9,052 research outputs found

    Fundamental Properties of Intensity, Form, and Motion Perception in the Visual Nervous Systems of Calliphora phaenicia and Musca domestica

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    Several classes of interneurons in the optic lobes and brain of the insects, Musca domestica and Calliphora phaenicia, have been studied in detail. Visual stimuli have been categorized on the basis of the properties of intensity, form, and motion. Response characteristics of the classes of neural units are described with respect to these three classes of visual stimuli. While those units that detect motion in select directions have a tonic response, form detection units have a phasic response only. Through correlation of the responses of these classes with visual stimuli, it is shown that these units integrate the responses of other units which have very small visual fields. The small-field units are presumed to integrate the output of a small group of adjacent retinula cells and to respond differentially to intensity, form, and motion. It is shown that the response of both form and motion detection units is independent of the direction of pattern intensity gradation. As a consequence of this independence, it is further shown that failure to detect motion properly must start at a spatial wavelength four times the effective sampling station spacing rather than twice as has been predicted previously

    Impact on maternity professionals of novel approaches to clinical audit feedback

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    We compared three approaches to feedback of clinical audit findings relating to miscarriage in 15 Scottish maternity services (printed report alone; report plus Action Planning Letter; report plus face-to-face Facilitated Action Planning). We surveyed clinicians to measure Theory of Planned Behaviour constructs (in the context of two audit criteria) before and after feedback (n=253) and assessed perceptions of the audit through in-depth interviews (n=17). Pre-feedback, clinicians had positive attitudes and strong subjective norms and intentions to comply, although perceived behavioural control was lower. Generally, positive attitudes, subjective norms and intentions increased after feedback but for one of the two criteria (providing a 7-day miscarriage service), perceived behavioural control decreased. No changes over time reached statistical significance and analysis of covariance (adjusting for pre-feedback scores) showed no consistent relationships between method of feedback and post-feedback construct scores. Interviews revealed positive perceptions of audit but frustration at lack of capacity to implement changes. While interventions which increased intensity of feedback proved feasible and acceptable to clinicians, we were unable to demonstrate that they increased intention to comply with audit criteria.This study was funded by NHS Quality Improvement Scotland

    Forward velocity effects on fan noise and the influence of inlet aeroacoustic design as measured in the NASA Ames 40 x 80 foot wind tunnel

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    The inlet radiated noise of a turbofan engine was studied. The principal research objectives were to characterize or suppress such noise with particular regard to its tonal characteristics. The major portion of this research was conducted by using ground-based static testing without simulation of aircraft forward speed or aircraft installation-related aeroacoustic effects

    Building a self-adaptive content distribution network

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    Dynamic integration of enteric neural stem cells in ex vivo organotypic colon cultures

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    Enteric neural stem cells (ENSC) have been identified as a possible treatment for enteric neuropathies. After in vivo transplantation, ENSC and their derivatives have been shown to engraft within colonic tissue, migrate and populate endogenous ganglia, and functionally integrate with the enteric nervous system. However, the mechanisms underlying the integration of donor ENSC, in recipient tissues, remain unclear. Therefore, we aimed to examine ENSC integration using an adapted ex vivo organotypic culture system. Donor ENSC were obtained from Wnt1cre/+;R26RYFP/YFP mice allowing specific labelling, selection and fate-mapping of cells. YFP+ neurospheres were transplanted to C57BL6/J (6–8-week-old) colonic tissue and maintained in organotypic culture for up to 21 days. We analysed and quantified donor cell integration within recipient tissues at 7, 14 and 21 days, along with assessing the structural and molecular consequences of ENSC integration. We found that organotypically cultured tissues were well preserved up to 21-days in ex vivo culture, which allowed for assessment of donor cell integration after transplantation. Donor ENSC-derived cells integrated across the colonic wall in a dynamic fashion, across a three-week period. Following transplantation, donor cells displayed two integrative patterns; longitudinal migration and medial invasion which allowed donor cells to populate colonic tissue. Moreover, significant remodelling of the intestinal ECM and musculature occurred upon transplantation, to facilitate donor cell integration within endogenous enteric ganglia. These results provide critical evidence on the timescale and mechanisms, which regulate donor ENSC integration, within recipient gut tissue, which are important considerations in the future clinical translation of stem cell therapies for enteric disease

    A New Protection Model for Component-Based Operating Systems

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    The patia autonomic webserver: Feasibility experimentation

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