aphasia. We hypothesized that Response Elaboration Training and an oral reading task would improve accuracy of sentence production, information content, and mean length of utterance. Results indicated that this treatment approach elicited significant improvement in the accuracy of sentence production and information content in the participant with very mild Broca\u27s aphasia. Furthermore, the participant with severe Broca\u27s aphasia demonstrated a very significant improvement in information content and mean length of utterance. The improvements support the idea that the same treatment may be used for individuals with various levels of ability as long as appropriate aspects of language are monitored for each client

    Alendronate Can Improve Bone Alterations in Experimental Diabetes by Preventing Antiosteogenic, Antichondrogenic, and Proadipocytic Effects of AGEs on Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells

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    Bisphosphonates such as alendronate are antiosteoporotic drugs that inhibit the activity of bone-resorbing osteoclasts and secondarily promote osteoblastic function. Diabetes increases bone-matrix-associated advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that impair bone marrow progenitor cell (BMPC) osteogenic potential and decrease bone quality. Here we investigated the in vitro effect of alendronate and/or AGEs on the osteoblastogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic potential of BMPC isolated from nondiabetic untreated rats. We also evaluated the in vivo effect of alendronate (administered orally to rats with insulin-deficient Diabetes) on long-bone microarchitecture and BMPC multilineage potential. In vitro, the osteogenesis (Runx2, alkaline phosphatase, type 1 collagen, and mineralization) and chondrogenesis (glycosaminoglycan production) of BMPC were both decreased by AGEs, while coincubation with alendronate prevented these effects. The adipogenesis of BMPC (PPARγ, intracellular triglycerides, and lipase) was increased by AGEs, and this was prevented by coincubation with alendronate. In vivo, experimental Diabetes (a) decreased femoral trabecular bone area, osteocyte density, and osteoclastic TRAP activity; (b) increased bone marrow adiposity; and (c) deregulated BMPC phenotypic potential (increasing adipogenesis and decreasing osteogenesis and chondrogenesis). Orally administered alendronate prevented all these Diabetes-induced effects on bone. Thus, alendronate could improve bone alterations in diabetic rats by preventing the antiosteogenic, antichondrogenic, and proadipocytic effects of AGEs on BMPC.Laboratorio de Investigación en Osteopatías y Metabolismo Minera

    Landscape composition and configuration influences woodland caribou calf recruitment

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    Newfoundland woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou ) populations are in steep decline and disturbance-related habitat loss and fragmentation have been blamed for similar woodland caribou population declines across the country. Research has focused on caribou habitat selection, and there is a need for studies to focus on landscape components that can be managed, and their relationships with caribou vital rates. I quantified landscape composition and configuration within the calving/post-calving range (CPCR) of female woodland caribou belonging to six herds in Newfoundland to explore their influence on calf recruitment over four years. I identified the CPCR of radio-collared female caribou and calculated the total disturbance area (area of forest fires and area within 250m of human disturbance sources), area occupied by natural landcover types, and three fragmentation measures (effective mesh size, edge to area ratio, and fragmentation extent) for each female's CPCR, and averaging them yearly for each herd. Total disturbance area and the area occupied by mixed forests were found to have negative effects on calf recruitment, whereas no significant direct relationship was found between either of the fragmentation measures and calf recruitment. Using Information Theoretic Approach, I found that the most parsimonious model to explain variation in calf recruitment included total disturbance area, the area occupied by mixed forests and wetlands, and the edge to area ratio measure of fragmentation. The effect of total disturbance area was negative, while the effect of wetlands was positive. It appears that combining quantitative measures of disturbance-related landscape structure (i.e. composition as well as configuration) to explain variation in woodland caribou calf recruitment, or other vital rates, would improve our ability to relate scientific research findings to wildlife management and land-use issues

    Woodland caribou calf recruitment in relation to calving/post-calving landscape composition

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    Since the 1990s, Newfoundland’s woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) population has declined by an estimated 66%. Low calf recruitment has been associated to the decline, possibly triggered by increasing calf predation and/or decreasing resources. To investigate the role of landscape composition in this system, we studied the yearly (2005-2008) calving/post-calving range (CPCR) of 104 satellite-collared females belonging to six herds. We mapped nine disturbance factors (e.g. roads, logging, etc), as well as vegetation cover types (e.g. coniferous, deciduous forests, etc), and determined the total area they occupied within CPCRs yearly for each herd. Using an information theoretic approach, we assessed the model that best explained variation in recruitment using these components. Based on corrected Akaike Information Criterion, the model that best explained variation in calf recruitment included total disturbance and deciduous forest area, both showing the expected negative relationship with calf recruitment. Other landscape variables among the models with ΔAICc < 2 were mixed forest, also with a suggested negative relationship, and barrens and wetlands with a significant positive trend. This study highlights the need to minimize total disturbance footprint and account for resulting changes in forest composition within CPCRs during land use planning. Expanding forestry operations and road infrastructure in critical woodland caribou habitat across Canada may additionally contribute to habitat loss via fragmentation. This in turn, may lead to range recession beyond the initial local avoidance footprint. We see the possibility of using calf recruitment models based on landscape parameters, among others, to predict the impact of new industrial developments on calf recruitment

    A Long Way in a Short Time: States' Progress on Health Care Coverage and Access, 2013-2015

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    Issue: The Affordable Care Actís policy reforms sought to expand health insurance coverage and make health care more affordable. As the nation prepares for policy changes under a new administration, we assess recent gains and challenges.Goal: To compare access to affordable health care across the U.S. between 2013 and 2015. Methods: Analysis of most recent publicly available data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.Key findings and conclusions: Between 2013 and 2015, uninsured rates for adults ages 19 to 64 declined in all states and by at least 3 percentage points in 48 states and the District of Columbia. For children, uninsured rates declined by at least 2 percentage points in 28 states. The share of adults age 18 and older who reported forgoing a visit to the doctor when needed because of costs dropped by at least 2 percentage points in 38 states and D.C. In contrast, there was little progress in expanding access to dental care for adults, which is not a required benefit under the ACA. These findings illustrate the impact that policy can have on access to care and offer a focal point for assessing future policy changes

    Resistance as representation. ARGRA photography: 1981-1989-2005

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    Iniciamos este trabajo desde una primera perspectiva: considerar la fotografía como un documento, como una huella que nos permite, desde el presente, abordar los vestigios del pasado. Entendemos que las fotografías funcionan como modos y como operaciones de resistencia que se manifiestan en las formas de representación de la imagen. Seleccionamos tres imágenes pertenecientes al archivo de la Asociación de Reporteros Gráficos de la República Argentina (ARGRA) en las que percibimos un acto de resistencia. Cada imagen formó parte de un cuerpo de fotografías exhibido en las muestras que la ARGRA lleva a cabo, año tras año, desde 1981. Las fotografías seleccionadas son UNESCO 1979, de Aldo Amura, perteneciente a la exposición de 1981; Testigo de un ajuste, de Jorge E. Sánchez, expuesta en 1989 y Hospital en paro, de Federico Guastavino, presentada en 2005.We started this work with the initial aim of considering photography as a document, as a track that allows us to deal with the past from the present times. We understand that photographs work as modes and operations of resistance that are expressed in the forms of image representation. We selected three images form the archive of the Association of Photojournalists of Argentina (ARGRA) in which we perceive an act of resistance. Each image was part of a group of photographs shown in the exhibitions that ARGRAhas been holding, year after year, since 1981. The selected photographs are UNESCO 1979, by Aldo Amura, exhibition of 1981; Testigo de un ajuste [Witness of an adjustement], by Jorge E. Sánchez, exhibited in 1989, and Hospital en paro [Hospital strike], by Federico Guastavino, presented in 2005.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Resistance as representation. ARGRA photography: 1981-1989-2005

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    Iniciamos este trabajo desde una primera perspectiva: considerar la fotografía como un documento, como una huella que nos permite, desde el presente, abordar los vestigios del pasado. Entendemos que las fotografías funcionan como modos y como operaciones de resistencia que se manifiestan en las formas de representación de la imagen. Seleccionamos tres imágenes pertenecientes al archivo de la Asociación de Reporteros Gráficos de la República Argentina (ARGRA) en las que percibimos un acto de resistencia. Cada imagen formó parte de un cuerpo de fotografías exhibido en las muestras que la ARGRA lleva a cabo, año tras año, desde 1981. Las fotografías seleccionadas son UNESCO 1979, de Aldo Amura, perteneciente a la exposición de 1981; Testigo de un ajuste, de Jorge E. Sánchez, expuesta en 1989 y Hospital en paro, de Federico Guastavino, presentada en 2005.We started this work with the initial aim of considering photography as a document, as a track that allows us to deal with the past from the present times. We understand that photographs work as modes and operations of resistance that are expressed in the forms of image representation. We selected three images form the archive of the Association of Photojournalists of Argentina (ARGRA) in which we perceive an act of resistance. Each image was part of a group of photographs shown in the exhibitions that ARGRAhas been holding, year after year, since 1981. The selected photographs are UNESCO 1979, by Aldo Amura, exhibition of 1981; Testigo de un ajuste [Witness of an adjustement], by Jorge E. Sánchez, exhibited in 1989, and Hospital en paro [Hospital strike], by Federico Guastavino, presented in 2005.Facultad de Bellas Arte